
Real Life Neville Longbottom



Oh god guys. JK Rowling is a genius, and so is this person.

the thing I love about this fandom is that there are 7 books and 8 movies to observe. so every once in a while some blessed soul finds a piece of information that makes all the magic resurface again


Mind. Blown. 

Oh Lord…it’s a metaphor too. It’s symbolic of Neville holding on to his past, the horrors of what happened to his parents, of being a passive vessel for that atrocity. As if the terrible thing kept happening and would never stop happening. 

When he moves forward and becomes part of his own story instead of the story of his past, his strength surges. 



It also shows that if you give a kid the wrong tool, he may be a genius but he’s never going to be able to build something with it.


All I can think about right now is that

at the beginning of Philosopher’s Stone, Hagrid talks about the bike he travelled on being given to him by Sirius, and in Prisoner of Azkaban (I think) he also says that he comforted Sirius when he was crying about James and Lily being dead at Godric’s Hollow.

So whatever you do, don’t think about Sirius arriving at Godric’s Hollow to visit his best friends and godson, all happy and cheerful.

Don’t think about him walking into the house and finding his best friend - his brother - laying dead in the hallway.

Don’t think about him then finding his best friend’s wife laying in front of the crib that his godson is sitting in.

Don’t think about Sirius grabbing ahold of Harry and clinging onto him, tears falling down his cheeks whilst Harry giggles, thinking it’s all a game.

Don’t think about Hagrid turning up at that exact moment, finding Sirius sobbing over his friends’ dead bodies.

Don’t think about Hagrid comforting poor Sirius as he clings onto the half giant and the small messy haired baby that resembles James so much.

Don’t think about Hagrid having to tell Sirius that he’s been sent to take his godson away from him.

Don’t think about Sirius arguing, fighting for his godson to stay with, though he knows it’s a long shot because everyone thinks he was the Potters’ secret keeper.

Don’t think about Sirius losing hope, and offering his bike to Hagrid to get Harry to a safer place, because he knows he won’t be using it for the unforeseeable future, and he knows that Harry will be safer wherever Dumbledore places him.

Don’t think about Sirius crying as he watches Hagrid take his godson away from Godric’s Hollow.

Whatever you do, don’t do it.


Break Me [Draco x Reader]

A/N: Haha let me start off by saying I honestly don’t believe Draco would be the cheater type, but I love angst and I love Draco so ,,, Also!! Don’t know if anyone would be interested, but I’m probably going to make a separate Hamilton Imagine blog!! I love Hamilton and all the characters and all of the cast members! Anyways, enjoy!! Love you all!!

Chapter: One/???

  Word Count: 1,636

 Warnings: Angst. Cheating. Self blame. Cursing.

 Summary: (Name) gave everything to him, but he wasn’t willing to give back.

 Requested: No lol im a jerk

The sight of (Name) and Draco Malfoy turned heads. The mere thought of (Name) and Draco Malfoy turned heads.

(Name), perhaps the most loyal, caring, and kind girl anyone would ever know somehow ended up head over heels for Draco Malfoy. She would follow him around, a sweet smile never faltering. He would look pretty content with himself, arms linked with (Name’s) own. It didn’t take much to realize that (Name) was very attractive in a dreamy, almost fantasy like way. In fact, multiple men and women had asked for her affections. She only replied with a sweet smile and a polite rejection, claiming she already had a boyfriend.

Draco was no idiot. He knew that many people wished to have his girlfriend for themselves.

At first he merely got jealous at this. How dare someone fantasize over his girlfriend?!

As days grew into weeks, and weeks grew into months, his jealousy turned into pride. She was another thing he had that many people, including Harry Potter, didn’t have.

The two started off hopelessly in love. Starry eyes and rosy cheeks were exchanged. Longing looks and sweet messages were sent back and forth.

Over time, Draco became more and more distant. However, (Name) stayed the same, remaining completely infatuated with him. Draco, from a first glance, didn’t seem to be as in love with (Name) as she was with him. 

The First Month.

 Of course, like many couples, (Name) and Draco had a phase where nothing else seemed to matter but the two of them and their love for each other. It was almost as if they couldn’t be apart from one another or they would fall ill.

“Draco! Draco, come here!” (Name) chirped with the same giddy smile playing at her cheeks.

“Yes? (Name), what is it? Are you injured?” His voice was frantic and shaky. (Name) laughed and shook her head. “No, silly!” She spread her arms out wide. “Come here!”

