

Amanda | She/her | 25 ~ Whump writing side blog ~ Main blog is @starliight-musings


Whumptober 2023

Contains: Amara in solitary confinement, psychological torture, hallucinations. Self inflicted injuries, captivity, female whumpee, blood, vauge reference to past trauma/abuse

Contains: electric shocks, physical torture, cruel/sadistic whumper, vampire whumper, vampire whumpee, captivity, restraints, mentions of being muzzled.

Contains: reference to self inflicted injury, solitary confinement

Contains: Vampire whumpee, vampire whumper, blood, creepy whumper, being forced to watch, mind control.

Contains: Mind control, reluctant whumper, vampire whumpee, human whumpee, vampire whumper, forced to hurt someone, violence, choking, conditioning and pet whump.

Cold hands, sharp teeth

A James and Harrison vampire AU

Part 1 - Abduction - Whumpmas 2022

James is out for a run when a vampire finds him, drinks from him and decides to keep him.

CW: blood drinking, creepy whumper, kidnapping.

James situation goes from really bad to worse when Harrison decides to force a drastic change upon him.

CW: Main Character death (sort of, it's just temporary!), Forced transformation, blood drinking, blood loss, chains and restraints, referenced burns, vampire whumper, human whumpee, vampire whumpee (later on)

Harrison decides James needs to wear a muzzle.

CW: vampire whumper, vampire whumpee, captivity, restraints, head injury, burns from silver, violence, muzzle.

Harrison's sadistic side really starts to shine as he decides to use a knife against James, who still hasn't had time to even process his transformation.

CW: Creepy whumper, sadistic whumper, torture, stabbing, blood, restraints, muzzle, vampire whumpee, vampire whumper.

James is finally left alone after Harrison is done with him for the day, and the reality of his situation, of being a vampire really hits him.

CW: aftermath of torture, referenced stabbing, burns, restraints, vampire whumpee, immortal whumpee.

James is starting to get very hungry, and of course Harrison delights in using this to his advantage.

CW: starvation, psychological whump, mind games, captivity, restraints, muzzle, referenced burns.

Harrison finally gives James the chance to drink blood as he so desperately needs, yet it manages to make the situation wore.

Contains: minor character death, blood loss, blood drinking, vampire whumper, vampire whumper, restraints, muzzle, manipulation, captivity.

Chapter 8 - whumpcember day 1

James deals with the aftermath of his hunger

contains: death mention, guilt, vampire whumpee, vampire whumper, manupulation, manipulative whumper, restraints, blood drinking.

Winter whumperland day 1

Some time during James' captivity, Harrison decides to get James a gift that's appropriate for his new life. Too bad it's also one of his worst fears.

Contains: vampire whumpee, vampire whumper, claustrophobia, locked in a coffin.


I think it's so funny when whumper is just strange. Like their organization/other whumpers won't be like disgusted by what they do in any way that matters to helping whumpee, but they're just like "ah here comes our weird coworker who's training the teammate they caught like a pet. What a weirdo". Like everyone is still whumping and torturing they just think whumper is very weird and impractical about it.

"Whumper this is ridiculous. Why are they here."

"Because they look so darling all dressed up with their scars all displayed!"

"It's just a little unorthodox. At the lunch meeting."

No one's really going to STOP whumper. So it's no help for whumpee. But whumpee does get to hear how unsettling this behavior is even to other whumpers, aware how weird this is, with no bit of sympathy, still being seen like an object, a prisoner, or something else these lot see as below a person.


“Gentle” Pet Whump

“Whump” isn’t really the right word for what I’m referencing but I can’t think of anything else.

I want a Whumper who bought their Whumpee because they just wanted a companion. Someone else in the house, someone to help with the chores, someone they can just chill and watch a movie with, someone to sit at the table with them while they eat.

All the centered stories I see with tropes kinda like this are always recovery centered, like a second hand pet bought from some shady dealer who is insanely traumatized both physically and mentally. And their owner is always like some sort of radical caretaker, encouraging them to find their humanity again and whatnot.

They still have to be a Whumper, but they don’t have to be *bad*. Just let both them and Whumpee be content with their dynamics.

Whumpee has to wear a collar, but Whumper doesn’t care that much if they have it off in the house—just be sure to have it on whenever they go out or have company over.

