
My life obsessions


A blog dedicated to my addictions to fantasy worlds that I wish I could live in. 18+ She/Her

“People are inherently terrible” no!!! Have you ever seen a child wait for their friend while they tie their shoelaces? Have you ever known someone who would bring hurt squirrels and rabbits and mice to the nearest vet just so it doesn’t suffer? Have you seen someone grieve? Have you ever read something that hit your heart like a freight train? Have you looked at the stars and felt an unexplainable joy? Have you ever baked bread? Have you shared a meal with a friend? Have you not seen it? All the love? All the good? I know it’s hard to see sometimes, I know there’s pain everywhere. But look, there’s a child helping another up after a hard fall. Look, there’s someone giving their umbrella to a stranger. Look, there’s someone admiring the spring flowers. Look, there’s good, there’s good, there’s good. Look!!!!


"You can't be a lurker on tumblr." Yes, you absolutely can. I've been quietly reblogging things since 2014 and I haven't interacted with anyone in years.





New fic writers: But what if I don't...Wanna live the way you live?

Veteran fic writers, 27 WIPs deep, jotting down 6 new WIP ideas they came up with in the shower, chain smoking with handrolled cigarettes using pages of their own printed fics, weeping into their laptops: Oh don't be ridiculous, Andrea, EVERYBODY wants this


Uneven Odds

Summary: The Reader is dragged into the Last of Us universe and has no choice but to watch the events unfold live in front of her or will she be able to change what was already written?

Paring: Joel Miller x Fem!Reader

Word Count: 6.1k

Warnings: Age-gap Romance, Violence, PTSD, Depression, Zombies, character death, swearing, angst, fluff, eventual SMUT, MY SCIENCE MIGHT BE WRONG, plot holes, rusty writing, alternate universe

Edited: Yes | No :(

A/N: I write?? Kind of?? Tbh, this self-indulgent for sure! We love maladaptive daydreaming :) Anyways, English isn’t my first language so please forgive me for any grammatical errors or spelling mistakes! Tbh I was just gonna write one chapter per episode but I got too excited :p 

Song: doomsday by Lizzy McAlpine

Chapter 1 -> Next Chapter | Series Masterlist (in the works!)



It’s been three years since the pandemic, COVID-19 has taken a toll on many people. Millions have died over the past few years and you were one of the lucky ones who got by, survived, and received the vaccine as soon it was available. The world slowly begins to open up and awake from its slumber during those years of uncertainty.

So what do you do now?

You work, continue with your quantum physics research and try and make sense of your life. Someday you’ll be able to be under the mercy of light to choose your fate and your need to find certainties and concrete science. For now, you enjoy the comforting sounds of characters conversing with each other.

Immediately as the show credits show, you fold your laptop close and prepare for bed. Episode 3 of the Last of Us was the most emotional so far, Bill and Frank’s story reminds you that love will transverse in every universe. With these tired eyes, you’ve seen enough for tonight. Your eyes slowly droop down and close, luring you into a deep sleep in a state of wishful thinking, hoping that you would have that kind of love in your life. But for now, the watercolor vivid dreams will suffice.


the change from tess being killed by soldiers in the game to the mob of infected coming to the capitol building and her blowing the place up while simultaneously sacrificing herself… like yes she sacrificed herself in the game but her sacrifice in the show just seems so much more meaningful now. it may just be the second episode but the show has yet again proven just how much care and heart has been put into this series. this really is a love letter to the ones who played the game and have connected with the story for all these years like myself. i’m so in love and am just so in awe of this show, it’s like i’m playing the game again for the very first time.


Okay fuck it if this post reaches 666k notes by the end of 2023 I'll practise basic self care

Why 666k? Because it's funny and impossible so good fucking luck

Well, OP, I’m officially invested in this shit. Your whiny ass is doing self care if I have to drive to your goddamn house and do it for you.

By Talos this can't be happening

reblog this everyone i wanna see what happens when op’s reverse-hubris forces them to practice basic self care.

why? because it’s funny and completely possible actually so good fucking luck op

I figured out roughly how many notes it's been getting per day and multiplied that by the number of days left until the end of 2023

If we keep it going at this rate we'll be far past 666k


Okay so clearly I've underestimated y'all

So how about we make this more interesting?

I will practise self care if this post reaches 666k BY THE END OF 2022


Op you have fuckethed with the devil this post has gained 30,000 notes since I reblogged it last night


You fucked around with the self care support squad and now you're about to find out what self care feels like. 😎


Enamored [45] - On the Edge

A.N: Last 3 chapters!❤ I hope you’ll like this one my loves, and please let me know what you think, thank you! ❤ And as always, thank you @theskytraveler for helping me with the chapter and the story❤

Summary: Gossip can be used as a weapon.

Warnings: Regency era society and social rules, mentions of sex, some gender specific language and terms.

Word Count: 7000

 You had to admit, pretending to hate your husband when both of you were in love with each other was a bit more difficult than you had thought but for the plan to work, you had to appear very convincing.

Thankfully, you had been very successful so far. In the last couple of days both of you had tricked everyone into thinking you were miserable in this marriage; having arguments each time you were within someone’s earshot, making cynical comments during dinner where staff was present, and you had even pretended to walk away from each other in a haste the moment you stepped into the park for a stroll the other day, aware of the whispers that would follow.

You were sneaking around the way you had before your wedding, and it was almost entertaining with one small exception;


Two identical infants lay in the cradle. “One you bore, the other is a Changeling. Choose wisely,” the Fae’s voice echoed from the shadows. “I’m taking both my children,” the mother said defiantly.


