
emotional hoe

@sehumm / sehumm.tumblr.com



missing u guys, missing exo too, missing fangirling on this site so much 


How......how did I never think of this? I know that foster parents get money for raising foster kids. How did my brain not piece together that giving that money to parents whose only sin is poverty would FIX THE FUCKING PROBLEM??


tl;dr being woke is bullshit if it’s not intersectional.

some of you might know that it takes a lot to get me mad, so something must have been really wrong to have made my blood boil like this.

earlier today on twitter, Kristen Gray, a queer black American woman tweeted to promote her eBook on moving to Bali and living her new hip, coastal life in her $400-a-month treehouse with her girlfriend– and how you fellow foreigners can have that, too, even with the current COVID restrictions (she’ll hook you up with the agency that she hired *wink wink). she raves on how cheap everything is, how LGBTQ+ friendly is, how accepting we are of black people, and just how wonderful everything is, really.

all good things, no? no.

here’s a few reasons why us Indonesians are pissed:

  • Bali is going through gentrification at an alarming rate. the average local salary is equals to $177/month(!!!) and locals are struggling to keep up with rent and bills, let alone buying property.
  • Bali is still within the red zone for COVID. as of now, hospitals are overcapacity– people line up for days to get a bed or a ventilator, and so many have died waiting.
  • let’s not forget, Indonesia overall have just reached yet another record of 12,000+ new COVID cases a day! 🎉
  • Bali, and Indonesia in general, is still homophobic as fuck. there is no law protecting LGBTQ+ rights. no political figure or party who’s openly fighting for our rights. nothing. the only reason they felt it’s queer-friendly is because they are surrounded by other expats with their precious dollars and euros. nobody poor would fuck with money. and trust me, if you’re in trouble for being queer, we’ll let you know; we’re the first ones to be fucked over.
  • Indonesia still has an ongoing case with our own black people: here’s a carrd on West Papua (spoiler alert: it ain’t pretty.)
  • Bali is NOT some magical island. It is a real place with real people and real culture and real livelihood they’re stomping on for the sake of your “escape.”

but of course, upon learning this, woke american twitter were not listening and quick to say that this is an act of oppression against a triple minority– woman, black, queer- who are simply looking for an escape.

*takes a deep breath*

i’ve always found it interesting to study about racial and identity politics (particularly in the US context) and how it may or may not be related to us all the way in Indonesia. but here’s what i learned:

the world doesn’t revolve around you. privilege and oppression in your definition may be different from ours. when kristen moved to indonesia to not be oppressed, she effectively also becomes the oppressor for taking advantage of a developing country’s poverty to achieve her fantasy high life.

if you were a guest, you don’t just barge into someone’s backyard and eat their fruit and tell your friends that we have good shit; they should come over and try it, when the host themselves can barely feed themselves with what they have left???

and look, i’m not here to compare who’s suffering more. i’m here to kindly ask you, friends from developed countries, to just be mindful wherever you go. i know that you mean well. i know that the first reflex is to defend yourself. but listen to what we are saying. we are struggling alongside you, and neither of us is more important. and i am sure we can find a way to have peace within ourselves without causing unrest to the other.



and pay your taxes legally!!! many of us r struggling to pay tax and she brag in here proudly influence other to use flaw in our system to avoid paying indo’s tax while living her dreamlife in our country. look how tone deaf her act is


Can y'all imagine how tired we, Indonesians are rn? You guys really had the audacity to mock my country and then go to Bali for a journey to find yourself 🤮🤮

And for fuck sake, I don't know how many times I have to say this, IT'S NOT ABOUT A DAMN RACE!!! We kicked so many problematic tourists ( most of them are either Australian, British or Russian," said an immigration official in Bali ) from our country, we don't fucking care about your race.

Kristen Gray moved here illegally, not paying taxes and sell a guide to encourage others to do the same.

Do you guys know how many illegal tourists in Bali? How many tourists begging locals for money because they are ran out money? How many tourists visited our country and then disrespect us?

Stop talking like you guys are the victims. Indonesia has been colonized and exploited for more than 350 years. We had enough.

Lastly, please use your goddamn brain before you tweet something like this. Please this is so embarrassing❤


stop making shows about americans in europe… try europeans in america instead. the outrage of not knowing exactly what something costs at a store,, no public transport,, everyone smiling in your face and waiters scaring you by constantly popping up at your table… ice in your water for some reason,, the kind of culture clash i want to see!!


thinking about andrew garfield and the fact that he said yes i do believe in love at first sight but i also believe that you would love absolutely anybody if you knew their story i also believe that the modern notion of romantic love is seriously misguided and it creates a lot of problems in our modern world i believe that we need to reevaluate this idea that we have of the nuclear family this idea that we have of 2.4 children this idea that we have that it’s adam and eve and not adam and steve i believe that um it’s possible for all of us to be in love all the time with ourselves and with everyone around us

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