
it's so cool, right?!

@emcon-imagines / emcon-imagines.tumblr.com

emcon --- she/her --- xxiii aboutlinksrules/fandoms/faqto-dorequestoc blogcheck out my poetry book?


(last updated 4 / 10 / 2022 22:25 EST)


➤ recent events in my personal life have caused my writing to slow, so apologies for sporadic posting. working through a lot of stuff IRL right now

➤ Check out my Marvel OC Story! Follow along at AO3, Wattpad, or on my OC sideblog @emcon-ocs​ - FULL STORY OUT NOW!


watching (shows):

  • Avatar: The Last Airbender (S3)
  • Agents of SHIELD (S5)
  • Star Trek (S1)
  • Cobra Kai (S1)
  • Falling Skies (S1)

just watched (movies):

  • The Batman (2022)
  • The Fallout (2022)
  • Encanto (2021)
  • Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)

listening to:


I compelled my massive fanfic project (X Marks the Spot) yesterday and now I’m sad.

I won’t do a fanfic (or anything) of that length again; but it was (and is) a capsule of my writing styles through time. I am proud of what I managed to do.

Still, is a sort of feat, even if fanfic.

AOS mutuals!!! my lovely friend Jamie just finished their Agents of SHIELD OC fic that spans ALL SEVEN SEASONS (a chapter per season!)

It's a remarkable feat and I would highly recommend it as a read for anyone who loves fics that let you travel and grow with the characters. seven seasons of content makes their OC Aaron feel like a proper character in the show and its unreal how seamlessly Aaron fits in as a member of the squad

Living on the Bus as an Agent of SHIELD (based on my own experience traveling for work) (AGENTS OF SHIELD)”
requester: N/A // a/n: yes I was inspired by my current work travels and I LOVE to think about the reality of daily Bus life haha. Yes I would be open to doing a part 2?! also yes I'm back but not really? just writing whatever i feel like tbh
  • For the first few days, you’re weirdly formal about things. You don’t want to sit on the furniture or cook or anything because like… this Bus is NICE. you sit on the floor and eat off the coffee table
  • The team is gonna see you in your pajamas. You’re gonna see the team in their pajamas. It’s gonna happen. You all are living together and there’s no way around this.
  • For the first few days, you wake up early to get ready before even leaving your bunk so that no one sees you in any sort of unpresentable shape.
  • But finally you crack because everyone is staying up late and you want to change into cozy clothes so you change into your pajamas.
  • (It’s a pair of pink Snoopy pajamas)
  • You walk back out of your bunk praying no one will notice until someone (Coulson) says “aww I like y/n’s pajamas!”
  • At night, Coulson likes to watch movies on the  briefing room screen and Skye usually joins him. The others will stop in, but they are the constant.
  • It’s the worst movies, and the weirdest shit from whatever country’s Netflix the plane is in
  • Skye also has been personally trying to mess up Coulson’s algorithm so she watches tons of random things on his accounts
  • Usually the team is drunk during these movie marathons and exhausted after a day in the field
  • Most of the time, you don’t make it through the movie—you keep nodding off halfway though
  • Or you go to your bunk, and fall asleep to the sound of a couple teammates, usually Coulson and Skye, laughing their asses off at whatever movie they put on
  • The Bus is cleaned professionally once a week when you check in on a SHIELD base, but you still find yourself cleaning up all the time because you don’t want to be the “messy” roommate
  • Ward’s the one who scares you the most when it comes to cleaning because his bunk doesn’t even look LIVED in and he always seems to witness you dropping a napkin of crumbs on the floor, or trying to silently put a plate in the sink “to soak”
  • This might be a surprise, but there isn’t a chore schedule. Chores are done as needed, and usually quickly assigned. For example, if you trained with someone, the lower ranking people just kinda… automatically clean up and put the mats away and wipe things down after
  • The dishes pile up in the sink and after a day or so, someone just does them while they’re waiting for someone in the microwave. Usually Jemma or Ward.
  • You learn everyone’s shower habits really quickly.
  • Some people (Jemma) are morning shower people, others (Fitz, Skye) are night shower people, others (Ward, May) are post-training shower people, and Coulson just tends to shower before dinner, though he uses the bathroom attached to his office
  • Coordination is key because nothing is worse than when the bathroom is still wet from the previous person 😭😭😭
  • People calling dibs after a really long day/mission
  • Dinner is honestly usually takeout. You always talk about cooking and make plans to but never do. At some point in the evening, someone always announces they’re ordering and everyone else bandwagons on
  • Breakfast is the only meal that is sometimes cooked. Coulson makes a mean egg sandwich, but you gonna be up early for that.
  • The team often resupplies on base, but very often (at least a few times a week), someone makes a Cosco/Walmart/convenience store run.
  • So if you want snacks (or lunch stuff), you gotta tag along or ask REALLY nice
  • May somehow ALWAYS knocking on your bunk door 5 minutes before your alarm was gonna go off to “make sure you’re up”
  • Trying to put on your best “awake” voice because nothing prepares you for May knocking on your door asking if you’re awake. Ever.
  • Also, in that same vein, you’re going to try your best to be so closed off and professional and then one day, you’re going to break that illusion. For me, it was vomiting out the door of a car stuck in traffic 🤠
  • It’s weird how quickly the team picks up on your habits and idiosyncrasies. Like May getting your favorite chips from the store, or Fitz asking what you’re thinking about because you’re bouncing your leg again and you only do that when your thinking intently
  • The boredom is sometimes real, especially when you’re waiting on orders and just in standby for a day or so. You end up borrowing a lot of Ward’s books and they’re not the kind of thing you’d usually read, but hey, they fill the time

