
Janna's obsessions

@dead-cherry-bitch / dead-cherry-bitch.tumblr.com

Artwork and Stuff for my AO3 account

In preparation for the new episode tonight, here's Riz, Mister "Pressure is kinda my thing", trying to figure out everyone's academic future for them. Maybe I'm projecting but I need him to burn out this season... And then get a hug. Just, you know, for personal reasons.

Anyway, can we focus for a moment on that fucking face? I tried out a bunch of new brushes and for a while it looked... Rough. But I trusted the process and now I'm very happy with it.


Work is an act of love.

His dad’s words aren’t supposed to do this.

The mantra that carried Riz through the Night Yorb battle, the reminder as he plotted his friends’ academic success. He couldn’t have the right conversations with Fig about Ayda, Adaine about Aelwyn, Kristen about Cassandra—

And now Kalina is back, and that somehow feels like his fault too, but guilt is not what Riz is sitting with right now.

No, he couldn’t have the right conversations, but he kept them alive to have those conversations with one another. And through his plans for college, he will keep them together.

It’s a hard job, though. The more he works on it, the more difficult it gets. Is that how it’s supposed to go?

Not for the fucking Rat Grinders, fighting the same enemies in the woods over and over again, three hours a day, nine hours on weekends. It’s infuriating, and even more so is the fact that Riz understands it. It’s work they’re doing to keep themselves together.

Work is an act of love.

Riz sighs at the essay he’s started for Kristen. 10 pages on how she saved the world and revived a God. It would be easier to find a thesis if she had any kind of relationship with Cassandra—

But that would take too much work.

Riz loved Penny more than he loved the mystery of her, and he loves his friends more than their adventures together. His dad cracked that one; it’s not even a question for him anymore.

Work is an act of love.

Riz stops writing the essay, at least for now.

He has to give his friends a chance to love him back.


Steddie Hunger Games AU

35 times. That's how many times Eddie's name was entered into the reaping. It was a statistical wonder that he hadn't been reaped as of yet. He figured that this might be the only way in which he'd ever been lucky.

It's not like he didn't fear the games, like he didn't know the tremendous risk he put himself in each time he traded his name for more rations. Everybody knew how cruel and harrowing the hunger games were. How even the people that survived the arena, never truly escaped it.

So Eddie wasn't under any illusion that he'd be fine if he got reaped. But he also knew the alternative, he knew hunger, he knew what it felt like to be on the brink of starvation. Eddie found a way to combat that, for himself and the people he loved. The risk was worth the reward.

Still, he'd be lying if he said that he wasn't a little relieved that this would be his last reaping. So far luck had been on his side.

At this point he was more worried about Dustin, who still had several reapings ahead of him. The odds weren't that high that he'd get chosen, compared to Eddie. Since he'd taken on the responsibility of feeding his family with his additional entries, Dustin's name was added to the reaping only three times. Eddie tried to take solace in the fact that he'd made sure that Dustin wouldn't have to trade his name in the same way as Eddie had.

The younger boy was like a brother to him, in everything except for blood. Claudia Henderson had been the closest thing to a mother that Eddie knew since his own mom passed away. The two of them were his family, just as much as his uncle Wayne was and he'd taken care of them as well as he'd managed.

Now that time was coming to an end. Not to say that he wouldn't still provide for them. But now he wouldn't have to fear the games anymore. Not for himself. Dustin had another four reapings left but Eddie would make sure that the young boy wouldn't have any worse odds than the other children.

They'd be fine. Eddie had clung to that thought, all morning as they prepared and made their way over to the town square, he clung to it like a lifeline. Eddie could feel his heart race in his chest as he took his place next to Dustin in the rows upon rows of children.


after s2, steve starts getting horrible migraines, eyes get blurry out of nowhere, ears ringing. docs can only do so much, and unless he wants to go see a neurologist (which costs money that he would have to ask his parents for...no. he refuses to tell them bc it's not like they'll believe him) he's stuck with the headaches. plus, he gets this overwhelming sense of rage and dread whenever he sees billy. and while billy does leave him alone, it doesn't stop him from trash talking about him to the rest of the school. so steve is also stuck, with the pain, with the anger and dread, the night terrors he can't exactly talk about in full with dustin, no matter how much he tries to get steve to open up.

