

@joanofrad / joanofrad.tumblr.com

miyuki, 24, lesbian, japanese living in europe, radical-leaning feminist

I agree with the message, but this flyer (?) is the perfect example of how "men" become "someone" in order to hide that it's them, who violate women and girls, therefore making abortion necessary!

What this ad should actually say is: "Unfriendly reminder: if you only support abortion in instances of rape or incest, you're reinforcing the idea that in order for a woman to have a right to her body, !!!MEN!!! have to violate it first." This is the perfect example of hidden male violence!


"why shouldn't men be allowed in womens chess"

because they're men

"so you're saying women are worse at chess?"

no fuckhead thats a whole different sentence


I haven't posted for a while (busy with life stuff), but this whole chess thing made me REALLY angry, so I need to get some things out. I'm turning 25 this year. I've started playing chess when I was eight (not really by choice; my grandpa loved chess and just wanted somebody to play with and I showed interest, so he started to teach me). I tried joining chess clubs three times since then (one was the chess club in my elementary school and the two other clubs I joined in my 20s). I only lasted a couple of weeks in those three clubs. Why you asked? Because the male players (in two of the clubs I was the only female player) behaved like fucking misogynist assholes towards me. That included, but was not limited to, commenting on my outfits and how good (or bad) my boobs and ass looked in those clothes. Saying every misogynistic thing they could think of (before, during and after a game) and telling me straight to my face, that girls and women can't play chess, because they're too stupid, even though I played better than 99% of those assholes. Over the years, I've talked to a lot of girls and women, who also play(ed) chess and the vast majority shared my experiences. So fuck everybody, who says that female chess players don't deserve out own tournaments. TRAs NEVER cared about the abuse that girls and women suffer in the world of chess, they only started caring now, because men have been excluded from participating in chess tournaments meant for women (duh!).


presented without comment

if its a need but you can live and function without it then how do u define 'need' like thats so confusing??

food, water, human companionship/a support system, shelter and clothes are needs. thats what you absolutely need as the bare minimum to not only barely scrape by but live a tolerable at least somewhat joyful life. and sex is not on that list so no its not a need ?


No, sex is not a need, it's a want! Nobody has ever (or will ever) die from not having sex.

People, who argue that sex is a need, are just one step away from justifying rape.


Freust du dich schon auf die neue Harry-Potter-Serie? Oder bist du von der Idee eines Reboots nicht so begeistert? Ich bin ziemlich gehyped, aber auch ein bisschen zwiegespalten. Auf der einen Seite hoffe ich, dass sie sich die Zeit nehmen können, all die fehlenden Details aus den Büchern aufzugreifen und die Geschichte durch eine hochwertig produzierte Serie noch besser zu erzählen. Auf der anderen Seite hoffe ich, dass es nicht überproduziert und trotzdem oberflächlich wird (wie die neue Herr-der-Ringe-Serie...). Ich bin gespannt.


Hallo! ^.^

So...jetzt kommt endlich meine Antwort! Sorry, dass sie so lange auf sich hat warten lassen.

Im Großen und Ganzen habe ich eine sehr ähnliche Meinung wie du. Muss aber auch dazusagen, dass ich die "Harry Potter"-Filme nie gesehen habe (außer den ersten, vierten und dann glaube ich den ersten Teil des letzten Films - der letzte war ja in zwei Teile geteilt). Die Gründe dafür sind: erstens, dass ich die Kinderschauspieler nicht ertragen konnte. Gibt ja viele gute, aber in "Harry Potter" haben sie - meiner Meinung nach - wirklich schlechte gecastet. Der einzig gute war der Schauspieler von Draco (sorry, Namen der Schauspieler weiß ich leider nicht). Zweitens haben die Filme - wie du schon erwähnt hast - SO VIELE Details ausgelassen bzw. geändert. "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" ist mein Lieblingsbuch in der Reihe und weil eine meiner Freundinnen meinte, dass die Kinderschauspieler sich verbessert haben, habe ich mir den Film angeguckt und war SO enttäuscht und verärgert danach. Nicht nur weil der vierte Teil mein Lieblingsteil ist, sondern auch weil sie einfach Details, die NICHT geändert hätten werden müssen, geändert haben (z.B. WARUM ist Hermiones Kleid pink und nicht blau, WARUM muss Dumbledore Harry wütend ankreischen, obwohl im Buch explizit steht, dass er das nicht gemacht hat). Am meisten enttäuscht war ich vom letzten task im Film. Im Buch ist das Labyrinth ja bevölkert von verschiedenen Kreaturen und auch der Sphinx, welche Harry ein Rätsel stellt, welches er lösen muss. Ich hatte mich so auf diese Szene gefreut und dann kam...nichts! Aber wenigstens die Friedhofsszene haben sie nicht verpfuscht.

Die TV-Serie ist eine neue Chance (vor allem, weil JKR dieses Mal sehr intensiv daran beteiligt zu sein scheint), aber ich hoffe, dass es nicht auch so ein Schlamassel wird wie "The Hobbit" oder auch die neue "Lord of the Rings" TV show.

