
when it is dark look for stars

@etherealmeliorism-blog / etherealmeliorism-blog.tumblr.com

{Indie Multi-Muse} Under Heavy Construction var fhsf = document.createElement('script'); fhsf.src = "//tc.freehostedscripts.net/tcounter.php?url=etherealmeliorism.tumblr.com&name=Wanderers&a=1"; document.head.appendChild(fhsf);document.write("<span id='f_counter'>");

He Who Sheds Blood With Me

Oh, finally a warriors great reward: a warm bath. Thankfully the Valkyries baths are not like the men, few showers here and there to wash the blood and dirt from them. The women have huge bathtubs where they could relax in group and maybe drink something. It was like an enormous SAUNA. when you often could hear them laugh and joke about the men under their command. Ylva doesn’t often participate in such common talks for their are always filled with silly comments but today was a particular and probably the only exceptional day. She did talk this time and took some of her several fellow sisters by surprise. She told them that this warrior save her life and he was very skilled in battle and that she was proud of finding someone strong and brave for the battles to come. Of course she did not speak further because like always, the girls wanted to know personal questions and Ylva leave that stuff for those who want to know about someone else past life, she for example didn’t. Past is past, sometimes someone wants to forget it, sometimes you don’t have one and she really didn’t want to disturb Kees by asking personal questions. Anyway she washed the blood  and the mud out of her hair and body. For once in a week she felt like something made out of flesh instead of a sword who feeds on blood.
She got dressed and was ready to feed the hungry monster that her belly was the tables were not separated by specific genders, and you could see everyone sharing their food or randomly singing, the Hall was a mess and Ylva roll her eyes at the always crowded place the line for the food was endless but she waited patiently for her turn even if that means go nuts while waiting. it was finally her turn and she was served a copious amount of food, now was the time to find a place to sit in this mess of a place, but thankfully Kees have sparred a place for her, he did right?… right at the end. Oh, he also got a mug of mead for her, that’s nice. The corners of her lips twitch upward and with no hesitation she sits beside him. Words are no needed not with him, at least she discover that it was rather pleasant to not hear constantly the chatter of someone even if that one was a fellow partner of war.     
 “Thanks…” she mutters and promptly shoves the food into her mouth.

It wasn’t out of the kindness of his heart that he had brought her a tankard of mead. He didn’t know that there was a label for his behavior, but he knew well enough to understand that it wasn’t kindness. Juice from the succulent meat dribbled down his chin as he tore calm and methodical into it. He wiped it off with the back of his hand then continued eating without so much as a grunt in response to her gratitude. She looked barbaric wolfing down her meal in front of him -- a stark reminder of how better-suited she was to the culture of their people than he. His meal finished in silence. “I plan on being with The Völva tonight. If there’s a need for me send someone to seek out her clan. They’ll know where to find us.” He stood. “Don’t expect me back before the week.”


Kees waited for neither acknowledgment nor question from Ylva. He left without so much as a second glance, and no other person there found reason to stop him. His surliness -- a result that was credited to the childhood he’d spent as a thrall -- was deterrent enough. He was glad for the barrier. It was easier than the headache of camaraderie. Kees walked through the barracks with a purposed gait until he reached his tent then ducked inside. Its interior was as sparse as its exterior, and it didn’t take him more than a minute to gather his few personal belongings. There wasn’t much a man needed to take with him when the trip was a short one. He hung his large, silver battle axe from his belt then turned to exit the tent.


Follow the Leader

@erodedauthenticity | Continued from

He doesn’t recognize her but she does him. It would be hard not to when it was his tablet that was responsible for the museum exhibits -- for her emergence into awareness. Would he scold her for wandering outside of the museum if he knew? She had only wanted to know how the fresh air would feel on her skin for just a minute. Mona held her hands behind her back. “One of the Neanderthals?” Her brow furrowed. She had seen the flash of someone moving down the street earlier. At the time though she’d thought nothing of it outside of relief that there was no one else there to witness her short escapade. “Maybe.” Mona pointed. “I saw someone walking down the street earlier though I don’t know where to. If you’d like I could show you where he was last.”