and one day, while he's eating lunch under the bleachers, not wanting to be watched by hungry, smug, or pitiful eyes, he overhears some stoners sing the praise of one eddie munson how not only does he have the best weed in town, he has "magic."

potions, witches brew, spells to get rid of chronic aches and pain, and for the right price, he can even cast curses on your enemies. the other stoner laughs and wonders if that's why the byers creep was with nancy wheeler now, and how king steve was a washed-up jock.

steve ignores the digs at himself, doesn't quite believe the "magic" rumors... but....

he knows a teenage girl who can move stuff with her mind, a kid who fed 3 musketeers to a demodog, saving their lives from being eaten. so what did steve know?

he goes to the part of the woods behind the school where he knows eddie works from. eddie watches him from the table, a hand on a metal lunchbox and just waits, leg bouncing up and down in a nervous tick. steve wishes he'd stop, the noise pounds his head like a hammer.

"well, well, to whom do I owe the pleasure of having the great steve harrington in my presence? i win the lottery somewhere?"

steve sits across from him and gets straight to the point, "i heard you do magic. is it true?"

to eddie's credit, he barely twitches a brow, the placid smile glued in place, "hmmmmm, i have been told my "medicinal herbs" can feel quite magical, i won't lie. if you're looking for something stronger than weed, though, i'm afraid you'll have to wait for tomorrow since i don't carry--"

"no, man, that's not what i meant. i've tried weed already, and it didn't work. hell, i had oxy and i wanted to scratch my eyes out, i couldn't stand it," he was beginning to sound desperate, but the pounding was getting worse, and he can tell eddie was trying to brush him off. steve leans forward, takes in a shuddering breath,

"but someone said you have magic, like potions and shit to get rid of pain. i can't sleep. every time i close my eyes i think my head is going to implode and going to school has been fucking hell. i'm a mess, munson and you're my last resort here, dude. please. please help me."

his throws his embarrassment out the window, quickly wiping at his eyes before boring them into eddie's, silently begging for eddie to believe him.

eddie, for his part, is struck with something akin to alarm, and steve's resolve is slipping the longer eddie stays silent. when it doesn't look like the guy is going to say anything, steve closes his eyes and hangs his head.

"i get it. i really get it. don't worry, i'll get out of your hair--" eddie latches onto his wrist, and when steve looks up, the concern hits him full blast.

slowly, so, achingly, achingly slowly, eddie lifts his other hand up to steve's cheek, the move making him flinch. eddie freezes, but steve, not wanting him to stop, moves his head the rest of the way. an eerie coolness from his skin gives steve instant relief, so much so that he practically drops onto the table.

eddie moves around and carefully pulls him into a half hug, steve head on his shoulder.

"holy shit, harrington. what happened to you?"

it's the first time someone has asked since '83. no longer in physical pain, all the panic, fury, and fear from the last year and a half slam him all at once and the only thing he can do is sob into eddie "the freak" munsons jacket.


Chapters: 2/? Fandom: The Bastard Son and the Devil Himself (TV), The Half Bad Trilogy - Sally Green Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Gabriel Boutin/Nathan Byrn/Annalise O'Brien, Gabriel Boutin/Nathan Byrn, Gabriel Boutin & Annalise O'Brien, Nathan Byrn/Annalise O'Brien, Gabriel Boutin & Mercury Characters: Gabriel Boutin, Nathan Byrn, Annalise O'Brien, Mercury (Half Bad Trilogy), Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: Post-Season/Series 01, Recovery, Memory Loss, Getting Together, Polyamory, Polyamory Negotiations, Past Child Abuse, Past Sexual Abuse, Platonic Soulmates, Soulmates, Post-Canon, Nightmares, Cuddling & Snuggling, Fluff and Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Past Torture, Consent Issues, Mercury is her own warning, Hurt Nathan, Gabriel is Bad at Feelings, Annalise is so done, Everyone Needs A Hug, Everyone Has Issues, Gabriel-focused Summary:

Haven't I given enough, given enough? Haven't I given enough, given enough? Haven't I given enough, given enough? Haven't I given enough, given enough? Always the fool with the slowest heart But I know you'll take me with you I know I'll take you with me


Annalise burned all bridges to her childhood. Nathan had received his gift and changed with it. And Gabriel... Gabriel was left to pick up the pieces. Now, on the run from both the Fairborn Council and Mercury he has to figure out a way to fix the other two before his own past catches up to him.