it’s my birthday and I just got back from a work trip that gave me SO MANY ideas for Agents of SHIELD headcanons so prepare yourselves the bitch is back


Who's most likely to be a super-hero ?


@the-radio-star!! i can see her having powers related to sound, like manipulating sound waves and the like. doesn't sound like much at first, but I'm an engineer and I know that this power can actually be devastating. I mean, she can literally control fluid pressure. she'd send your lungs into pulmonary overpressure SO FAST.

which one of my mutuals is most likely to...

Remember that time you scared me? (Platonic)

Requested Imagine: A brush with death on a mission leads to escalations of protection vs recklessness.

AN/ I've kind of moulded two requests together. One with the prompts and the scenario, and another about a sick reader not accepting help. So I kind of put them together for this. Anyway, enjoy! :D


i gave olive this same prompt so i am VERY curious to see your take 🍨 cym as random objects


taking all these random objects from what I can see rn

  • you as my friend's switch console (he just beat me at mario kart, but I fought tooth and nails)
  • @retvenkos as this grecian bust whose eyes are missing for some mysterious reason
  • @permanentreverie as this guide book on modern greek on the table
  • @noesapphic as the book I'm reading: largo pétalo de mar by isabel allende
  • @the-radio-star as this beat up, dusty jeep parked across the street
  • @destourtereaux as the telescope on the terrace
  • @softeninglooks as these drawings of the coast hanging on the wall
  • @amortensie as this heavy, ornate key hanging on the wall that might or might not open a treasure chest
  • @heliads as the parasol that's protecting me from boiling to death


Spending Christmas with Wanda Maximoff

- Christmas with Wanda is always very magical.

- She absolutely loves to wake you up with hot chocolate on Christmas morning.

- And when you come downstairs, the place is completely decked out.

- She has spent ages picking out the perfect gift for you, and her eyes are practically sparkling as she watches you open it.

- After you've finished opening presents, you cook Christmas dinner together, which Wanda is very good at, it ends up being perfect.

- You spend most of the time supervising whilst she organises it.

- After dinner, Wanda uses her magic to make it appear as though it is snowing.

- And the two of you stand outside for ages watching it fall.

- It ends up being the best Christmas you've had.


Merry Christmas, Emcon 🎄🎄

🧡🧡Rowan, I can't even put into words how much this Christmas gift meant to me. I've probably read it about 3 times already!! It's so soft and so cute 🥺 Thank you so much for thinking of me at this time of year. I know I haven't been very active since last winter, and this really put a smile on my face.