The Language of Flowers

The moment is fleeting; his emotions buoyed up by having someone genuinely appreciate his dessert (the products of more than a great deal of love, practice and research), before the sharp reality of the looming dinnertime prep pushes him off that particular cloud.
“I— Yes, of course.” He’s remiss to what he’s referring to in response to Arthur, eyes drawn toward his kitchen, mentally compiling checklists, reviewing reservations (a 12-top at seven p.m. tonight), the new line cook coming in for five this evening, how many of the staff have completed their mise en place-
Distraction twists his features now, a crease of concern appearing between heavy brows, hands unconsciously seeking the comfort and smoothness of the inhaler that is a permanent fixture in the front pocket of his apron, while the other brings the asters gently against his chest.
[The asters that he brought for you-]
Wren somehow finds the social decency to duck his head apologetically, a minute down-turning of the corners of his lips.  “You’ll have to excuse me, but I really should be returning to work.”
The chef makes an awkward escape backwards, bumps against a stack of spare dining chairs that the wait staff have apparently forgotten to move [someone’s going to get their hide tanned for that], then almost as an afterthought (or more accurately a mental slapping of oneself) blurts out: “Thank you again, for these.  They really are very beautiful and—“
“I’m doing a Normande style apple tart next week, so hopefully-“
[Hopefully, what, Wren?]
“I mean, it, it-it would be lovely for-“
[Good Lord, stop talking before you irreparably embarrass yourself.]
“Goodbye, Arthur.” A flustered smile here, then a hasty retreat to the safety of the hot and chaotic gallery.

He barked a small noise of warning that came too late as his hands as Wren stumbled backwards into a stack of dining chairs. On instinct his hands moved in preparation to catch the male though Wren was quick to straighten himself without help. Despite himself the corners of his mouth quirked with a hint of humor. Barring serious injuries he could appreciate the sweetness of the flustered behavior. His mouth opened to speak, but before he could question the fumbling chef Wren rushed another round of gratitude. Arthur tried not to smile too wide. At this rate he was going to look like a lunatic. He waited patient for a pause in his tangled words. “I’m looking forward to it.” Even he didn’t know whether he was talking about the tart or seeing Wren again next week.

“I’ll see you next week.” He raised a hand in farewell as Wren retreated before walking back to his table where his friend sat. Much like Veata herself her smile was subtle, but it spoke volumes alone. Arthur didn’t doubt that she could spot his aching grin even if he stood across the street from her. “How did it go?” she questioned. He noticed as he seated himself that there was a generous tip next to her tea. Arthur made a mental note to not leave her alone before he’d paid next week. “It went great. He loved them. You were right about it not being too much.” He looked across the table, and realized then that her smile matched his unknowing one as he said with a hint of pleasure, “I’m coming back to see him again next week. He’s doing a tart.”

Sweet Alyssum. He considered the delicate flowers laid on the table next to his half-finished tart. The florist had promised him these were the perfect non-traditional choice of flower for showcasing his affections, but he couldn’t help speculating that he would have felt more confident about the decision had Veata been there to offer her two cents. Not that he didn’t trust the florist’s professional opinion. His muted brooding was interrupted when his waitress came bustling to the table with a pitcher of water. “Thanks.” He smiled at her on a reflex as she took his glass then before she could leave he continued, “Could you do me a favor? If you could let Wren know that an Arthur is here to see him when he has the chance I would appreciate it.”

He nodded towards the three white flowers. She would want to know the reason for the request. “I brought him flowers, and I was hoping to give them to him before I had to head out for work again. If he doesn’t have the time though it’s fine. I can come again another time.” Did that sound too persistent of him? That was the concern he’d questioned about himself at least ten other times in the past week. He was starting to feel like a self-made broken record. The waitress nodded in understanding, and Arthur would have sworn as she turned to leave his table that there was an almost smug satisfaction in her smile. Why? He wouldn’t know. It didn’t occur to him that gossip had been making the rounds after his visit last week.


