
Chad's sick rpg ideas


ayy im chad. sick nat 20 bru

we’ve literally just looped back around to 90’s psa interstitials


Brad: Hi, I’m brad!

Chad: And I’m Chad!

Thad: And I’m Thad.

Brad: And welcome to—

All three: Lessons with KOK!

Brad: Today, on lessons with KOK, we’re gonna learn about—

All three: Consent.

Thad: Hey Chad!

Chad: Hey Thad!

Thad: Can I slap your ass?

Chad: Absolutely!

Thad: *slaps Chad’s ass*

Thad and Chad: *high five* Nice!

Chad: Hey Thad!

Thad: Hey Chad!

Chad: Can I slap your ass?

Thad: Absolutely Not!

Chad: I respect your decision!

Thad and Chad: *high five* Nice!

Brad: Always remember: F.R.I.E.S.

Thad: Consent is: freely given,

Chad: Reversible,

Brad: Informed,

Thad: Enthusiastic,

Chad: And specific!

Brad: Thanks for tuning into—

All three: Lessons with KOK!

Chad: Nice cock!

Brad: Nice cock!

Thad: Nice cock!

All three: Nice cock!



The bee movie except every time it says bee the screen, just for a second, cuts to a silent image of a long-abandoned, decaying hallway. The hallway is dark, but if you squint there is just enough light to see a shadowy figure standing there. It is tall, and its head is bowed, and it holds something in its hands, although you cannot quite make out what. At the first “bee”, it is safely far away, at the end of the corridor. But every time it says “bee”, the figure in the image has taken another step closer to the screen.

Make a horror campiagn based entirely around this video

Make a campaign based on the original Bee Movie.

The dark figure, but when it eventually gets close enough to do a ring/grudge style jumpscare, it’s just barry’s face under the hood

The dark figure, but it’s actually a mimic

the dark figure, but it's actually ya homeboi


make an NPC based on a random white card from cards against humanity. what? what do you mean you can’t make an NPC based on “sexual tension” or “my good bra” that’s quitter talk

- Mod Rose

My good bra? More like my good Brah. This brah always has your back and is totally supportive, even when you’re making totally bogus decisions, you know they’ll be there for you. Not to mention their laid back vibe is super comforting to like be around and they’re just generally non intrusive. Plus, they’ve got wicked style. You go brah!

@probablychadrpgideas this feels like it was written by you

- Mod Rose

you kno it

shaka brah 🤙

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