
ex-arcana blog💀


previously @theapprenticerory. starting a move of my sideblog and main blog. if you still want to see more arcana stuff, my arcana blog will be linked via the top post ♥️

fucking hate it when the stuff everybody says "actually works" does actually work.

hate exercising and realizing i've let go of a lot of anxiety and anger because i've overturned my fight-or-flight response.

hate eating right and eating enough and eating 3 times a day and realizing i'm less anxious and i have more energy

hate journaling in my stupid notebook with my stupid bic ballpoint and realizing that i've actually started healing about something once i'm able to externalize it

hate forgiving myself hate complimenting myself more often hate treating myself with kindness hate taking a gratitude inventory hate having patience hate talking to myself gently

hate turning my little face up to the sun and taking deep breaths and looking at nature and grounding myself and realizing that i feel less burdened and more hopeful, more actually-here, that i am able to see the good sides of myself more clearly, that i am able to see not only how far i have to grow - but also how much growth i have already done & how much of my life i truly fill with light and laughter and love

horrible horrible horrible. hate it but i'm gonna do it tho


How funny is it that in pokemon you can technically receive three of the same character and it's also technically the wrong character

Imagine this with any other franchise though like someone gets three homer simpson dolls in a bundle and they're like "aw I wanted Homer, this is Homest"

Despite some of its misses, Firefox still matters. Mozilla is pushing companies to be more private, and its key product is different at its core. The browser market is dominated by Google’s Chromium codebase and its underlying browser engine, Blink, the component that turns code into visual web pages. Microsoft’s Edge Browser, Brave, Vivaldi, and Opera all use adapted versions of Chromium. Apple makes developers use its WebKit browser engine on iOS. Other than that, Firefox’s Gecko browser engine is the only alternative in existence.
“This market needs variety,” Willemsen says. If Firefox diminishes further, there’ll be less competition for Chrome. “We need that difference for open internet standards, for the sake of preventing monopolies,” Willemsen says. Others agree. Everyone we spoke with for this story—inside and outside of Mozilla—says having Firefox flourish makes the web a better place. The trick is figuring out how to get there.

Download and start using Firefox if you don’t already, I made the switch back to Firefox after not using it for years and being a chrome person until 2020 and have never regretted it

I love firefox! I switched in 2017 because it's less intensive on my computer than Chrome and I've had so much fun using the add ons (some of which are add blockers and remove paywalls). I'm not very computer literate but it's so easy to use. I've even made my own theme for browsing. My computer runs so much better now as well and it's just as fast.


As an asthmatic, this was critical advice. It can also be helpful to splash cold water on the back of your neck or forehead, which helps distract you from the panic. 


If you are having issues with what it feels like breathing in a mask, practice in a calm environment where you feel relaxed, and if you can’t get it to be ok, try different masks.

yeah it's absolutely important that we talk about how masks can make people feel like they can't breathe, and that is itself difficult. my mom has straight up developed some sort of agoraphobia during the pandemic and has had to skip out on events because she can't be in a crowded room with a mask.

good idea to check in with your body and what you're feeling, what exactly is it that's causing that suffocating feeling? is it contact with the material or the way it traps warmth near your face? try different fits and materials

Acknowledging that people’s feelings are real and offering realistic nonjudgmental options to alleviate those feelings instead of dismissing them, lecturing them and assuming bad faith? Apparently that’s still a possible way we can act. Who knew.  

Please stay safe everyone.


Aang, on the phone with Sokka: he’s in the kitchen again…

Zuko, reading a recipe: “beat three eggs.” In what? Hand to hand combat?

Sokka: GET. HIM. OUT.

#Zuko: it says I need to 'cream' the sugar and butter...
#Aang: frantically trying to cross the apartment at the speed of panic before Zuko punches a sugar bag

(via @erisenyo)

Zuko: [gently places a stick of butter and cup of sugar in the mixing bowl]

Aang: Oh, thank god.

Zuko: [pours in entire pint of heavy whipping cream]

Aang: NO!

Zuko: “fold in the mixture”

Zuko: [gets out a towel and pours the batter into and starts folding the towel]

Zuko: Oh shoot, I forgot to "grease the pans."

Zuko: [pulls bacon from freezer.]