Draco did so with a smile, leaning into her embrace. “What is all this about?”

“Mmm… Nothing, really. I just wanted to cuddle you. I love you, you know?” Draco chuckled softly and wrapped his arms around her, closing his eyes and savoring the feeling of his beloved breathing softly into his chest. They didn’t seem to notice the dozens of students amongst them stare in disgust, envy, or even admiration.

“And I love you, (Name). Always.”

The Seventh Month.

 While (Name) was in fact hopelessly, blindly in love, she was no idiot. She noticed when Draco avoided her affections or avoided her in general. She didn’t pay much attention to it, though. She assumed she was being clingy, and her herself was at fault. Sometimes the two would be together, a joyful smile ever present on (Name’s) face. But she noticed they only ever seemed to be affectionate around each other in front of crowds.

The thought that Draco may be using her crept in the back of her mind. He wouldn’t, would he?

No… He couldn’t. He loved her.

At least… That’s what she told herself.

The Eleventh Month.

  It was nearing their one year anniversary. (Name) had been looking forward to this for about… Well, about a year now.

It was now their sixth year and the couple were just now growing out of the phase where they looked like they had matured, but not fully. (Name) admittedly had larger curves and had matured significantly over a single summer, and Draco had a sharper jawline, broader shoulders, and the attitude of how he described as a “true Malfoy”.

Yet (Name) still had the innocence and the happiness she held during her younger years. She had made many friends, more male friends than Draco would like to admit, due to her upbeat and kind nature.

“Draco!” She just stepped off the train and finally got to see him. She didn’t get a chance to see him on the train, either from bad luck or the fact that Draco was avoiding her.

She tried to tell herself that Draco didn’t just roll his eyes. Instead, she focused on the smile, fake, he wore.

“I’ve missed you! Oh, how was your summer, love? Tell me all about it!” Her hands gently gripped his shoulders and his hands rested on her waist, tense.

“Mhm, of course. You’ll have to excuse me, (Name).” And with only that, he left. (Name’s) smile faltered as she waved goodbye and tried to ignore the stinging feeling in her chest.

As usual, she was forced to ignore it and wander off to find her other friends.

“Don’t you think he’s a little… You know…? Neglecting?” Lyssa, one of (Name’s) friends asked. (Name) almost spat out her beverage as if what Lyssa was saying was in a whole different language. She quickly shook her head, eyes widened. “No! He’s just busy… That’s all…” But deep down (Name) knew. She knew something was wrong.

Tomorrow was it. Tomorrow was their one year anniversary.

(Name) was ecstatic. She hadn’t been this happy since Draco asked her out.

She had to refrain from running to him when she saw him eating. “Draco!” she chirped, hugging him from behind lovingly. He nudged her off with a look she couldn’t quite place on his face. “What are you doing?” he snapped. (Name) recoiled, blushing from embarrassment.

“Oh, sorry… Anyways, I just wanted to give you this!” She smiled and handed him a neatly wrapped box with a grin. He looked at her, both puzzled and annoyed. “Uh… Thanks?” At this, her face fell.

“Oh… U-Um, okay…! I’ll be… Um, off… Then…” Her voice was dejected and her heart felt like lead. As she walked away she heard one of his friends mumble, “Why do you put up with her?”

She never heard Draco’s response, but she was certain she didn’t want to.

As she walked the world turned to mush around her. She didn’t even feel it when she sat down beside her friends, for she was far too absorbed in her own thoughts.

Had she done something wrong along the way? Was she overwhelming?

Why didn’t Draco seem to love her anymore?

As if moving on its’ own, her hand clutched her heard as she almost felt it crack. No… That couldn’t be it. Draco still loved her. He had to… Right?

Her thoughts kept her occupied throughout the night. (Name) blamed herself entirely—I mean… It had to be her fault, right? It couldn’t be Draco’s fault.

As it felt as if she had just fallen asleep, she caught sight of the sunlight drifting in through the window. She heard her dorm mates shuffling around, probably getting ready.

She did the same, much to her annoyance.

(Name) walked down the corridor alone. Her friends simply weren’t there at the time and she looked like she had spent the last night doing anything but sleeping.

In her defense, that’s exactly what happened. She didn’t get a wink of sleep.

“—And he’s great in bed!” (Name) scoffed, rolling her eyes. She normally wasn’t this bitter, but the voice was very obviously targeting her intentionally. She whipped her head around to see—

“Draco…?” Draco, seeing (Name) full and clear, immediately pushed away from—Who was that? Wasn’t her name Patty? Pansy?