The rules aren’t strict, and neither are the consequences if they break them, but there’s still repercussions. They break something? Just a slap on the wrist, a warning or whatever. They enter a room they were told not to? Go to the corner, you can bring a rug over to kneel on, just stay there until Whumper says they can move. Dinner isn’t done by the time Whumper gets home from work? Well then, they can have the leftovers tomorrow morning, but tonight they don’t get to eat. If they don’t finish their chores in time, or if they forget to switch the laundry from the wash to the drier, they might earn themself a slap and a yelling at, but Whumper will move off it quickly and make up for it with a cup of hot cocoa after Whumpee finishes their task.

Whumpee gets a crate, of course, but Whumper doesn’t really lock it anymore. Sometimes Whumpee will sleep on a little cushioned mat in the corner of Whumper’s room, sometimes on the couch in the living room, sometimes curled in Whumper’s bed tucked under the warm covers. They’re allowed on the couch, or they can kneel by the coffee table, whatever.

Whumper doesn’t have a dungeon in their basement. They don’t have a collection of terribly sharp knives or beaded whips or spiked restraints. They have the shock collar they were given with Whumpee’s purchase, and the cuffs, but those were both tucked away in a box somewhere in the attic. Whumper never even bothered to put batteries into the remote.

Just give me casual pet/owner dynamics. Not all pet owners have to be cookie cutter whumpers of caretakers. Have them border that line, away to either side but never quite cross it.


I know adverbs are controversial, but "said softly" means something different than "whispered" and this is the hill I will die on.


Prompt (354)

"Hey," the villain snapped their fingers. "Are you paying attention.

The hero yawned. "You hear one evil monolgue, you've heard them all. Can we skip to the part where I beat you up?"


World were people with magic are basically glorified weapons

Their powers aren’t even really their own

There are collars/devices to keep their powers in check

There are yearly tests to see if any magical abilities have developed

Anonymous asked:

chris w/ 🤝?

CW: Referenced conditioned behavior, disordered eating, semi-verbal nonverbal episode

"Chris." Krista sets the plate down on the coffee table, waving a hand in front of his face, trying for a slight and shaking smile. He doesn't even look at her, his eyes slightly off to one side, focused on nothing at all. "Hey. Chris, Nat got you a box of chicken nuggets and some fries, okay? Can you eat?"

He doesn't react at all at first, one of the strings from the hoodie he's wearing stuck in the corner of his mouth. He leans back and away from her, shaking his head without looking. It's less like an answer and more like an instinct, as if shaking water off his hair or out of his ears. His eyes are on the TV. "Not, not hungry," He mumbles around the damp cloth he's chewing on.

"Not hungry," She echoes, and her heart kicks up. Oh, Nat will be disappointed if he won't eat. She looks back over her shoulder, the others laughing in the kitchen, then back to Chris.

Small and young, he looks as lost as Krista often feels. They're all ghosts, but Chris seems like someone who can feel the chill of a grave down his spine, when he has a bad day.

Like today.

"Can... Can you try, Chris?"

His eyes flicker to hers and dance away again. He curls up, almost consumed by one of Jake's big sweatshirts, knobby knees sticking out from the basketball shorts he's always wearing. Again, he shakes his head, and this time he looks all around her - over and under and through. "Not, not, not hungry," He repeats, and she can see his hands twisting the fabric of his sleeves, pulling tight and twisting and letting go, doing it again. "I, I, I can't... Can't. Eat. Bad, bad pet. No, um, no dinner can't can't sit still bad pet."

"Bad pet," She whispers, and shivers. Her eyes close as she fights the fear that tries to claw up from deep inside her, the light that will freeze her if she can't get back to the safety of the dark. "Bad, bad pet."

"Bad pet," He whispers.

Which one of them is an echo? Which one is the original voice? She can't remember anymore.

Krista takes in a deep breath. "Okay, I... I have an idea. Nat asked me to get you some dinner. What if... we get a protein shake? With a straw?"


"Good," She cuts him off. She can't hear it again. She can't. "A good pet sitting still to eat his dinner. Okay?"

He licks at his lips, pulls the hoodie string from his mouth. It's fraying at the end. His eyes cross a little as he focuses on something so close. "Um. Okay."

She exhales and goes back to the kitchen, ignoring the eyes on her as she pulls down a small bottle. This one is vanilla. There are strawberry ones, too.

