
@seeliesidhe / seeliesidhe.tumblr.com

Lexi | 24 | she/her 🌸🌿✨

now that i am a real adult i am starting to realise. media lied to me about the availability of rooftops to go hang out on. every day i wish i could be hanging out on a rooftop somewhere looking cool as fuck


Faerie lore:

The Fair folk are unable to exist on the island Manhattan due to the steel used in skyscrapers, the steel in the bridges that cross the rivers to enter the island and the subways underground whose rails create invisible barriers against the Fae. Additionally Soho was built as a safe haven from Fae in the 1870s with the cast iron facades that keep them from entering the buildings. This is all intentional as the NYPD has been waging a secret war on the Fae for nearly 70 years


Man senshi must be living his best life can you imagine if you were fucking around thinking about your favorite thing in the whole world, the thing you've dedicated your whole life to, and three dumbass schmucks stroll by like "damn I would LOVE to get into this very specific thing but I have no knowledge of it at all" and then you get to teach them all about it for days and they think you're so cool for being into that one thing you're into that your life revolves around. Then imagine the same situation but only one person of the three thought you were cool and that's senshi. Pretty good still I think.


haha that's a nice starry-eyed ambition you've got there buddy. sure hope the narrative doesn't warp it into something ruthless and all-consuming


it really is insane how waking up early will grant you access to some of the most beautiful sights and sensations in the world that will make you want to live forever, but only if you overcome the gauntlet of a thousand razors that is getting out of bed early. truly one of life's little saw traps.


I might just be extremely in my thirties now but I simply cannot take any sort of fandom discourse anymore. I barely could before but I am at maximum capacity. just... just watch the thing and enjoy it or whatever, be nice to each other, isn't life hard enough


god remember when there were no ads AND you could post dick on here. take me back i'll be grateful this time

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