
A little farther, a little more

@quarra / quarra.tumblr.com

Art, fanfic, and random bullshit. Donate to my Ko-fi here!

Geologie des TertiΓ€rs Kohleschichten und Elbesand des PliozΓ€ns. AufgeschΓΌttet durch einen VorlΓ€ufer der Elbe. StrΓΆmungsmarken und StrΓΆmungsprofile eines ehemals wilden Flusses.


"Maybe I should get stuck in the Fade more often…" Rook laughs.

A protective growl claws free. Davrin pulls Rook in tighter, moving his hands to settle at the rogue's back, clutching the fabric there. He shakes his head, rasping, "Don't… don't fucking joke about that."

Rook presses his face into his shoulder and sniffs. "Sorry, force of habit."


Another illustration for @redhairedmuses, for her work in progress fic! Which btw, is going to be absolutely phenomenal. Like, seriously the snippets she has shared with me are so good already ahh


god forbid 5000 year old girls do anything

holy shit bronze age pro sheep bone gamer girl

this is hilarious but also im gonna cry like this teenage gamer died and they buried her with her high score. no one took back the pot or divided it up because no one would play against her again. her family and friends buried her with her wins. im crying


Vesuvianite from the Jeffrey Mine, QuΓ©bec, Canada.

Photo: Fabre Minerals


Just another day of showing off my new baby! πŸ’ŽπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜‚

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