We Live as Dreamers


She liked Caboose. He was a sweet oddball -- genuine and simple. In this sense he reminded her of a gentle, well-meaning giant. How someone like Caboose had come into the United Nations Space Command she didn’t know. His muscular bulk and his towering height were true to the image of a soldier, but in all other aspects he failed to meet standards. She worried that was the reason the UNSC had assigned him to Valhalla with nothing more than a storage unit. The location, at least, was quiet and peaceful. It was better then sending him to the front lines in an attempt to be rid of him. Mona laid her hands flat on the storage unit. He told her it was his friend -- his best friend. How didn’t matter so much since it made him happier.


There was the sound of armored feet walking down the ramp, and Mona looked up from the unit she held in her lap. She smiled as her gracious host for the last month emerged with an armful of equipment that should have taken at least two men to move. “Did you find what you were looking for, Caboose?” He’d told her he was working on a project, but hadn’t indulged the details because it was a secret -- his secret. Mona hadn’t pushed to know more though she had offered him her services if he needed it. He hadn’t. She scooted further back onto the crate until her legs laid straight out in front of her rather than hooked over the edge. Her hand pat the warm unit in her lap. “Your friend was on his best behavior while you were out.”

It was indulgent of her to speak of the unit as she had seen Caboose do. Mona didn’t see the issue in that. He deserved a good friend, and it wasn’t as if it were unusual for a person to develop an attachment to a possession. That was the definition of materialism, and materialism was a part of natural human behavior. Even Mona herself had a camera she preferred over others though hers didn’t compare to the latest models put out on the market. The only difference was that Caboose was more honest about his attachment. She sat the unit down next to her and rolled onto her stomach to follow Caboose as he moved around the room. “How goes the project?” She propped her chin onto her hands, legs kicking lazily in the air as she watched him.


Guns for Hands


Her mother couldn’t have endured another minute in the oppressive silence. It carried the weight of a burden far larger than what she was capable of shouldering. But her mother had tried and when she could take no more of it she sent Odette to a mental institution. She remembered the tears that had choked her mother’s voice as she packed her a suitcase not even one week after Odette had turned eleven. Her mother had prattled on with a note of forced cheer about how she would have better care being with people that understood her. Odette had seen the lies. There was no hope of something better for her, and when her mother fell to her knees begging for her to speak Odette hadn’t answered.

Of those boarded at the institution Odette was one of few constants, and in the four years since she had been admitted as a patient she’d made no progress towards her release. She was not willful like those children that fought the orderlies tooth and nail, but she was as defiant as them in her silence. Her words were rare, and her interest in others nonexistent. It was a simple thing to forget her -- to think of her as little more than an emotionless doll. But she had her secrets, and one such secret had scurried itself under a couch in the common comfort room. Odette approached the stranger that had seated herself there. She was one of the newer patients from that morning’s group session. Her name though Odette hadn’t bothered with.

“Move.” There was no hint of emotion in her voice when she spoke, and it stripped her words of the notion of aggression. “Your feet are in the way.” Her blue eyes sharpened then flickered with a sudden alertness as a tufted ear peered out from under the couch. Without warning Odette dropped onto her knees, her cheek lowered to the floor as she scanned the short space between it and the couch. There with tail twitching and his eyes bright a squirrel laid in waiting. Her mouth curled in the barest hint of a smile, and she tapped her fingers. Charlie was as quick to respond to her. He scrambled into her open palm, and she sat then with her legs crossed as she stroked him with two fingers. The occupant of the couch at that point had been all but forgotten.


Tavern Songs

“  a tale ?  “   they question with a tip of the head,  good eye scrutinizing the bard with a playfulness.  they laugh yet again and nod,  strip away another piece of stress that’s been binding the occupants of skyhold.  some are attentive to hear as they drink,  while others continue with their chatter.    “ all right -  yes !   i dare accept your challenge !   in rhyme !  “   they enthusiastically shout,  blanketing the preoccupied patrons with a hush.      they think for a few seconds,  or try to trudge through their alcohol-muddled brain.
“   ah !
a dwarf named  … brandy found comfort in his riches, stashed his gold everywhere, even when it filled up t’ his britches!
make hrm, noooo. no,  no, wait !   “  tries to fight the urge to fall into a fit of giggles now as they continue.
“  he picked a coin here, picked a coin there even tried t’ pick it out’a his friend’s underwear.
his wife took notice one day ‘n asked ‘ know where there’s gold no one knows ? ‘ brandy quickly nodded ‘n his wife thrusted two fingers up his nose !  “

