
A Cutie's Page


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I'm just a cute little queer nonbinary who blogs the things they loves.

i really like looking at google image searches for “firemen rescuing cats” or something because you get super cute pictures like


“THAT’S RIGHT TWAS I that set the house ablaze!!!”




Every fucking time I know what’s at the bottom and every time I still lose my shit.

I’m so happy this post is back again asdlkfjsa


Kinda fucked up and nasty how vampires drink blood, imo. Like. Pepsi costs a dollar seventy five


Not me I’m paying a dollar seventy five. At the hospital

I feel like we’re getting off topic


So is pepsi if you steal it?

Because it’s only a dollar seventy five


Why in God's name would a vampire drink pepsi

Why would anyone drink Pepsi?

That’s why I’m not a fan of the sexy vampire trope.

1. It’s overused and supports the current status quote of typical vampire supremacy:worshiping rich folk.

2. Vampires prey upon humans and therefore symbolize capitalists preying on the working class.

3. Werewolves are much sexier imo.


am I having a stroke????

you might want to go to the hospital then

I hear the Pepsi is cheaper there


When you're angry at the characters, the story is well-written. When you're angry at the writers, it is not.


the presumption here is that audiences can tell the difference.

presuming they’re not children, the audience can usually tell. ex: when a character does something you don’t like - but it feels like something the character would do - you get mad at the character. when a character does something you don’t like - and the history of that character makes it unbelievable that the character would do that thing - you get mad at the writers.



The fact that you're aware of the writer's existence at all should be a clue. The writer should be invisible to you if they've done their job properly.


Wouldn’t it?



This shook me to my core

This was so lovely.

But it’s worth mentioning that the second I saw the panel with the cop, my heart dropped, and it’s a shame that this is the initial reaction that I have towards cops interacting with POC


The fact that the notes are filled with non-Black people who suddenly got worried when they saw the cop ….. in an illustrated story.

Now try imagining how hard it is irl for Black mothers, and Black people in general. Each encounter with the police could end with our death, even if we did absolutely nothing wrong.

I think most of us deal with it—bc let’s face it, we have no other choice—but I’d be lying if I said that every single time I come into close proximity to the police, somewhere in the back of my mind there wasn’t always the thought: “what if …”

“what if today is the day” … “what if this cop had a bad morning” … “what if this cop doesn’t like black people” … “what if he thinks my phone is a gun” … “what if he thinks I’m acting suspicious” … “what if he needs to fill a quota” … “what if he mistakes me for some nondescript black man but I fit the description anyway” … “what if my car insurance payment didn’t go through and I don’t know about it” … “what if I have a taillight out” …. “what if he thinks I have a bad attitude” … “what if it was a rough day for me and I do have a bad attitude” … “what if there’s not even any cops around but a white person thinks I look out of place” … what if what if what if

Obviously I cannot speak for everyone who is Black, but these thoughts flash through my mind every single time I see a cop. Every time. Maybe it only takes a microsecond, but it’s always there. Always.

LOL. I know we may make it look easy. But yeah, it’s still there.

And even though I’m very healthy and I manage to … adapt(?) to those fears, I figure that kind of constant on/off stress has gotta be taking some kind of toll on me, right? On Black people in general. It’s like perpetually unexpected games of Russian roulette. Or maybe like the Spanish Inquisition. (No one ever expects it).

Sometimes I wonder if white people understand the constant extra calculations that Black people are doing continuously as we’re out and about. Calculations for any contingency encounter with the police. Or with some white person who might call the police because they’ve mistaken my melancholy mood for “suspicious” behavior. Calculations that white people don’t ever need to do. At least, not because of simply being in the general proximity of the police.

Nice to see that some people “get” it.


I hope Brendan Fraser is having a nice day.

I hope one day that Brendan Fraser gets to see this post with several thousand (one day perhaps several hundred thousand?) people who have all banded together, united for one single common purpose: to hope that he is having a nice day.

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