Zuko: [cooks from frozen]

Zuko: [burns the bacon]

Zuko: [pours burnt bacon grease into pans]

Zuko: it says to “pressure cook” the rice

Zuko: [stirring rice in a pan aggressively] you’ll never amount to anything. COOK FASTER BE BETTER


The original was "Keep Austin Weird" and it was 100% expressly about keeping corporate entities out of cities so that small businesses could exist fairly. Without corporate greed and the gentrification that follows suit communities could be unique and not homogenized by the hollowed-out, commercialized, idyllic conservative "American way" that ravaged the soul of the people and left the whole country empty. It doesn't matter how cheap the housing is if it's managed and owned by the company store. An ahistorical struggle is just another losing battle. If you want the good "weird," break up the monopolies and push back against franchises. Support local. Know your enemy because they'll start undercutting your allies the second any meaningful change is even hinted at.












hey guys just wanted to say that while it’s super awesome that y’all wanna support jews this holiday season, it’s not really appropriate to do the bugs bunny “i wish all ______ a very happy ______” meme for yom kippur. it’s great for sukkot, fantastic for simchat torah, but yom kippur is a day for repentance, remembrance, and forgiveness. it’s probably the most serious holiday we’ve got, so please don’t make light of it. instead of “happy yom kippur”, maybe say something like “have a meaningful holiday”, or “have a healthy fast” for people doing the traditional sundown to sundown fast. yom kippur starts with kol nidre (some people go to services, others just eat a big pre-fast meal, my family does both) september 15th at sundown and lasts until sundown on the 16th. please be conscious of your jewish peers! love, your local jewish nonbinary lesbain


which one of u was going to tell me that tea tastes different if u put it in hot water?

y- you were putting it in cold water?????


Radish. Answer the question radish.

yeah??? i thought for like. 5 years that ppl just put it in hot water 2 speed up the tea-ification process didn’t realize there was an actual reason

You dont have the patience to microwave water for 3 minutes???

[ID: Tags reading “u think i have the patience to boil water wtf ?????” /End ID]

why are you. putting it in the microwave to boil it

Do you think I have the patience to boil water on the stove

Its takes less than a minute

Bestie is ur stovetop powered by the fucking sun

How long does it take you to boil a cup of water on the stove

Like seven minutes

Just stick the mug on top of the stove on medium heat n it boils in like two minutes… less than that is u use a saucepan…

Crying you’re putting the whole mug on the stove ???? On medium heat???? Ur stove is enchanted


Every single person in this post is a fucking lunatic


So recently, I’ve been noticing a lot more people starting to call Disney out on their bullshit, which is really awesome because Goddamn have they just gotten worse and worse as time goes on, but there’s one things I’ve started to notice about these posts that I think warrants a really important addition that needs to be made to all future callouts.

You see in a lot of these cases the consensus is “Fuck Disney” and while that’s very true, in reality your kinda being extremely broad here, as the company is broken up into at least 8 different studios, split into different divisions like ones for the theme parks and resorts, one for the cruise line etc, and has hundreds of thousands of employees under its belt. A lot of times when companies like Amazon and Tesla are called out, people are also making sure to specifically calling out their CEOs and founders, in this case Bezos and Musk, and making it very clear that they are also very much so in the wrong here, rightfully so placing the responsibility onto them.

But I rarely ever see this happen with Disney, and I thinks it’s important we start to change that a bit. Right now Disney as a whole is being helmed by two men, Bob Iger and Bob Chapek, as even though Chapek has officially been named the CEO and Iger was on his way out, he decided to step back into the role for a bit due to the pandemic, so he’s still very much at fault for a lot of this as well. You might know Iger as the man responsible for buying up, well, pretty much every hot ticket property Disney has right now including Pixar, Star Wars, and Marvel and as well as plenty of other shady deals. He’s even made it clear that’s he looking to take up a Presidential bid sometime in the next few years which is just Absolutely Yikes. Chapek on the other hand, is so notorious that even die-hard Disney fans more often then not will say they despise him, mainly due to his massive budget cuts in the theme parks that have not only dulled down the overall experience, but more importantly have resulted in thousands of cast members, even before the pandemic, being laid off because he didn’t see them as being “necessary”. His most common nickname is Lex Luther for a reason. And what’s worst, while they both agreed to cutting off their salaries completely at the start of the pandemic, they’ve since gone back to being paid-in full, and they’re still laying off massive amounts of their workers while their parks are being reopened, which I can tell you from personal experience is exactly what Chapek wanted all along.

There’s plenty more about these two guys that I could talk about, but the point here is it’s time to put faces and names to a lot of the shit the company has being trying to get away with over the years, and I wanna keep this post relatively short. So, just please remember, make sure whenever you say “Fuck Disney” that you also make sure to say “Fuck Bob Iger” and “Fuck Bob Chapek”. Make their names just as known as Bezos and Musk for all the wrong reasons, and maybe we can stop another fucking millionaire from having one of the highest seats in the US government.

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