But absolutely no chocolate.

Chris doesn't acknowledge her, but when she opens the bottle, settles a straw in, and moves it to his lips, he drinks. She watches the straw change color as the liquid rises, watches his throat move as he swallows.

He keeps sipping, and she keeps holding the bottle, and after a while it's gone. She sets the empty container down on the table next to nuggets and fries going cold. He doesn't speak.

But after a pause, he leans slowly over until his shoulder meets hers, until the side of his head rests against her own, mingling his copper-colored hair with her blonde.

"What happened, Chris?" She asks, in a whisper. Whatever it is, he doesn't want the others to know, or he wouldn't have hidden, silent, in here.

"Bad, bad dreams," He replies. His expression is carved by a sculptor, wide eyes and stark cheekbones and the memory of pain. "Bad dreams, bad... Bad me."

"Bad dreams. Not bad you. Dreams aren't real." She takes his hand in hers. Despite the sweater, his fingers are pale and cold. "They're not."

"But, but, but... what if the bad thing is, is something you... wanted? What, what if what you dreamed was... was, was, was so terrible... but, but it made you... so happy?"

This time, his eyes are the ones searching, and Krista is the one who looks away.

"I don't know," She says, and then echoes herself. She wonders what he dreamed. She doesn't dare ask. "I don't know."

He doesn't speak again that night.


It didn't have to be this way -(villain!James - 1)

(June of doom 2)

“It didn’t have to be this way.”            

| Scream | Double Cross | Made to Watch |

This is the first part of a story I've been thinking about for a few years by now, in which James' career as a hero takes a turn when he finds out how corrupt his team leader is. I still need to figure out a hero name for her and a few other people, but I hope to get this story going now.

contains: Kidnapping, vaguely mentioned torture.


James tapped on the cloaking device on his suit and darkness spilled out over the fabric like a shadow; concealing the blue color. It really had been a genius invention for those times more discretion was needed, and when following a criminal through the city streets at night it definitely was. 

The target was suspected of belonging to a criminal network that had proven particularly hard to pin down and expose. It likely would have been relatively easy for James to bring the suspect into custody, but another person they'd caught had proven that questioning was futile so James had decided to try another approach; maybe that person could lead him to some place of importance. If not, well, then he would have to just bring the suspect in.

Quietly as he could, James followed the man through the dimly lit streets, making sure that he wasn't noticed by the man he was following. That led him to a building which from the outside looked rather unsuspecting, but hopefully this would be something useful. Just before the door closed James used his power, a blue glow dancing across his fingers, as he focused on the door and stopped it from fully closing and locking.

He waited for a few moments, then walked up to the door and entered the building, carefully keeping an eye out for anyone else who could discover him. Granted the dark camouflage from the cloaking device helped him blend into the shadows of the corridor but it did not make him invisible. This was a risky move especially since he was alone, but danger was just part of the job.

Suddenly James heard footsteps from behind, and he hurried a few steps down the hall to hide in what seemed to be some sort of utility or storage room to avoid being noticed.

“Stop crying, you brought this upon yourself. Did you really think that double-crossing the Sinclairs would work out for you?” A woman said, and to James' surprise the voice was very familiar. That sounded like Cordelia, the leader of his team. Sure enough, through the keyhole of the door James could see her coming down the corridor accompanied by Rigel, dragging a bruised up man with them. Neither of them were in their hero suits, but the fact that she was here with a clearly injured person was even stranger. What the hell was going on?

Anonymous asked:

heyy i don’t have something specific in mind but can you please right something about a morally grey villain and a civilian. make it romantic and flirty and stuffff

Civilian was going to die.

The explosion from the bomb had obliterated half the bank within fractions of a second. The blast was far enough from their office that they weren't directly affected, but evacuating the actively crumbling building could easily kill them.

Rubble rained down as they desperately ran down the dusty hallway to the stairwell. Why did they have to be three stories up? Would they even get all the way down before the place collapsed?


Civilian barely had time to react before they were thrown off their feet from the force of the blast that had detonated from the room beside them. Their back smacked into the opposite wall, pain and shock rippling through them as they hit the ground, rendering them helpless.

They couldn't move. This was it. They were going to—

"Oh, sweetheart."