Lassen wir uns überraschen. Ich würde mich auf jeden Fall freuen, wenn es eine gute Buchverfilmung wird. Ich liebe Bücher über alles, aber wirklich tolle Buchverfilmungen habe ich erst selten gesehen. Die beste ist und bleibt "Lord of the Rings". Da haben sie zwar auch sehr viel verändert, ABER sind Tolkiens Ideen trotzdem treu geblieben. Das gleiche wünsche ich mir für "Harry Potter"!


Cruel and unusual is this man raping and then stabbing a 14 year old girl, Karen Slattery, to death.

Cruel and unusual is this man raping and then beating a 38 year old mother, Georgianna Worden, to death with a hammer.

Cruel and unusual is the ACLU lobbying for this pedophile rapist murderer to have free plastic surgery in pursuit of his fetish while the families of his victims wait for Justice.

There’s nothing cruel or unusual about the state refusing to indulge his fetish. There’s nothing cruel or unusual about putting this demon down.


Good! What stopped them from executing this male monster sooner?


Interesting how so many people will say “It’s important to separate the art from the artist.” when they want to support male paedophiles, domestic abusers, rapists, etc. But when a female writer states a scientifically proven fact, people will call for public book burnings.


…and photoshop her face into porn (Gail Dines), stalk her across the country (Rebecca Watson), accuse her of lying about being raped (Andrea Dworkin), or issue sexually explicit death threats about how she should be shot in the C*nt (JK Rowling, literally half of radblr). All of which are symptoms of misogyny that no male writer has ever faced.

^ And all of that, yes!


it kiIIs me how some people think saying most homophobe are secretly gay is some progressive pro gay statement and not just plain homophobia and giving the responsibility of it to gay men while removing all the involvement of everybody else in it, as if we’re our own oppressor class.


"this will help women FeEl SaFeR" I DON'T CARE ABOUT FEELING SAFER. I DON'T CARE ABOUT FEELING SAFER. I DON'T CARE ABOUT FEELING SAFER BECAUSE GUESS WHY? I "feel safe" most of the time. I bet Ashling Murphy felt safe going for a jog down a well-trodden canal path in broad daylight. I bet Sarah Everard felt safe walking down Clapham High Street on a spring evening. I bet Sabina Nessa felt safe taking a five minute walk through her local park to the pub. "Feeling safe" means nothing. I only care about actually BEING safe. Which means eliminating male violence. That is all that is constructive.


Der Artikel ist leider hinter einer Paywall, aber ich krieg so schon die Krise.

hier ohne paywall, aber ziemlich unaussagend das Ganze. Weibliche Skelette hatten Schmuck und männliche hatten Waffen und bei einigen hat es nicht übereingestimmt... dann kommt raus, dass sie auf Grund des Alters aber das biologische Geschlecht bei einigen gar nicht bestimmen konnten...

Das ist so ahistorisch. 😒

Alter das ist so was von oberflächlich


Wie kann jemand jahrelang studieren und dann trotzdem so einen regressiven und sexistischen Müll produzieren. Ich versteh' es echt nicht. Macht die historische Forchung wirklich solche Rückschritte, sodass wir jetzt wieder bei "Schmuck ist für Frauen" und "Waffen sind für Männer" angekommen sind?


If I made a discord to discuss women's history in Antiquity with other radfems/women in general, would you gyns be interested? Women's history is my lifeblood & I have so much research I want to talk about with you all but I don't want to put it on a public platform like tumblr because a) it might give ill-intentioned people clues as to who I am and b) if my ideas are found online I could get accused of plagiarism during my viva

Server's up, I'm gonna dm you all the link!


“But here is the sad truth: Our world is full of men and women who do not like powerful women. We have been so conditioned to think of power as male that a powerful women is an aberration. And so she is policed. We ask of powerful women: Is she humble? Does she smile? Is she grateful enough? Does she have a domestic side? Questions we do not ask of powerful men, which shows that our discomfort is not with power itself, but with women. We judge powerful women more harshly than we judge powerful men. And Feminism Lite enables this.”

“Of course I am angry. I am angry about racism. I am angry about sexism. But I recently came to the realization that I am angrier about sexism than I am about racism. Because in my anger about sexism, I often feel lonely. Because I love, and live among, many people who easily acknowledge race injustice but not gender injustice. “

Chimamanda Ngozi firing the shots

It’s specially meaningful when you consider Beyonce once stole her words to proclaim herself a feminist, when she is anything but

Feminism Lite indeed


“The Adam and Eve myth, possibly the single most effective piece of enemy propaganda in the long history of the sex war, had other crucial implications. It performed the essential task of putting man first in the scheme of things; for in all the father god religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, God creates man first: woman is born after man, framed of an insignificant and expendable lump of his bony gristle, and taken out of him like a child from its mother. Essentially this is just one of the countless attempts of womb-envious men to usurp women's power of birth: with a swift piece of patriarchal prestidigitation, God reverses biology and stands nature on its head with the birth of his man-child, in defiance of evolution, where men and women evolved together, and of life itself, where woman gives birth to man. God now assumed the power of all new life—all the monotheisms taught that God alone created and breathed life into each fetus, using the woman in whom he lodged it simply as an "envelope," in the Islamic phrase.”

-Rosalind Miles, Who Cooked the Last Supper?

Anonymous asked:

You're back! How have you been?


I have been well, thank you. Finished my Masters and got a job, so I've been pretty busy lately. I do hope, I can spend more time on here again, though. I hope, you have been well too, anon! ^.^

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