
Hey, I'm Grump

@grumplicious / grumplicious.tumblr.com

The sight of this yellow blog fills you with determination

(Tweet from @nycsouthpaw) Kris Kobach should learn to use folders and cover sheets.

[image] Department of Homeland Security Kobach Strategic Plan for first 365 Days.


Can someone caption this when you get a chance? I’m on mobile.


let it be known that pokemon stats mean nothing to me

the important things to rank pokemon on are, starting from most important and ending at least important:

1. aesthetics


The Department of Impossible Cuteness may have to take the rest of the week off in order to recover from an overdose of kawaii caused by these bird-shaped foods made my Japanese food artist *kaori* aka @lovebirdshowcas.

From adorable birdy omelets and sweet grated radish birds perched on tofu blocks to sweet potato tart birdlings and a fancy bird-themed chirashizushi platter fit for royalty, every last little detail of each dish is so ridiculously cute, we suspect eating them might make you glow in the dark with happiness.

Follow @lovebirdshowcas on Twitter for more photos of impossible cute bird-themed foods.

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