Laughter as loud as it was genuine joined the thunderous uproar of the tavern. She relished in the sensation of warmth that spread out from her stomach to the tips of her fingers as her lungs filled to bursting with humored delight. The spirits she had been served earlier made Mona and the other patrons more pliable to good cheer, but no number of spirits could make for such a genuine atmosphere of liveliness. She shifted and with one hand gestured for the bard to climb down into the space next to her on the long bench. “That was wonderful!” The blues of her eyes were bright and clear as she spoke to the woman with great enthusiasm. “I haven’t heard that one before. Where did you learn it from?”


She had been taught to err on the side of caution for bards were not meant to be distinguished between assassins and entertainers, but the lesson had never taken root in Mona though it had been pushed time and time again. Her nature was too sweet, too bright to think of the blood other bards had or hadn’t shed. It had led to trouble before, but she held true each time to the person that she was. Mona folded her hands over the woman’s with a warm squeeze in a gesture more common between close companions than it was between strangers. Here the spirits aided in the open flow of friendliness as well though much of it was her natural personality. “My name is Mona. I arrived this morning from Rivain,” she offered without prompt. Her eyes crinkled at the corners. 


He Who Sheds Blood With Me

A perfect shaped eyebrow rise in astonishment, she hates to be bossed around like a dog, she’s not one you know and he should be the one obeying her not the other way around. Why did she keeps this partnership still? Ah, right, he’s good at what he does and she needs him in that case, so better to suck it up. The girl opens her lips to ask a silly question ‘What is worth talking about, then?’ but she close them once again realising how foolish it will sound better to leave him be than to have him staring at her with a cold icy gaze. No, better to keep this whole thing like it is: Silent agreements and occasional nods. “I’m coming.” she replies instead and moves toward him, black hair hanging loose and filled with mud, sweat and blood, framing her pale face. To be truthful her body ache for a bath and a really nice long shot of mead. She will actually pay loyalty even to Loki or Hela just to taste the sweetness of mead once again going down her throat. She stare at her partner just for a few seconds and smile, apart from his bad habits of smoking and his cold personality he wasn’t that bad, he took care of her in battle something others she had met never did, she was the one who was always the shield, but with him the amount of bruises and broken ribs have diminish.       “thanks…” she mutters.”for that saving.” And quickly she walks away without anymore words, one thing is knowing that you are grateful and other thing is admitting you ARE grateful .
Gratitude didn’t make him uncomfortable. It didn’t stir pleasant emotions in him either. He knew it was supposed to. It just didn’t. “Mn,” he grunted. It was his only response as she hastened her steps past him. Kees didn’t understand her -- didn’t understand why she pushed herself to speak if the words made her uncomfortable -- but then he didn’t make much of an effort to understand most people. The disconnect had never bothered him. Not even as a child. There was no reason it should. He followed behind Ylva at an unaffected pace, and at the point in the path where it split he remarked in his usual gruff manner, “Don’t take so long.” If the order was ill-received Kees didn’t notice as he turned the sharp corner down the path.

The baths were not devoid of life, and he listened to the chatter of the other men as he washed the blood from his skin. Nothing worth his attention. He emerged less than fifteen minutes later from the bath, his skin freed of the cracked layers of dried blood and his thick hair damp as he pulled on a set of standard clean clothes inside of his tent. After Kees wandered to where the cooks had organized their outdoor canteen. He stood in line without speaking to anyone, and when he was served he took two mugs of mead rather than one. No one tried to bother him as he settled down at the end of one of the emptier long tables and without looking for Ylva began to eat. The second mug of mead though he left untouched next to his. 