Or: the trio is on the run and as the three of them get closer, Nathan and Annalise discover more and more about Gabriel's childhood


I've got Steve Harrington feels and I need to get them out.

Like, here's the perfect guy, from the rich family, who is athletic and charming and popular and everyone loves him. But somehow he also only has two real friends? And his parents don't give a shit about him? And he dates every girl in town but never gets into a real relationship?

I can't be the only one to think that he just sounds like a deeply messed up guy who's just really good at pretending. Wasn't that what he told Nancy to do at the beginning of season 2? Pretend they're normal teenagers? I feel like that's what Steve always does. Pretend that everything is fine and nothing ever hurts him. I feel like he learned from a young age to be charming and likable because that's what his parents expected of him. And he has taken that into adulthood. He carries his charm as a shield, pretends that everything is great, that he's on top of the world.

But that's all bullshit. You're telling me that it doesn't hurt that his parents wouldn't even notice if he died? That him never bonding with any girl isn't a sign of how he can't let any of them close enough to see who he really is? That him getting KIDNAPPED AND TORTURED in season 3 didn't leave him traumatized in the slightest?!

Like, that just doesn't make any fucking sense to me. Add all that to how guilty he feels over how he behaved in high school and his borderline self-sacrificial tendencies when protecting everyone around him, and you've got a deeply fucked up little guy.

And that's what makes him my fave. Anyways, it's 2 am and I don't know what these ramblings are, but I just needed to talk about my favourite boy and how I wish there was just someone that would see through his bullshit-act, tear down his walls, make him deal with his issues and finally take care of him.

If you're into that as well, check out my fic "Cause all you've ever done is been a noose to hang onto" by Winter_Oswin on ao3


The worse this situation in Ukraine is getting the more i hate the jokes americans make about it. All of those "vladdy look at me this isn't u 🥺" "not me living through ww3" and "i don't wanna get drafted" jokes are just in bad taste to me. If it were my country, i would not want people to joke about it this way.

And i see so many of them go "well we use humor to cope" literally from what? What do you need to cope from? The traumatic event of watching the news and seeing footage of something that's happening hundreds of miles away from you? That's no different from any other war that's been happening over the last two decades though. Wars that America has very much been involved in. So why is this different to you? Because "white" countries are involved now?

Before you joke think about what you're saying. American teens and young adults are probably as far removed from this conflict as can be, which is why you find it so easy to joke about this. I have also seen brits and other west europeans make jokes so ofc americans aren't the only ones, but you are the majority. I have yet to see east europeans make jokes though. Why? Because they realize how serious this situation is and jokes don't help.

Meanwhile Ukrainians have to sit and watch their land be invaded. They are losing their homes. I stand with Ukraine 💙💛


Hi, guys!

As you may know, I am Ukrainian. I live in Kyiv. I have lived here since I was born and I love my country with my whole heart.

I see a lot of misinformation under the tag "Ukraine". Most of it comes from American people, who try to explain the conflict in their own words. They can't. It's impossible to explain if you haven't lived here. There are too many influences on this conflict. You keep looking from an american perspective, which is not crucial in understanding the conflict.

For example, have you ever had you language forbidden? Like straight up forbidden by the law? It happened to Ukrainian language a lot of times thought our history. And who did it? The Russian Empire. And it's not the end of it. The genocides, the assimilation, the deportation. Have you even researched Ukrainian history?

You do not uplift Ukrainian voices enough. And you should if you care about what's happening. If you don’t do it, you're just doing a performance of your support and activism.

Lucky for you, I am a Ukrainian person! And I am DYING TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS. I scored 191/200 points on my graduation exam in history, so you can suppose I know something about Ukrainian history.

If you stand for Ukraine, uplift Ukrainian voices. Educate yourself. Learn Ukrainian history. Ask Ukrainian people

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