Draco hadn’t realized that was (Name) walking in front of him. Her hair, usually full of volume and loose, was pulled back. She wasn’t surrounded by friends as she usually was.

“What did she say, Draco? Was she talking about you?” (Name’s) voice was full of hurt, betrayal, and disgust. Pansy (Or was it Patty?) held a smirk.

“Oh, yeah! Didn’t you know?” (Name’s) eyes snapped to her.

You. You shut up. I never asked you,” she snapped. Pansy recoiled with an offended face. “I need to hear it from Draco.” (Name) looked at him. Her eyes softened seeing his face. “Draco, for once in your life, tell me the truth. After a year of this shit, I think I deserve one truth out of you.” Several people couldn’t help but stare at the girl who was normally so bright and mellow.

His throat felt as if it was closing up. He couldn’t seem to form words. He opened his mouth to speak, only to close it once more.

(Name) huffed, pathetically wiping her eyes with her sleeve. “I can’t believe you!” She shoved him back with her two hands, sending him stumbling backwards a bit. She was weak at this time, both physically and emotionally. He looked at her with wide eyes, along with every other passing student. “I spend a year! A year! Giving everything I had, everything I felt, everything I was made of to you! I gave everything to you! And you can’t even muster up a couple of words to tell me if you are cheating on me?” She looked at him with vulnerable, broken eyes. They softened as she lowered her head. “I’m sorry, Draco… Just… Tell me this one thing, okay?” He gulped, suddenly aware of how many glaring eyes were on him.

“How long has this been going on?” She spat out the word ‘this’ like venom.

“About two months…” At this, (Name) ran a shaky hand through her hair and exhaled with a sob. Before she could break down, her friend tugged at her wrist and ran her to a bathroom. As she retreated, Draco could hear small and broken mumbles of “What did I do wrong? What could I have done wrong?” down the hall being emitted from her form.

All he could do was stare. All he could do was watch as he, Draco Malfoy, somehow turned someone brighter than the sun, sweeter than honey, and happier than anyone he could ever know, into nothing but a broken, empty shell of a girl.



Warnings: Sad (I guess), some swearing

Pairing: Draco x reader

Word Count: 1600+

Summary: Draco decides between Y/N or Voldemort.

Requested: Nope

Only seconds ago you were told Harry was dead. Your best friend had been murdered and you had failed to save your brother, Harry Potter. Regardless, you knew he might die, but it didn’t hit you. You didn’t know it would hurt so much.

You never knew how to cry in style. With pearl-like drops rolling from your luminous eyes. You wanted to look as if you were on a Romantic novel cover your mother read in Savannah before Harry was born. That trip to Savannah made you smile. Why did you have to go, mom… dad, I need you. You wished you had learned; you wouldn’t have to hide in the bathroom or a dark closet to cry. You cried ugly tears of sorrowful remembrance for those you lost; always. This time you wouldn’t cry. You cried long enough, you were tired of crying. You had dirt on your face, sadness in your eyes, and pain in your heart. You didn’t want to stay strong when everything around you was seemingly falling apart. It was too hard. However, you did it for Harry, those who died. Voldemort lifted his arms in the air.

“Join us or die!” Voldemort yelled. You felt defeated, the chosen one has died, and you were nothing like Harry.

Your face wasn’t the only one with pain. Minerva looked down at you with sorrow. You could only wish to be as strong as her. She was the only person you looked up to. She showed bravery and strength that you never could. Even through tough times, she was strong. Never broke.

Voldemort waited for people to come, but nobody went. You spotted Lucius. You knew you should’ve never gotten involved with Draco, but you did. He was a bad idea, with a good face. You never liked his parents either, he knew that. They used Draco. Lucius’ face was terrified, he kept his stare at something… someone. You followed his gaze to Draco. Draco.

His father looked at him “Draco,” It was a fast matter, amplified by the walls around you. His father called to him. He held his arms out. Struck with fear, you turned back and looked at your lover. You shook your head no. He didn’t see you. If it was anyone that would break you, it would be him.  He couldn’t side with them. The person you love, who you shared everything with was considering this. It shook you with fear, you forgot about him during this war. Where he was, what happened, it was too much for a kid. Nonetheless, you were proud of yourself.

Hermione held your shoulder, she knew you would go after him. She knew you loved him, and she accepted that.