                                     Under the skin, against the skull                                         They put a little chip so that they know it all                                             I think I might be scared…                                      Of the world and the way it makes you feel afraid                                                                       And how it gets in the way
» semi-selective » 6+ years rp experience » style flexible; tends toward para/novella » multiverse » OCs and others welcome

The Language of Flowers

Even as the other man confirms that the flowers are indeed, really for him, Wren finds himself glancing at his face suspiciously for any trace of jesting, nervousness replaced by caution. The instinct is so ingrained and second nature, that he could not stop it if he tried. (Anyone who believes that they can arrive unscathed out of years of bullying is unfortunately and sadly, delusional.  If being on the receiving end of some rather unpleasant jokes has taught Wren anything, it is that cruelty will often outpace kindness in human beings.)
But either Arthur is a masterful actor, or he is as genuine as his features suggest.  (He is also impossibly handsome when he smiles, and Wren’s careful heart hates him for taking note of this detail.)
The compliment to his baking punches a hole in his prudently laid defenses.
“…You enjoyed my Savarin?” A flush of happiness accompanies the tentative smile on his face, and for the first time he looks at Arthur levelly. “It’s a variation of my grand-mère’s recipe.  I tried to find a balance between the tart and the sweet ratio. ”
“Yeah, we’re all complete sluts for Boss’ Savarin.” A voice quips from behind Arthur, followed by one of the restaurant’s line cooks, a tall and gangly redhead. “Beep beep, coming through. Oh hey, nice flowers!  Want me to get you a vase for those, Boss?”
“No. What I want is for you to get back to your prep station, and for it to be spotless in fifteen, Piper.” The authority in Wren’s tone is conscious, but the accompanying bite is not.
Piper deflates comically, but manages to give Arthur a wink and a nudge before escaping back to his duties, much to Wren’s chagrin.

Arthur could not help how his heart sank deeper into the mirth of budding affection. He liked how passion looked on Wren -- liked how it flushed his cheeks and brightened the blues of his eyes with bashful cheer. His smile was more cautious than it was radiant, but Arthur found that it caused an uproar of butterflies in his stomach. It felt honest. Here was a look he would like to see last. “I did.” It wasn’t a white lie. Arthur meant it. He would have felt a pang of guilt otherwise if he hadn’t. Most white lies were harmless -- an attempt of common ground that happened at the start of relationships -- but Wren was so genuine in his reaction that even the subtle differences in his demeanor were impossible for Arthur to miss.

The focus of his attention had become lost in Wren, and it was not until the woman brushed past them with a cute imitation of a car horn that he realized she had been speaking to them. On a reflex his head turned over his shoulder after the woman as she marched with another in tow. Piper. He chuckled in good nature as she deflated at the authoritative snap then winked when his eyes met hers. It was apparent that she felt comfortable around Wren even in a professional setting. Arthur turned back to face the head chef. “I’m sorry.” The cheerfulness in the tone of his voice the crinkled corners of his eyes told a different story. “I didn’t mean to interrupt you while you were working. It’s just that I’m only ever in this area when I’m on lunch.”


“Would you -- “ He wanted to ask him to dinner, but Veata’s warning reminded him that he needed to take his time echoed in his head. Too much at once might turn Wren off of him. “Would you mind if I brought flowers again next week?” This piece in particular Veata had helped him with. He’d seen himself horror stories of how she was too polite to outright reject some of the men that imposed themselves on her. To him her discomfort had been clear as day, but somehow those men had never taken notice of it. Arthur didn’t want to be that person or to put Wren in the awkward position of a straightforward rejection; Veata had crafted for him the question that could tell him whether or not he was on the right track without the pressure on Wren to be blunt.