Civilian jerked their head up to see someone standing over them, not a single speck of dust visible on their impeccable black clothes. Not the uniform of a co-worker or a rescue team member, Civilian realized with dismay.

The person crouched down in front of them, head tilted. "I could've sworn I got everyone out in time. I guess you're just a little elusive, huh?" They smirked and ruffled Civilian's hair, wildly playful considering the life-or-death situation they were in right now.


The realization struck them like a brick to the head. “You set the bomb off,” they wheezed. “You’re Villain.”

Villain gave them a mock salute. “Nice to meet you too."

The floor wobbled dangerously and Civilian squeaked in fear, trying and failing to prop themselves up. "Please...please don't kill me," they blurted.

"Wow, who do you think I am?" Villain placed a hand on their chest in mock disbelief. "Eh, besides, you're too cute to murder. Or leave for dead,” Villain added as the building groaned, swaying on its foundations.

Civilian flushed, not sure if they should be flattered or absolutely terrified that their whole fucking workplace was about to collapse and that this bastard was trying to flirt with them—

Villain scooped Civilian up without warning, hoisting them into a bridal carry. They yelped in surprise as a block of cement crashed down onto the exact spot where they were laying just seconds ago.

“See?” Villain grinned at Civilian, bearing in close. “Too cute to leave behind.” Their face was near enough for Civilian’s eyes to flick down to their lips. Their grin widened in acknowledgment.

Villain turned abruptly and ran down the hallway towards the stairs, throwing the door open. Three flights down stared back, seeming infinitely long, too long.

But Villain was still smiling like they were gonna make it out of the bank on time. They looked down at Civilian, who had unconsciously fisted their hands into the lapels of Villain’s jacket.

“Yeah, just like that,” Villain said, winking at Civilian.

Civilian blinked, their mind flailing for footing. Just like what—

“Hold tight!” Villain whooped, and instead of booking it down the steps, they jumped onto the railing and slid down, handless.

Holy fucking shit. Civilian squeezed their eyes shut and held on so tight onto Villain’s jacket, stomach lurching. If the bombs didn’t take them out, then this would definitely—

They felt the Villain jump onto solid ground before they could even finish their thought. Oh.

“Aren’t you a scaredy-cat,” Villain teased, that shit-eating, infuriatingly charming grin back on their face. “Ever been on a roller coaster before?”

“No, I’ve never had fun in my life before, actually,” Civilian snapped back sarcastically.

“Hm,” Villain made their way out of the stairwell, casually walking towards the entrance as if the bank wasn’t crumbling around them. “Well, they’ve been saying amusement park dates are all the rage. Maybe this is my sign to take you out.”

Civilian fumbled for a response. Why was this criminal so good at rendering them speechless?

“You’re not saying no…” Villain murmured, exiting the building seconds before it promptly collapsed, throwing onlookers into chaos and allowing them to blend in with the crowd. The timing was almost comedic.

They slipped into an empty alley, Civilian still in their arms.

“I’m not putting you down until you say yes,” Villain urged, eyes glinting with playful mischief.

Civilian, despite themselves, rolled their eyes. “Aren’t you supposed to be a bad guy? What happened to ‘Now I take you back to my spooky dark lair and lock you up and torture you until Hero comes and I fight them to the death’?”

Villain smiled, but it was warmer, more genuine this time. “I guess I prefer it when people look at my lips and clearly want to kiss me instead of looking at me like I’m a monster.”

Civilian paused, dissecting the layers of that statement before—damn them—glancing again at Villain’s perfectly kissable mouth.

Villain ran their tongue over their bottom lip, clearly toying with Civilian, but fuck, it was working.

It was the nearing wail of police sirens that shook them out of their trance. They groaned, stupefied at how they almost fell for the person who just blew up their workplace. “Please put me down.”

“And here I thought I almost had you.” Villain sighed and set Civilian down on the ground. “Unfortunately, the authorities tend to annoy me a bit, so this is where I take my leave. It was nice meeting you, sweetheart.” They bowed to Civilian and began to make their way down the alleyway.

Fuck, the way the nickname made Civilian’s stomach flutter. Fuck fuck fuck— “Disneyland, this Friday, 10 AM,” they blurted.

Villain stopped in their tracks, and although they didn’t turn around. Civilian could feel that stupid little smirk on their face.