Once upon a time there was a peasant woman who was unhappy because she had no children. She was happy in all other things – her husband was kind and loving, and they owned their farm and had food and money enough. But she longed for children.

She went to church and prayed for a child every Sunday, but no child came. She went to every midwife and wise woman for miles around, and followed all their advice, but no child came.

So at last, though she knew of the dangers, she drew her brown woolen shawl over her head and on Midsummer’s Eve she went out to the forest, to a certain clearing, and dropped a copper penny and a lock of her hair into the old well there, and she wished for a child.

“You know,” a voice said behind her, a low and cunning voice, a voice that had a coax and a wheedle and a sly laugh all mixed up in it together, “that there will be a price to pay later.”

She did not turn to look at the creature. She knew better. “I know it,” she said, still staring into the well. “And I also know that I may set conditions.”

“That is true,” the creature said, after a moment, and there was less laugh in its voice now. It wasn’t pleased that she knew that. “What condition do you set? A boy child? A lucky one?”

“That the child will come to no harm,” she said, lifting her head to stare into the woods. “Whether I succeed in paying your price, or passing your test, or not, the child will not suffer. It will not die, or be hurt, or cursed with ill luck or any other thing. No harm of any kind.”

“Ahhhhh.” The sound was long and low, between a sigh and a hum. “Yes. That is a fair condition. Whatever price there is, whatever test there is, it will be for you and you alone.” A long, slender hand extended into her sight, almost human save for the skin, as pale a green as a new leaf. The hand held a pear, ripe and sweet, though the pears were nowhere ripe yet. “Eat this,” the voice said, and she trembled with the effort of keeping her eyes straight ahead. “All of it, on your way home. Before you enter your own gate, plant the core of it beside the gate, where the ground is soft and rich. You will have what you ask for.”


Girl Dad (Anthony Bridgerton x Reader)

A/N: Sorry i’ve been gone for a little while, i’ve had lots going on and needed a break. But I am back with more Bridgerton and other stories! Jx

When Anthony had begun to think about marriage he’d imagined he’d marry the woman who’d make the perfect Viscountess, love didn’t matter to him. But then (Y/N) had fallen into his life, quite litteraly. A story he’d one day share with his children, well his four daughters. He’d not imagined that within three years of their marriage he’d be a father to girls. The Viscount and Viscountess had yet to have an heir, but Anthony wasn’t worried.

First there had been Isabella Violet Bridgerton, now 4 , who had been born almost suspicsiouly soon from their marriage, in fact 7 months after. But no one commented on how this had come to be, after all the couple where so in love with each other and their daughter no one cared. Isabella was a thoughtful little girl, she was very serious like her father, and liked to copy his mannerisms.

Then came Esther Daphne, now 3, had followed quickly behind her older sister. While Isabella looked the spitting image of her mother, much to Anthony’s joy, Esther was a Bridgerton through and through right down to her full brown hair. She was a little bit more silly, and defintly took after her Uncle Benedict’s creative side.

Finally came the twins, Eleanor Francesca and Agnes Eloise, who both where balls of engery, so much so they’d scared off two nannies so far. Much to the annoyance of their father and the amusement of their mother.

But being father of daughters had given Anthony so much joy, he’d no longer hide in his study working through the mountains of papers. He’d much rather spend his days in the gardens running after his girls or sitting on a blanket with (Y/N) in his arms as the girls played. Or huddled in the library with them reading them stories or drawing with them.

This love for his girls had led him to the situation he was in now, (Y/N) had gone out with Daphne and his mother to get new dresses. This with the lack of Nannies currently in the Bridgerton’s lives, Anthony was in charge of his daughters.

When (Y/N) came home to a quiet house she was instantly concerned, the house was never quite anymore. She had news for her husband, she was pregnant again hopefully with a boy this time. Eventually she made her way to the nursuery, leaning on the door frame (Y/N) couldn’t help but supress laughter.

Her handsome husband was sat in a small chair with a tiny tea cup in his hands, he had one of her dressing gowns on while the girls all had their party dresses on. Clearly this tea party was serious, but at that moment (Y/N) couldn’t think of anything about how much she loved her husband in that moment.



Jester Lavorre doesn’t die. She simply doesn’t. When she’s old, she simply ascends to the status of a minor deity, residing over mischief, inappropriately timed Sendings, and if Exandria ever develops an equivalent of phones, texting.

In the year 1385 P.D, there are trickery domain clerics who follow Jester. They can use Channel Divinity to cast Sending. I can’t decide if her holy symbol would be a pair of clasped hands (like her tattoo), or a green dick (because it’s funny).

When they Commune with her, instead of a yes or no they get a 25 word answer, Jester sending style. The last words might be a bit wonky sometimes, like she got carried away and someone is counting her last words for her. As they receive these messages they usually get visions, but instead of the visions being relevant to the question, they’re usually just places she’s been/places she likes. A ship at sea on a sunny day. A strange forest that looks like it doesn’t belong on the material plane (because it doesn’t). The small room of a child, walls covered with drawings. A tastefully decorated, luxurious room that those from Nicodranas would know to recognise as that of the legendary Ruby of the Sea, now practically a shrine of its own. A roof, with a tree covered in sunlight growing from it.

Essek, the only one other than Caduceus still alive to see this change, is very amused. He visits her small temples and shrines, leaving pastries and trinkets and occasionally an elegantly drawn dick in a hidden spot, for old times’ sake. Because it would make her laugh, seeing him participate in this.

On occasion, he gets an echo of her voice in his head, giving him an update from wherever she is, a reminder that she loves him, and sometimes a string of “do do dodo” if she didn’t have enough words without it. He continues to receive those until the day he dies.

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