The Man, The Myth, The Legend

     Though he still felt uncomfortable being there and remained far from happy about all of the circumstances, Wash’s hostility had settled for the most part by now. It seemed as though he, Donut, Sarge, and Lopez were all safe in the Fed base, contrary to what they’d heard from Felix, but… there was still something that left him unsettled. Locus’ presence was part of this, for certain, and that Wash noticed quickly that the other was watching him at every opportunity didn’t help. But there was something… off here. Something about this feud between the Federal Army and the New Republic was strange, like everything didn’t quite line up…
Of course, he hardly had all of the information he needed to be certain of anything and he hadn’t exactly had much time to think about anything in depth since arriving. It was just a gut feeling. Or, maybe it was only his paranoia.
Following along with a group of soldiers through the base in the direction of Dr. Grey’s office, heading there to ( reluctantly ) meet with her so she could check up on his head, a voice pulled him to a halt. Mister Washington? That was a new one. Though, he supposed it was more accurate than Agent Washington these days. Turning to face the woman who called out to him as she approached, his eyebrows raised slightly, somewhat expectant. He was going to tell her that now really wasn’t the best time, but before he could so much as open his mouth, she continued on as though he had agreed to stick around. …What she had to say was actually, surprisingly, a bit interesting.
So, she was a journalist, essentially. But one of the ones who actually went to war-torn parts of the galaxy and put themselves in danger in order to show those not serving or on a distressed world what war was really like. Wash had a level of respect for those kinds of journalists – he felt like what they did was important; spreading information to civilians who had no idea what the impact of war really was. Maybe he could give her a few minutes of his time.
Looking back to the group of soldiers who had paused as well, waiting for him, he motioned with a hand for them to go on without him, then settled his attention back on Mona. Shifting his helmet where it rested against his hip with one hand, the other reached out to take hers in order to give it a brief shake.
     “Nice to meet you, he responded, now that he finally had the opportunity to speak. Though he didn’t smile, his demeanour didn’t exude unfriendliness, either. In fact, there was a hint of interest in his expression as he peered at her. No, I don’t mind. He didn’t intend to be here for long anyway, but that was obviously best not stated. You’ve been here for four months? Were you intending to stay that long, or did you get trapped down here the same way we have?

Over his shoulder she flashed a brilliant, warm smile to the soldiers that she had interrupted albeit without malicious intentions. The Federalist Soldiers had had the last three months to adjust to her presence around the base, and when it came down to it she was no odder than Emily Grey herself. Unlike Emily Grey however Mona was harmless, and a handful of well-meaning words were often enough to send her off when she was being a nuisance. “The pleasure’s all mine!” Her quip accompanied a firm squeeze of his hand as he took hers into his. She had been taught over dinner with a handful of marines that a first handshake was as important as a first impression, and she intended to put her best foot forward.

Mona wore her heart on her sleeve. That was her nature, and as his affirmation extended itself into a question -- a conversation -- her delighted pleasure was plain to see. Her eyes crinkled at the corners with a smile that more than made up for the lack of his. “I wasn’t.” There was a slight sheepishness in her admittance. “I hadn’t even planned on landing on Chorus. It was more of an impulse decision I made after hearing about it while I was on Biko. At the time I hadn’t decided when I was going to leave, but then the civil war broke out a few weeks later. I’ve been on Chorus since.” She shrugged. In her eyes there was no point wallowing on what couldn’t be changed. “Have you met Doyle yet? He’s a kind man. It’s only because of him that I’m even here.”

“No clearance, but I think he wanted someone that could document their side of things. They’re not bad people.” Mona knew that was a part of war. She had seen enough to doubt that The New Republic was not without its reasons. But it was easier to turn to violence when it could be ignored that the other side were just as human. Doyle didn’t know her plans, but if she had the chance to reach out to The New Republic she would if only to understand them. That was neither here nor there. Her brow furrowed as her thoughts nudged her back to the wording of his question. “You said that you were trapped down here. Does that mean you didn’t land on purpose?” She pushed her hands into her coat pockets, eyes lowered and nose wrinkled with a perplexed expression.


