
SoftSeaside Arts

@softseaside / softseaside.tumblr.com

Hi, I'm SoftSeaside 🌊🌹✨(she/her) I am a comic artist with a passion for original characters, flowers and D&D ❤️

Finally a new Reboot Ramble aaaaand it's time for the character redesigns of my old OCs from my comic!! Follow me while I rewrite, redraw and redesign my old protagonist Yui Asaruka from my old webcomic "AC - New Insights"! From bland character with no agency to creative and curious cutie!

For those who don’t know: Reboot Ramble is a series where I take you with me step-by-step in the process of rebooting my 12+ year old webcomic "AC - New Insights" that I drew from 2010 to 2022, a project very dear to my heart. Here you can watch the whole Reboot Ramble series here!


⚠️ Spoilers for “The Locked Tomb”!

Lyctors from Harrow The Ninth! 💀⚰️🖤 I had these lying around for a while and even made stickers out of them but haven’t posted them yet :D Who is your favorite? 🤔

(please no spoilers for "Nona the Ninth" in the tags! I'm not done with ntn yet)


My first sketchbook tour is finally here ✨ We start with my very first sketchbook from 2013 to 2014! I struggled a lot with drawing at that time because my teacher didn’t want me to draw in my “anime style”. I have a lot of things to say about the art I made during that time so hopefully, you will enjoy it too! 🌊🌹✨


Happy Halloween! 🎃👻 What better day to post this Ianthe fanart from The Locked Tomb book series? 👑🦴 To be more specific, Ianthe as she appeared in Harrow the Ninth 👀 We love our favorite problematic girl boss 💅

(please no spoilers for Nona the Ninth, I am not finished with this book yet!)


Rightful Heir 💙👑 vs Ruler of the Evil Empire 😈🗡️❤️

My DnD group and I had a Battle Royale one-shot a while ago and I decided to dress Lunko in a fancy royal fit for it ✨ I may have lost the battle but I won at the fashion departement 💅 Actually didn’t do too bad in the fight 💪


New Reboot Ramble video is out! Today’s Topic: Worldbuilding ! 🌍⚒️ Watch here!

We will look at the worldbuilding of my old comic “AC - New Insights” and try to change it for the future reboot version! Hard and soft worldbuilding, magic/power system, monsters, fictional politcal systems and organisations… all of this is really hard for me so this video is all over the place 😵‍💫 Hope you will enjoy it regardless! Thank you a lot for your patience, I had a lots of things going on but I really want to work on this youtube series and especially on my comic ❤️🥰

For those who don’t know: Reboot Ramble is a series where I take you with me step-by-step in the process of rebooting my 12+ year old webcomic "AC - New Insights" that I drew from 2010 to 2022, a project very dear to my heart ❤️


Let me show you one of the prints that I sold on Saturday at my first artist alley feat. one of my OCs ☀️ I also made a white version, which version do like the most? 🤔

She was formerly named Nagori, I still have to decide on a new name. While I am in the process of redesigning all my OCs for the rebooted version of my old comic, I decided to include a sun theme into her design since it really suits her character and backstory 💛 Initially, I really wanted to make this a gold foil print, bought some gold leaves to apply it onto the print and had the horrible realisation that I am not skilled with brushes at all 🥲 so unfortunately no gold version this time but maybe in the future!


Last Saturday, I had the honour to attend my very first artist alley. I wanted to have a booth for years and I can’t believe this dream became reality.

All the weeks, months and money that I spent preparing for this booth were really stressful but it was all worth it in the end. I talked to so many cool people, met a lot of great artists and had such a blast. This experience was exactly how I always dreamt about it. I was insanely nervous but every nice word people said to me, everyone who was interested in my comic, every business card that was picked up helped me to be less anxious and more excited. I was really exhausted in the end but I can’t wait to table again!

So thanks to everyone who stopped by, thanks to all the great artists I had the honour to meet and thanks to @/comicplanetstore on instagram for giving me this chance! And big, big thanks to all my loved ones that came to support me! ❤️


Little drawing I did a while ago! I was thinking that it would be cool if the main character Linh (still not fully decided on the name tho) of my rebooted webcomic is into handcraft, DIY, journaling and stuff like that 🤔 Last week, she crocheted, so here’s a knitting Linh for this week! 🧶🧵🪡

Con preparation is killing me but I am super excited for my first artist booth next week ❤️ After that I hopefully have more time for working on my webcomic and my youtube channel!


For everyone who is wondering, if I am still working on the reboot: Yes, I do! I’m having quite a writer’s block right now and there are so many irl responsibilities that I have to focus on 🥲 But I’ve been working on a new Reboot Ramble for months (not because it is super great LOL) and I always think about my comic ❤️

So have a little redesign snippet! Since redesigning characters isn't limited by giving characters a new look, I thought it would be cool to give my webcomic protagonist Linh (formerly Yui) some new hobbies! I always wanted to give her a creative side since the old version so I thought she could be very into DIY, handcraft, journaling and stuff like that! 🧶🪡🧵 Knitting version will follow next week! She really starts becoming very self-insert-like in the reboot cause i also crochet and knit xD

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