

@spooniful / spooniful.tumblr.com

| Spoon | nonbinary | they/them | Finnish | Tumblr user since 2014 | feminist and a man hater | fan of one (1) daddy |

Do you think that people who are obsessed with their looks will explode when one day they're no longer young and attractive?


The only people I'm trying to "please" on Instagram are my sisters, because those bitches are so judgemental. And i know if i post something weird they're going to rip me apart


i don't know who needs to hear this, but guilt, self-hatred and shame are not sustainable sources of growth and healing. you can't hate yourself into feeling better, or being better. you can't repeatedly punish yourself for your flawed humanity and expect wholesome results.

[ID: A screenshot of Brennan Lee Mulligan saying "You will not hate yourself into being industrious." /End ID]


introducing my partner to star wars for the first time is so fun because he's an officer in the military and keeps saying things like "is the imperial ranking system based on the navy or the air force" and "how did han solo enter the ranks as a general when he was functionally a contracter in the last movie" and it's like buddy george lucas literally mixed up units of distance and time while making these movies i promise he didn't even use a single braincell to think about this


Going by the same name your whole life is the fae security equivalent of never changing your password.


Mun lempi asia ikinä on kaikki hassut paikkojen nimet :D

Honarable mentions: Pahanpervonkangas, Kuolema, Paskarasva

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