Anonymous asked:

Hello, Secret Santa here!! I was just wondering what your top five fictional characters were at the moment! 🎄🎁

You're literally so kind?! omg?!?!?! I haven't been active much this year and I so so appreciate this-- whomever you are!

My top 5 right now (mostly all platonically with the exception of Daisy and Wanda lol):

  1. Anyone from Agents of SHIELD (esp. Miss Daisy Johnson)
  2. Jessica Jones
  3. Wanda Maximoff
  4. Fennec Shand
  5. Cassian Andor


Anonymous asked:

Is this an active account??

Currently, not really. I’ve been extremely busy with life, as well as my work on my longer projects over @emcon-ocs. That said, it doesn’t mean I wouldn’t ever revive this account—I’m just dormant for now while I focus on other projects I’m passionate about!!

Anonymous asked:

Hey lovely

How are you doing??

I’m doing actually really well!! I actually went to Boston Fan Expo today and got to meet Ming-Na Wen!! She was so so lovely in person and she liked my SHIELD outfit! And my comic she signed she was like “oh I’ve never seen this one before!” (it was the 50th anniversary SHIELD comic!). Anyways I had so much fun with my friends and it was my first con to boot!!

I’m hustling to finish Bat Out of Hell 2 and also I have a date tomorrow morning?!!! I also went back to Mexico for work last week with the director of my company but got stuck coming back for my birthday and spent my bday at an overnight in NC hahaha


here's one for you, olive: cym as animals? (i wanted to send in cym as cities first, but i'm pretty sure I already sent it someday, because my brain can only hold like 2 thoughts at the same time asjsjsbd).


MUTUALS — let me know if you want to be included or taken off!

i don't recall the cities cym though i will have you know i know other capitals and cities as like,,,,,,,, Very Vague Concepts and so if you decide to send it in it's going to be like,,,, the most inexplicable casting ever asdfghjgf vaguest vibes only. but!!!! feel free to send it in lololol!

ALSO! i’ve decided these cyms are going to be Vibes Only, no explanation, we die like men. so,,,,,,,,,, take this for whatever you want lololololol


cym as.... random objects


MUTUALS — let me know if you want to be included or taken off!

absolutely screaming,,, i love how absolutely Unintelligible this one is going to be,,,, gonna scale down the scope to random things laying around in my house rn (which used to be my grandfather’s house, for context)


oh well in that case, will you indulge me and cast your mutuals as cities? I live for extremely vague, inexplicable associations 💜


MUTUALS — let me know if you want to be included or taken off!

vaguest vibes, but all of these are correct in some shape or form asdfghjhgfdfgh, also, 90% of these are going to be tourist locations, sorry about my inability to know cool geography 😔✌


🍨 cym as first date ideas?

  • you as a carnival date (getting cotton candy and riding the ferris wheel! honestly my ideal date)
  • @softeninglooks as a coffee shop date
  • @retvenkos as a museum date
  • @murswrites as a laser tag date
  • @the-radio-star as carving pumpkins together for halloween (trying to recreate each other's faces and failing miserably, why does your pumpkin have three eyebrows??)
  • @swanimagines as a park date (getting ice cream and napping on a rowboat on the lake)
  • @amortensie as a dinner + movie date
  • @desamoureuses as iceskating/rollerskating date (one of you is extremely bad and conveniently needs support ;))
  • @ladyvesuvia as movie + pizza + videogames at home (underrated, but a dream)

🍨 cym as your childhood candies?


sorry to disappoint but I've never been a big fan of candies & sweets, so I'll just expand and list snacks & foods that evoke childhood to me :)

  • you as fraises tagada (my favorite sweets!)
  • @permanentreverie as smarties
  • @the-radio-star as candy'up (basically just chocolate milk bricks but i went insane for them)
  • @noesapphic as churros (the blessed times where my dad would wake up early to bring us churros...)
  • @softeninglooks as cordon bleu coquillettes (had this the other day and my brother told me i'm four years old lmao so be it! sue me! it's valid and it's so good!)
  • @retvenkos as carrot purée (when i was v young i was so allergic that carrot purée and soy milk were the only things I could eat for a solid year rip)
  • @amortensie as chips ahoy
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