
New URL to reflect the current state of this blog.


Mostly Doctor Who (Modern, Classic, Big Finish, lots of Torchwood too, Class! and, saving the best until last, SJA) ocassionally other stuffs.

Lesbians I love you more than anything else on this planet and all your little posts are cute but do you all realize how much of a commitment running a small farm is

“I just wanna live on a farm and sleep in while my wife brings me tea in bed” like no dummy wake the fuck up it’s 4 in the morning and your wife needs help milking the cows

Second episode of Torchwood: gratuitous sex
Second episode of Class: gratuitous violence
Second episode of The Sarah Jane Adventures: gratuitous farting

How did I forget Leela and Romana’s incredible meet cute. Leela literally had a dream telling her to meet Romana, so she broke into her office and listened to her dictating fanfiction from the shadows, that is unbelievably iconic.

Also, please imagine daybreak on this particular morning. Somewhere in the Capitol, sunrise streams through the bedroom window of Andred’s chancellery guard housing unit. Leela sits bolt upright in bed from a dead sleep, and is like, “Babe, I gotta go see the president. Had a dream. Rassilon said so.”

After twenty-five years of marriage to this particular human, Andred just had to be like, “Okay sweetheart, you keep doing you. I’m going to spend today spying on the CIA. Try not to kill anyone while you’re out, m’kay? See you at dinner.”

Y’all this made me LOSE it

Inciting Incident


the only adjectives in the english language:

1. tender

2. feral

3. horny


for your consideration

Why is Jesus Feral

- Killed a tree because he was angry that it didn’t give him fruit when it wasn’t fruit season

- Destroyed a bunch of tables and chased the owners with a whip

- Blew up and then acted like he didn’t know nobody (Mark 3:33)

- Yelled at his followers for interrupting his nap to let him know their boat was about to sink

- Healed a blind man by spitting on him

- Explicitly ordered his followers to steal a donkey for him

And that’s just the highlights from Mark.

Mark is the best one.

First forget inspiration. Habit is more dependable. Habit will sustain you whether you’re inspired or not. Habit will help you finish and polish your work. Inspiration won’t. Habit is persistence in practice.
Forget talent. If you have it, fine. Use it. If you don’t have it, it doesn’t matter. As habit is more dependable than inspiration, continued learning is more dependable than talent. Never let pride or laziness prevent you from learning, improving your writing, changing its direction when necessary.
— Octavia Butler, “Furor Scribendi”

drink water!!!! dance in your room!!!!!! eat a lot of veggies!!!!!! dance as you do chores!!!!!! eat some fruit!!!!!!!! let yourself feel sad!!!!! have that $5 hot drink sometimes!!!!! try to smile even when you’re alone and doing some work!!!! listen to music that makes you happy when you’re feeling down!!!!!! we’ve all gone through crap and life might have more in store for us but we got this!!!!! 

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