“Draco,” His mother said, her voice was sweet like candy “Come.” Yet she was so deceiving, they both were. That’s why Draco believed them, that’s why he grew up ignorant.

You broke each time you heard his name. His parents taught him wrong. You watched him struggle with his identity. He never dealt with pressure like they put on him. He was so ignorant and oblivious, yet he wasn’t. Pressure built behind his eyes, that’s when knowledge came and devastated.

You leaned into Hermione. Your head burrowed itself in the crook of her neck. “He can’t go, he can’t go, he can’t go,” you muttered to Hermione, she stroked your hair.  “It’ll be okay, ” she said quietly. “It’ll be okay.” She too lost faith in Draco, she trusted him with your heart, even though he always did her wrong. He made you happy. He slowly walked forward. Hermione shuddered as he walked, a single tear escaped your eyes. You turned back to look at him and wiped your eyes. Hermione still had you wrapped in her arms.

As he walked slowly your breath hitched, a screamed clawed at the back of your throat; trapped. It tore through your lungs. It ripped through you, it scratched your mouth and bit at your throat. “DRACO!” Your chest burned, it was the kind of scream that made your blood run cold, it wa a pain. It sounded like fear. A scream of hysteria and disbelief, bordering on terror. You pushed against Hermione, trying to run as she held you back.

“Don’t,” Hermione said, you should’ve listened but she let go anyway. You stumbled towards Draco in a fast paced run. You heard Voldemort and his followers laugh at you.

“DRACO!” You yelled again. You never really feel anyone’s pain, but your scream was close. It put every thought on hold and made everyone feel your agony. There wasn’t a soul 100 miles away that wouldn’t hear it and stop. He turned around as you flew into his arms. He grabbed onto you, he was trying to find strength. He held you in his arms for a moment, you took his face in your hand and you wiped the single tear that fell from his eyes. “Draco?” He wouldn’t look you in the eyes, he never did when he did something wrong. He never wanted to disappoint you. But he always did in the end.“Draco?” you whispered once again. Every word hurt you both more. He looked at you. His eyes were gray pools of fear. He did this to you. He gave you happiness and life, but just as easily he could take it away.

“Y/N?” His voice cracked. You smiled softly. You leaned into him more. This could be your last moment. His mother cursed at you. She didn’t like you either.

“You know what you’ve done.” His eyes saddened as you uttered that to him. He now realized what he’s done during the years. “To me… Harry… all of us. And out of all that, I still love you.”

You saw something in Draco no one saw, he was hurt and abused. You moved his hair from his face and wiped the dirt from his chin. “You’re gentle and passionate.” His lips trembled as you talked. “Misunderstood.” He grabbed onto your arm, harder. He was too weak, just a little boy who couldn’t handle the world “You are nothing but what your parents made you be, but I know you’re better. I know because I’ve stuck with you all this time. Five years. This isn’t you.” Draco believed you, this wasn’t him.

Voldemort scoffed. He insulted you, telling lies, beckoning him over. “Oh Draco, she isn’t worth your time.” He insulted. You looked over at him. He’s more evil in person, the stories don’t do him justice. You wanted to yell at him, curse him into oblivion, but that would get you one step closer to death.Draco whimpered as you looked at him again. “your humanity is still here.” you placed your index finger on his chest “It’s here. You can make the right choice. After all, you’re the boy who made all the wrong choices.” You knew it was enough, you knew he wouldn’t go.

“I love you.” He whispered. “I love you so, so much.” He brushed your hair out of your face.  

His lips found yours, they moved against yours fluently. It was different from any other kiss. It was needier, it was more emotional. You held onto to his collar as he kissed you harder. It wasn’t gentle. It was rough; passionate. You knew you had him. His hands held onto your waist pulling you more and more into him. Voldemort cackled.

“Love isn’t real, my friend.” You both ignored him.

His lips parted with yours. His touch lingered, “I love you,” He whispered again. You smiled against his lips.

“Make the right choice.”  You let go of each other. You stood there while moments of silence went by. You stared into his eyes, he wasn’t cold or mean. He was scared, but he could never admit it.

He looked upon what he had. He looked at the women he loved, at the people he betrayed. He knew you were right. Yet, he turned around and right in front of you hugged Voldemort. One foot in front of each other, he willingly walked to his parents. Right in front of you, he chose them, death eaters. He made you feel worthless. You were embarrassed by what he did to you. And yet again he made the wrong choice he would regret.

