
Pop, lock, and sit it back down gently.


Jess. Burgeoning plant lady. Literature nerd. Writer of things. Fan of a lot. Hello.
Anonymous asked:

hey there i think you got hit with that ray-ban plague

I've fixed it, thanks kind anon!

And sorry to anyone getting spammed by my account. Yikes.


Mary Shelley on that island in the storm

Shakespeare in isolation from the plague

It’s time to work. The outside world isn’t a temptation and we have worlds inside us to liberate.


Walking around my apartment, wine drunk, realizing I’ve painted myself into a corner where there is no polite way out

Thats the mood for tonight.


“The low-maintenance woman, the ideal woman, has no appetite. This is not to say that she refuses food, sex, romance, emotional effort; to refuse is petulant, which is ironically more demanding. The woman without appetite politely finishes what’s on her plate, and declines seconds. She is satisfied and satisfiable.

A man’s appetite can be hearty, but a woman with an appetite is always voracious: her hunger always overreaches, because it is not supposed to exist. If she wants food, she is a glutton. If she wants sex, she is a slut. If she wants emotional care-taking, she is a high-maintenance bitch or, worse, an “attention whore”: an amalgam of sex-hunger and care-hunger, greedy not only to be fucked and paid but, most unforgivably of all, to be noticed.”

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