
I'm A Queen - I Have This Shit Handled

@canadianjelly / canadianjelly.tumblr.com


Back in March/April I bought some art supplies to keep myself busy during lockdown #1 here in Ontario.. now almost a year later we’re locked down again and I can’t believe the progress I’ve made. It’s by no means perfect, but I never have seen myself as an artist of any kind. I usually get frustrated when what’s in my head doesn’t transfer to the paper and I just give up.

The fact I’ve worked on it and pushed myself completely out of my own comfort zone is one thing I’m happy about even in the last year from hell..


Vote. Vote Blue. Vote down ballot. Vote for women. Vote for progressives. Vote for SCOTUS. Vote.


They said Hillary would win too. VOTE. 


Vote like your life depends on it because IT DOES.

The amount of voter suppression happening right out in the open is unreal. And imagine how much more is going on behind the scenes. Here’s some:

Republicans were thrilled when COVID shut down the colleges:

They were sure young people wouldn’t vote if they weren’t at college. PLEASE PROVE THEM WRONG.

Democrats have to win by a huge margin because if there’s ANY room to argue that it’s close, it will go to the Supreme Court, and they’ll give it to Trump. That’s why he’s rushing this unqualified judge onto the bench– he’s said so outright. Barrett worked on Bush vs. Gore in 2000 so she has experience with awarding an election to the loser.

Don’t love Biden? Okay. You don’t need to love him, you just need to recognize what’s at stake. Right now, Biden is the only chance to get Trump out of the White House. If Trump wins or “wins” 2020, it won’t matter who gets nominated in the next election, because Republicans will use the next four years to institutionalize their voter suppression and cheating. 

Trump has halted this year’s census early, so that people of color and especially immigrants are undercounted. Btw if you haven’t filled out the census yet, DO IT HERE RIGHT NOW: https://my2020census.gov/ THIS WILL BE SHUT DOWN WITHIN A DAY.  We have to elect Biden and get him to finish the census. Otherwise when Republicans use 2020′s incomplete census data to determine who gets represented in Congress, they’ll dishonestly give more representation to their own strongholds and amplify their own voices.

Republicans have also openly placed fake ballot dropoff boxes in CA, cut the number of drop-off points in Texas so that over a million people have a single box to drop off their ballots, sabotaged the Post Office to undermine vote-by-mail… if Republicans aren’t stopped now, it won’t matter if the next presidential challenger is a perfect progressive who polls at +40% after promising Medicare For All, defunding the police, nuclear disarmament, and yeeting billionaires into the sun. Even if there’s a total progressive dream candidate… if Republicans succeed in stealing 2020, in future elections, Republicans will go harder on suppression and, at this rate, just not count opposing votes.

Please, please vote Biden. Get Trump out of office, and we’ll have a chance to beat back the cheating and start to salvage this country.


If you like Chris Pratt and want to defend him, that’s your decision. But friendly reminder:

Brie Larson was boycotted, had her movie Captain Marvel review-bombed, had thousands of hate Youtube videos made about her, had death and rape threats, and been compared to Hilter, for almost 2 years for her opinions of diversity.

Natalie Portman was blamed for Thor 2 flopping and attacked for playing the next Thor in Love and Thunder. 

Elizabeth Olsen was bullied out of Instagram for not speaking about Chadwick Boseman’s death soon enough. 

Don Cheadle is hated for his liberal opinions. And he, Idris Elba, Zendaya Coleman, Tessa Thompson, Anthony Mackie and the cast of Black Panther had racist hate for playing black superheroes.

Comcisgaters and “anti-woke” people rioted against the idea of an Ironheart Disney Plus show to a point they made a rumor that black people harassed Lexi Rabe believing she would be MCU’s Ironheart when it was really about white people bothering her for signing autographs. And plan to attack whatever child actor who will play Riri Williams.

John Boyega, though not Marvel, has been getting death threats for playing the first black lead in Star Wars and accused of getting in between the Reylo ship, accused of being sexist by white women for making a sex joke about Rey, and called out for Disney’s racism.