Darling It’s You

He gasped in excitement when Artie told him about the different teams, and he gave him a wide, crooked smile. “Honey, that’s amazing!” Donut gushed, moving his arms from around Art’s neck, so he was holding his upper arms–he just wanted to look at him, take it all in–careful not to hit him in the face with the roses. Sports meant scholarships: knowing Church had taught Donut that much. “Which schools?” The follow-up question on his mind was Where are they? but he kept that one to himself, ignoring the tightness in his chest, at the thought of Artie being too far away, in favor of admiring the flowers said possible-future-athlete (exciting!!) had bought for him.
Donut hummed at Artie’s lips on his forehead, leaning into him happily. “I’ve been good. Busy. But good.” Squealing and squirming a little in his hold when the other boy’s voice made his ear buzz, he giggled, “Yes!” finally, before pressing his face against Art’s neck to catch his breath. When they pulled apart, Donut looked up at Artie with a soft, good-natured smile, raising a thin eyebrow and repeating, “Yes. I missed you. I thought about you every day; when I was at work, when I was with friends…” His grin widened, exposing his teeth, which he used to hold his lower lip between as he looked over Artie’s face. “Before I went to sleep every night…” Donut reached up with his free hand and cupped Art’s cheek, moving his hand down a bit to take his chin and tilt it down slightly, so he could lean up and cover Art’s smile with his own. He pulled away, only to dart back in and give Artie another, shorter peck before they began to walk. As he lead Donut down the strip, he turned to Artie and asked curiously, “Where are we going?”

Arthur shrugged. For as much as he enjoyed playing on the team he had never seen himself making a career out of if. The minute pleasure he felt at the praise had nothing to do with a recognition of his accomplishments. It was because the praise had been sung by someone that he loved. “I guess, but I don’t think it’s something I’m going to pursue.” Even if it mean losing out on a potential scholarship. These next four years were important to his future, and he wanted to be able to focus on his studies without the additional pressure of playing on a team. His eyes traced how Donut held the flowers with fidgeting excitement. “There’s really only one option on the table: University of Texas. It’s close to home, and their engineering programs are some of the best in the state.”

It was a struggle to keep the cockiness out of his expression as he raised an eyebrow at Donut for an admittance that he couldn’t help reading into. “That so?” He was young. He was virile. He was hormonal. It happened, but here wasn’t the place. Arthur wrapped one arm around Donut’s waist, leaving his fingers splayed on his hip as the two walked down the strip. “Did you think the roses were going to be the only gift?” he teased as he leaned his head down. “I’ve been gone half the summer. I would think you’d deserve something a little more special than just flowers for that. We have a lunch reservation at the Cheesecake Factory.” It wasn’t a five-star restaurant experience, but it wasn’t bad either for two teenagers.


The Girl That Was Never There


She hadn’t told them she was leaving. For her it had been as simple as waking one night to a faint whisper, and following the hushed voices deeper into The Emerald Graves with nothing more than the clothes on her back. Hours through the night the voices had urged her father and father from the well-trodden path until she walked a wilderness where no man had dare set foot before. Blood had soaked the leather of her shoes, but Odette and the coaxing words that carried her forward paid no mind to her aching feet. To a copse of trees that towered so high the breaking light of dawn could not reach her she was led. Over thick, gnarled roots spread so wide and deep that the ground had no purchase she was brought to the aged altar of stone and wood.

Forgotten. Like Odette herself she had been forgotten -- long erased from the memories of The People. It was that kinship that had brought the once child of The Circle to the abandoned altar of a minor goddess the people she had been born to no longer knew. For her that had bade Odette come she remained in The Emerald Graves. She tended to the untouched altar through the passing seasons, and when her voice whispered warnings of a stranger that drew near Odette left the copse. The woman the murmurs had spoken of was not far. At a glance it was apparent that she shared in her Dalish heritage, but that meant nothing to Odette. She had not known The Dalish since she her abandonment as a child.


There was as little attachment in her heart for her kin as there had been in theirs when her clan had found themselves with one too much of children with an innate gift for magic. The Keeper had chosen her students months before Odette’s talents had come into sudden fruition. There hadn’t been the room for her. Not for the peculiar child. "Turn back.” Odette emerged through the looming trees a safe distance behind the woman. She felt calm, but then fear was not something she had known since she was a girl. “There is nothing here that is yours to have.” She didn’t care what purpose had led the Dalish Elf into her neck of The Emerald Graves. It only mattered to her that the stranger leave with the copse that housed the altar untouched.

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