And for once Hermione was wrong it was not going to be okay. Harry was dead and your lover betrayed you. You cried.

Hermione tugged you back, you couldn’t believe it. You cried. “You son-of-bitch,” you whispered to yourself. “I loved you.” He locked eyes with you and looked down. He made his choice. Harry would’ve known what to do, but he was dead. Nothing worked out for the Potters. Ever.

Neville stood up to Voldemort. He is a far cry away from who he was in year one. But you zoned out what he said and kept your eyes on Harry, your brother. You wanted to believe Draco would come running back with Harry beside him, but it was never going to happen. “He’s not dead,” you whispered to yourself. Tears slipped from your eyes. You wiped them quickly and carelessly.“You’re not dead Harry. C’mon get up!” you whispered louder.

That moment was a blur. You looked over at Draco who had his eyes on you. And back at Harry. He was gone, out of Hagrid’s arms and on the ground. You looked over at Hermione and laughed. Draco threw him his wand. A smile lit up your face and you laughed. Tears flowed freely. You pointed your wand at one section of the crowd. They began to apparate.

“Sectumsempra!” you yelled.  Harry Potter is alive.

You ran back where Hermione with Ron was going.

“Y/N!” I whipped my head around. Draco?



Imagine Draco Finding You During the Battle of Hogwarts

The Battle of Hogwarts had begun. Flashes of red and green light illuminated the dark, cloudy sky. I was running. I couldn’t stop running. Around me, bodies crumpled to the ground and screams echoed, but my feet kept going. They carried me in her direction. Towards her.

I heard someone yell my name from behind me but I couldn’t stop. My mind was focused on one thing, and one thing only: Y/N. I heard someone say she was in the great hall, tending to the wounded. I heard someone else say she was dead, killed in the initial fight. Another person said she had escaped and fled with some other students. No matter where she was, I needed to find her. Hopefully alive.

That’s when I saw her, bloody and staggering away from a death-eater. She kept her wand in her hand, desperately shooting spells towards the cloaked figure chasing her.

“Y/N!” I screamed, running towards her, fumbling for my wand. I pulled it out of my cloak moments too late. Before I could manage to kill the death-eater behind her, he had screamed the most vile words I had ever heard, green sparks shooting from his wand. The world seemed in slow motion as the spell hit her, her body going limp and falling.

“No! Y/N!” I ran to her and caught her body before it fell to the ground. Her body lay limp in my arms, her empty eyes staring at the ceiling above.

Sobs began to rack my body, my vision blurring with tears. I sank to my knees, still refusing to let go of her.

“Please… don’t go. Please… please… please. Y/N… I love you.” But she couldn’t hear me.

Sirius: Okay but like Peter listen. Why do you gotta fuck everything up?
Peter: ???I haven't done anything???All I've done is breath???
Sirius: Shut up and listen. Look at all of us. We've got RemuS and JameS and then there's me SiriuS.
Peter: I don't see your point.
Sirius: All of our names end with an "S". We were so well coordinated but then you had to go along and fuck it all up.
Peter: ???Um???I'm sorry my parents named me Peter???
Sirius: You better be.

Amarte Es Un Placer (Part 1)

Summary: Soulmate AU. You and Draco share each mark, bruise, and marring on your skin. As life progresses and each mutual marking is worse, you grieve for your hurting soulmate. And he steps into your life when you least expect it. 

Word Count:1,913

Warnings: Slight blood talk. Slight angst.

A/N: This fic is my baby and I hope you all like it! I have a thing for naming my fics in Spanish now lol. But yes, enjoy this please :)  Part 2 will be out soon, I’m just too excited to write it all in one swoop and I haven’t posted something in so long.

Title Translation: Loving You is a Pleasure.

Like every other human being inhabiting this planet, you were born connected to an individual. One person that would look at you and see their world. One who would hold you like they’d never hold anything more precious for as long as they lived. One who would love you with passion and fire that eternally hungered for more.

There were no signs as to who this certain person was. You only had marks on your skin, marks that whenever he got, you got. It also worked the other way around and you found that you were extremely careful about this. You didn’t want him to get bruises and feel pain because of you. Yet that same thought didn’t seem to be in his mind and your life was spent trying to explain this or that mark.

As you grew up, before you turned eleven and followed your family’s footsteps into wizarding school, you only got minor scrapes and cuts. You assumed they were from broom-riding, you could swear you felt the wind batting against your face sometimes, even if you were sitting alone in your room reading a book.