Chris Pratt getting defended over a Twitter joke but the people I’ve listed above didn’t get as much of the help from big white male stars when they were harassed for real.   


Any one who knows me, knows I rarely speak up, knows I don't like to 'rock the boat'. But I don't think I can stay silent anymore.

No one during this whole thing has said ‘Only Black Lives Matter’. That is not the message at all, no, they are only saying ‘Black Lives Matter Too.’ 

POC have had to deal with this shit for hundreds of years, systems that are in place have kept them at the “bottom”. While you and I get walk around freely, not worry about our brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers being targeted just by the colour of our skin. 

You want to say, ‘All Lives Matter’, please tell me when that includes Black People? Indigenous People? Latina/Latino? Any one under the LGBTQ+ flag? When you say ‘All Lives Matter’ you are trying to silence those who have been fighting for CENTURIES to have their voices be heard. 

You want to say, ‘Blue Lives Matter’. Why? Why should they not be held accountable for their actions? When they are given that badge and that gun, we are told that they are there “To Serve and Protect’ but time and time again, we have been shown instances of when they just abuse their power. Why the hell would you need to hold your knee to a man’s neck for 10 minutes when his is already detained? Why the hell do you need to shoot UNARMED people, in their homes, while they are sleeping? Regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation? Why is that not what you are taking away from this? Why must you insist, that if it were a ‘white guy’ no one would be so enraged? I for one would be if he was unarmed, detained and not resisting. But that is not what you see is it? 

Why is basic human decency for all so hard to accept? 

I support Black Lives Matter.

I see you. I hear you. I stand with you.



I have 15 Thousand followers on Tumblr, I am kinda expecting ya’ll re reblog this one. 

So i’m going to say it again, and again and AGAIN! DON’T BE ON THE SIDE OF SILENCE AND COMPLACENCY!!! Shit needs to fucking change!!!!!!!!

















(If you’re not on the same page as me, you can politely take a walk to the unfollow button and leave)


hey! in the midst of all this, spreading this information could potentially save LOTS of folks out there in protest! it costs Absolutely NOTHING to share. the original thread is on Twitter by strwbrrymew. the link to the thread is here, it contains more important information to note, including a video about how to do a proper eye flush should someone be teargassed.


also bring an extra face mask to swap if yours starts to get irritating during chemical instigation from police!


It was nice out, so I decided to try and paint 🤣

It’s not done yet, but had to move inside lol

I don’t hate it... my spacing is a little out of whack.. all in all for trying something new.. I’m not mad 🤷🏻‍♀️


Blessings of Magic: The Norn's Goddess Series

Balance on the Head of a Pin - (Loki Laufeyson x OFC) When Lauren, the assistant to Tony Stark and the golden darling, southern belle of team Avenger, is called home by her overbearing mother, demanding she take back up with the man who walked out on her and broke her heart, Loki, the once dark God of Mischief, goes with her as her pretend beau. But is it all pretend on Loki’s part? Or is there more to the God of Mischief’s involvement than simply helping Lauren out. - complete

Of Blood and Roses - (Loki x Lauren) Sequel to Balance on the Head of a Pin. The bond complete, Loki takes Lauren to Asgard to get her away from the dangers of Midgard. But when strange events start happening and Lauren is suddenly more than she once was, will she be able to understand and come to terms with who she is in the grand plan of the Norns, or will the jealousy of another steal away the happiness Loki has only just found. - ongoing

Book Three: To Dance Amongst the Stars - (Loki x Lauren, Thor x Sif) Lauren, expelled from Asgard with her six guards, finds herself in a world of danger with only her wits and that of those around her to guide her along the Norn’s perilous path, fighting to get back to Loki.

With his beloved lost to him, Loki turns to the challenge of finding out what Sigyn has done, and how she managed it. Desperate to find Lauren, will he lose himself along the way? Will the darkness that had finally grown quiet rise once more? As he seeks to find answers to all the questions surrounding Thor’s court and the attempted attack on Lauris, will he be able to save those precious to him, or will he lose more than just the woman who is his heart?

Coming Soon

New series begins tomorrow! Who’s ready for it?


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