“See you then.” Then they disappeared around the corner.

As it turns out, roller coasters really weren’t so bad when you have someone doing it with you.


Quick question for the whump community- is it acceptable to reblog other people’s writing (parts of series, prompts, random drabbles) and just say like “yo this is cool” in the tags and leave it at that?

Reblogging to tell everybody that "yo this is cool" is a very welcome act. PLEASE leave a "this is pretty good" or something similar. I love it

Anonymous asked:

Hero forced to go on a date with a villain to convince them to help? Hero is terrified and villain is flirty. (Love your writing so much ❤️)

"Oh, good," the villain purred. "You received the clothes I sent you."

The hero's skin prickled under the villain's admiring gaze, heat rushing to their face.

The villain smirked, even though the blush was hardly flustered pleasure, so much as some flushed combination of helpless, frightened fury and humiliation. The villain made a twirling gesture with their finger.

The hero turned in a slow circle, however much they hated putting their back to the villain for even a second. Not that it mattered. The villain was just as dangerous standing in front of them as behind them. The hero still jumped when they turned to find the villain right in front of them, movements perfectly silent. Or maybe the hero's heart was simply pounding too loud to hear.

"You are even more stunning than usual," the villain said. "Now say hello." They tapped their cheek.

The hero leaned in, dizzy, and pressed a quick chaste kiss where the villain indicated.

The villain curled an arm around them, pulling them flush in one easy movement.

The hero squeaked.

Any thought that this could even vaguely be like a normal date, with the same expected courtesies, social niceties and distance, vanished. They really hoped they weren't expected to put out on the first date too. They weren't sure what they do would do if that was the price that the villain demanded in return to their aid.

The hero tried to focus on the main goal, but their every instinct twitched to have the villain so close. It made it difficult to think straight.

The villain inhaled, lips brushing the hero's cheek in turn. "Fear," they said. "Is such an exquisite perfume on you, my dear."

Then the two of them teleported.

The villain's ability was such that they could transport themselves across both great distances, and also great time periods. The only thing they needed to do it was some small thread, an item or even a memory, to connect them to where they wanted to go.

It made them almost virtually impossible to imprison or out-trick.

It also made them the only person the hero knew who could rescue the trapped civilians before it was too late.

Unfortunately for the hero, 'too late' for the villain, given their abilities, was rather less of a ticking time bomb than it was for the hero's stress levels. How long would they draw it out? There were still limits, there had to be. Bringing back the dead on one's own timeline was a rather different skill, after all.

The two of them appeared upon an empty beach, the sky lit the same fading gold as the sand. The air was warm and sweet. There was a picnic blanket awaiting beneath a small marquee like-covering, its hangings entwined with glimmering lights. There was a picnic basket, too.

"I'm told," the villain said, "that you enjoy picnics."

The hero was never going to enjoy a picnic ever again.

Their stomach squeezed, unsure how they were even going to manage to eat anything without hurling. Except, well, they could imagine how well throwing up in the middle of the date would go. They resisted the urge to start running, or at least recoil. They let the villain lead them to sit down instead.

The villain retrieved delicate glasses, too fine for any normal picnic, and poured them - it was the hero's favourite wine, too. Their favourite food. How could the villain know? How intently did they watch?

The hero shoved away another wave of dizziness.

"So," they said. "You said you'd consider helping, if I came to this date with you. I'm here, so-"

The villain clicked their tongue and held up their glass in toast. "Don't be so eager to skip the foreplay, love. You'll need it."

The hero nearly dropped the glass in panic.

The villain smiled, head tilted in that admiring way once more.

"I said I'd go on a date." The hero tried to keep their voice light, careless, suitably at an advantage. "That was it. I said nothing about how long that date would be, or how good it would be. I've shown you what it can be like if I behave, but-"

"But if I don't help you, you'll be a naughty little hero?" The villain bit down on their lip, as if delighting in the idea.

The hero stopped short, feeling like they'd put their foot in a minefield. An active one.

The villain laughed, softly. "Whatever would I do with you, if you did that?"

"You could save them now," the hero tried again, mouth dry. "Come back, after - I'm not going anywhere." There was nothing light or careless in their voice now. "Where would I go? I have no idea where we even are."

And thinking about that, about being somewhere completely alone with the villain...

"And miss that adorable desperation on your face? Sweetheart."