This is bloody brilliant!


Everyone Lived.

Everyone lived, and James and Lily rocked Harry to sleep on the night of his second birthday by quietly humming lullabies to him. The moon spilled through the window and bathed his crib with a soft blue light, and Lily had never seen something so peaceful. The rest of the evening was spent slow dancing to one of Sirius’ old records. That Halloween, Harry dressed up as James’ favorite member of the Cannons. Not that he had much of a choice in the matter. 

Everyone lived, and Padfoot and Moony, known more affectionately to little Harry as “Poof” and “Moo,” took him to ice cream every Thursday afternoon. Sometimes, Sirius would put him in the sidecar of his motorcycle and fly low over the neighborhood before dropping him off (Don’t tell Lily). Harry was the ringbearer in Sirius’ and Remus’ wedding, much to James’ objection (“I would make a much better ringbearer than a toddler. Come on Padfoot.”.) 

Everyone lived, and Harry and Neville spent their fifth birthdays together. Lily and Alice thought they both looked just smashing in their matching blazers, but Neville was too busy throwing dirt at Ron to care. Molly baked a cake that was taller than Harry, and it was the best thing he had ever tasted. Lily invited Narcissa to her weekly book club that consisted of all the moms getting wine drunk and complaining about their husbands. Neville, Draco, Ron and Harry would eavesdrop and report to their dads later that day with everything they heard. Cue an unnecessary amount of shocked scoffing from James (”I do not do that, Lillian!”).

Everyone lived, and  Harry had a whole gang of people come to see him, Ron, Neville, and Draco off on their first year at Hogwarts. When Draco was sorted into Slytherin, no one made too much of a fuss because, as Ron claimed, maybe Draco and Harry would bicker less like an old married couple if they weren’t rooming together. As a group, the five of them, including Hermione later that year, broke the school record for most detentions in a month. James was angry, but only because he had been the previous record holder. Lily was angry because she was called in twice for a meeting with the headmaster to discuss Harry’s actions.

Everyone lived, and Christmases were full of light and music and shy kisses under the mistletoe. James, Sirius, and Remus all got drunk together before the Christmas party even started and by the time all the guests had arrived, there had been four proclamations of undying love made from the kitchen counter (three of them were Sirius confessing his love for James.)(One of them was from Sirius to Remus.). Molly knitted everyone a Weasley jumper. Harry stole some firewhiskey from James and shared the bottle with Draco later that night in his room after everyone left. They were both so drunk they weren’t really aware they were kissing until it was too late to take it back. Harry’s face was red, and no one could be sure if the flush in his cheeks was from the alcohol or the snogging. Fifth year was full of a series of not-so-secret makeout sessions in empty classrooms. No one said anything about it.

Everyone lived, and during sixth year when Draco and Harry finally admitted they were dating, no one batted an eye. Lucius groaned, and James winked reassuringly at the two of them, and Lily was grinning from ear to ear. Sirius and Remus were so proud. They had all seen it coming from a mile away.

Everyone lived, and though no one was able to fully escape heartbreak, or tears, or nightmares, everyone had each other. Harry’s memories were not haunted by cramped cupboards or loneliness but warmed by smiles and magic and feathery soft kisses on cheeks, on lips, on foreheads. 

Everyone lived, and Harry didn’t have to be the savior. He just had to be Harry, and that was just fine.

This sucks but I had extra time today and I keep having IDEAS so anyways! Please put any headcanons or ideas or prompts you may have in my ask! I check it very frequently and will probably start writing some of those suggestions you’ve already given me tomorrow. Love you guys xx



okay but. hogwarts au’s where slytherins aren’t constantly associated with being bad and evil or even the thought “yeah he was a SLYTHERIN but still nice and caring” wont come up, bc they aren’t that way and ppl need to realise slytherin shouldn’t be seen in such a negative light ok??!!! those are amazing i love them. or even where the main characters are slytherin?? so good. my fave.


humans are so cute, when we say goodbye we put our arms around each other and to show we love someone we bring them flowers. we suck the cum out of peoples dicks like a gogurt. we say hello by holding each other’s hand, and sometimes tiny little dewdrops form in our eyes. for pleasure we listen to arrangements of sounds, press our lips together, smoke dried leaves, get drunk off of old fruit. we’re all just little animals, falling in love and having breakfast beneath billions of stars

we suck the what out of what like what now

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