


Ship whoever you want.
Multishiper, Libertarian Socialist,
22q 11 deletion syndrome, Texan
Multi-fandom blog, Female, Irish/Lebanese

Akira Toriyama died. Rip legend. You changed the world. 🙌🏼


the flour massacre is ongoing. it is everyday. it was not an isolated event. it was not even the first time israel shot at and killed palestinians going for aid (they do it whenever they allow aid through). in fact, they did the exact same thing yesterday morning. just because smaller-scale murders go under the radar for lack of shock factor doesn’t mean they’re not happening continuously.

The US, on 29 February, vetoed a UN Security Council (UNSC) statement that would have condemned Israel for the mass murder of over 100 Palestinian civilians who were awaiting the delivery of humanitarian aid in Gaza City. “We don’t have all the facts on the ground – that’s the problem,” US deputy ambassador to the UN Robert Wood told reporters on Thursday. He then claimed there are “contradictory reports” about the Israeli army's latest massacre and highlighted that Washington was focused on finding “some language that everyone can agree on.” Thursday's veto is the fifth time Washington has blocked a UNSC statement or ceasefire resolution that would hold Israel accountable for the atrocities it has committed in Gaza.

Somebody rescue Tim. He's seen too much.


Meme reference under cut:


I wonder if the airman who self-immolated noticed how quickly the first person to do it in protest was completely fucking buried by the media, hence the steps he took to get noticed.

Because in case you haven't heard, someone self-immolated in front of the Israeli consulate in Atlanta GA in December. It got very little attention and I don't think anyone in the media has even bothered to try and find out if they survived.

the NYT has already decided to not mention any of his speech in their reporting, importantly him declaring that he is active duty and that “I will no longer be complicit in genocide. Free Palestine.”

self immolation is one of the most extreme forms of protest one can do, and the fact that the media is already trying to suppress it should signify that even more to you. there are graphic videos online, tread carefully etc, but do not let this action become quieted. let it be the turning point it should be.


NaruSaku 😊❤

"Okaerinasai" ❤


Artist: draw_is.lifew

Credits to the artist 👍👍



God I am sick and tired of people uwu-washing indigenous American history.

Did the Inca have exquisite building techniques, efficient messengers, and quality waterworks? Yes. They were also an expansionist empire built on violent conquest and the splitting up and relocating of conquered peoples.

Did the Aztecs have a gorgeous capital city built at the heart of a lake, with floating farms and towering temples honoring their fascinating pantheon? Yes. Guess what tho. They were also a violent expansionist empire who practiced ritual sacrifice of prisoners of war.

The Iroquois confederacy had one of the most unique representative political systems I’ve ever heard of, with women taking a forefront in most local government matters too. But their internal peace allowed them to redirect violence to their neighbors, as so often happens with tribal confederations, and they eventually violently conquered the Ohio valley and destroyed or displaced dozens of other indigenous groups.

Even my beloved Cahokia has the graves of sacrifice victims amidst its ruins.

A society should not need to be (and fundamentally cannot be) squeaky clean unproblematically stannable in order to be worth studying and remembering, and pretending that they were is no less disinformative than the European accounts painting them as godless savages.

also not all of them had better sanitation and/or medical knowledge than Europeans of the same era. the Europeans were also human beings with human intelligence and observation skills! the American indigenous people also lacked modern technology and health advancements!

they don't have to have invented Purell and wifi millennia early- and the Europeans don't have to have been wading through human feces in their streets -for violent colonialism to be wrong


I feel like I know what most of us think but I gotta ask the question:


I would say yes but also in some specific way.


This is a Sam Carter appreciation post. I want to hear her read out her thousand page book on astrophysics and understand none of it. I want to see her full lecture to the cadets. I want her to blow things up and kick ass. I want her to have four steaks, fries, and a diet coke because she likes the taste better. I love her. She's the coolest. Send tweet.

-- Jack O'Neill, probably definitely

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