The villain sounded chiding, and the hero shivered.

They gulped down a mouthful of wine but couldn't taste it over the acrid panic burning in their throat.

The villain settled back, perfectly at ease, and set their glass their down. They arranged food on...there was only one plate. One plate, two forks. The villain loaded up a bite, holding the morsel out the hero's mouth, eyes agleam with dark amusement, with a hunger that had nothing to do with the horrifyingly delicious scents surrounding them.

"I'm curious," the villain said, "how far you'd go save them. And the night is still so young! Shall we find out?"

In the end, everyone was saved from the caves and the oncoming tide. In the end, the hero lay upon a picnic basket, cool evening air stroking bare skin and...

And the villain stopped. Arms braced on either side of the hero's head, studying them.

"I said I wanted to see how far you'd go to save them," the villain said. "I didn't say I'd make you do it. When you pick me you'll do it of your own volition."

The hero stared at them, brain un-computing.

The villain smiled, and pressed their fingers to the hero's lips instead, parting them a fraction.

"They're saved, my dear. Have been for a while. Now." They sat up, and pulled back. "Shall we do this again and see what you do next time? I still can't quite predict you...you're incredible."

And time looped back to the beginning of the evening again.


Failed escape - June of Doom 1

“Help me.”                                        

| Failed Escape | On the Run | Fetal Position |

James couldn't quite believe his luck. Ever since he'd been kidnapped and locked into a room in Harrison’s house, lucky was the last thing he’d felt like. Pain and fear had dominated every waking moment. But now he did have some luck, finally. The cuffs Harrison usually had him restrained by hadn't locked properly and James could slip out of them. Carefully he made his way over to the door. Not locked either, but that wasn't so strange given he was usually chained and wouldn't be able to escape anyway.

Walking hurt, every step sent waves of pain through his body but James couldn't stop. He had to get out. James walked as silently as he could, wincing every time a floorboard creaked slightly under his feet. By how his heart was racing in his chest, James expected Harrison to step out of the shadows and grab him. An escape attempt surely wouldn't be well met. No, he had to make sure he wasn't caught; he'd likely not get another chance like this.

When James got closer to the front door he finally started to feel hopefully, maybe he really could do this, maybe he could get out–

“Well now, what do we have here?”

James was just about to reach out for the door when the voice startled him. He nearly jumped out of his skin and spun around to see Harrison standing a few feet away with an amused, smug smile on his face. “Did you really think you’d be able to escape?”

Panic set it and James quickly turned back around, frantically trying to get the door open. His heart raced, and it didn't take long before Harrison grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled him back. 

“No!” James screamed and thrashed against Harrison's grip, to no avail. “No, please!” He begged with tears in his eyes, consumed by fear because he knew what waited now.

Harrison just laughed. “Really, James. I thought you would've known better than to fall for that, but I’m glad you did. This was fun.” He pulled James along, who was sobbing and pleading with Harrison not to hurt him. But of course he would, and that scared James so much. 



Let your whumpee beg, let them learn how.

After all... They've been such a defiant one. They had always fought back against it all. The torture, the chains and ropes, the insults and taunts. They've tried to be brave and confident and strong... but had failed. They've always have felt it was so humiliating to beg, but... it was the one thing that could make the pain go away or stop it from happening at all.

They've learned through trial and error how to have that perfect combination of pathetic whining, self degradation and stammering their words with that sweet fearful tremble in their voice. They've learned how to sink to their knees, how to keep their head low, how to avoid eye contact and when to make eye contact. They learned when to flinch away and when to keep still. They've learned it all so well. And now, with a body covered with marks of the times of lessons and learning, it didn't matter how pathetic they seemed, how humiliating it was. It was a small chance to avoid pain and they'd take it as they couldn't take much more. Broken at last.


Strong/powerful whumpees being held as trophies. They are showcased in front of anyone the Whumper wants to in-still fear in.

Whumper doesn’t ask Whumpee to do anything. Just stay silent. Stay still.

Maybe Whumpee is chained up, kept in a glass box?

Maybe Whumpee is muzzled?

Whumpee is kept weak so they can’t fight back. Drugged? Starved? Your choice.

Whumper wants them displayed to show their dominance. The ability to contain someone so powerful like it’s nothing.

Do with that what you will, besties x

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