
Megan's Musings

@megan-cutler / megan-cutler.tumblr.com

Author of the Mystical Island Trilogy & the Eternity's Empire Series. | Muse tamer, character wrangler, creator and destroyer of worlds. I sleep when my characters let me.

Where have I been?

You may have noticed that I vanished into thin air for about three months. I’m sorry about that. It wasn’t intentional. It just kind of happened. Why did I poof? For a lot of reasons. The biggest one is that my life has been hectic for the last year and, somewhere around July I just couldn’t juggle all the balls I needed to keep in the air. I felt crushed beneath an ever-growing pressure to keep up with way too many things. Something had to give. Somewhere, somehow the burden had to be lessened. Tumblr ended up being one of the things I had to set aside. Not forever, just for awhile. Why Tumblr? To be honest, I’ve never been entirely happy with the kind of content I share here. It took me a long time to get a sense for Tumblr and the kind of content people are interested in ingesting here. And while I do feel like I have a pretty decent grasp on that now, I’ve never felt like I quite managed to provide the right kind of quality or depth of content. It’s always been my intention to change my Tumblr feed to suit that vision of what I feel is good content for this site. But for a long time I felt like I just needed to keep posting - that speed, that any content at all was better than quality content. I thought, perhaps, if I walked away for a little while, it would be easier to come back and do something new. I never meant for the hiatus to last as long as it has. I would like to say it’s over now, but I’m not entirely sure how long it will take me to start posting the kind of stuff I really want to post on a regular basis. What does the future look like? In terms of how things are going for me, personally, outside the interwebs - my husband and I finally found a house. It took us a year and it was a long, grueling, frustrating process, so we’re really quite happy to be at the end of it. BUT that also means that November is going to be a high-stress month full of painting, renovations and moving. So while things are going well, and I do feel like I have my writing and publishing work back on track (it teetered for quite awhile), we’re not quite in the clear as far as extra and stressful things we need to tackle. But I have spent a lot of time thinking about what I’d like to do for this blog moving forward. I’m thinking I’d like to do themes every month and make everything I post relate to them. Obviously, I’d like them to be writing / creative related, since that’s always been what this blog was supposed to be about. I would really love to feature some Inktober stuff next month, if I get the chance. (This will all depend on how things on the moving front are shaping up.) I’ve also got a re-release of Eternity’s Empire coming up, so it’d be awesome to talk a bit about that while it’s happening. November is, of course, NaNoWriMo, so I’d like to have a lot of novel planning and writing info on the blog for the month for anyone who is participating and looking for information or tips. Not sure how that will shape up with us moving (and me trying to participate o_o;) but I’ll give it a shot! After that I might like to focus a month on planning. A month on maps. A month on first drafts. Stuff like that. That way I’ll really feel like I’m posting useful things the bulk of the time instead of filling up with memes just to keep the blog running. For anyone who may have been worried when I vanished, I apologize. As I said, it was never my intention to vanish without a word, things just sort of happened that way. I hope I’ll be back soon, and I’m looking forward to re-connecting with all of you <3


Just a couple of quick notes this week.

First, I’ll be away next week, entertaining friends, so the blog will be silent.

Second, it has recently become apparent that I’m spending a lot of time and effort producing content that isn’t the most beneficial. With everything going on in my life this year, it’s hard to keep on top of two blog posts every week, and I think one usually ends up getting lost in the cracks. So after speaking with my Facebook Group and friends on Twitter, I’m going to be pulling back to one post a week. Starting when I return, the blog will update only on Mondays. The next post will be a regular blog musing, and the post after that will be more free fiction.

Don’t worry, nothing is actually going away. I’m just going to try a little harder not to work myself to death. In light of Monday’s post, that should make sense ;) . . .

When I asked my Facebook group which character they’d like to hear more about, they almost unanimously chose Rose.

After my Seven Deadly Domerins series, I played around with the idea of another series of Heavenly Virtues prompts. I only ever did one in the past, and they’re an interesting group of traits to consider. But I write a lot about Domerin (as you may have noticed) so I wanted to dedicate the project to someone else. At first, I wasn’t sure if I had enough available Roses to make it work. No one has quite as many incarnations as Domerin. But after considerable thought, I managed to find just enough.

The first Heavenly Rose featured the virtue of chastity. The next one tackled humility. Next came patience. This week we’re looking at temperance, which is defined as: moderation or self-restraint in action, statement, etc.; self-control.

I will admit to a tiny bit of cheating here. This Rose comes from the same world as the one featured in the humility tale. But she’s not exactly the same, and much further along the timeline. Someday, that will all make sense. But for now, I hope you’ll enjoy this glimpse at the future. . . .

On the outer edge of a distant galaxy sits an isolated star, orbited by a single, lonely planet. Oh, there are other celestial bodies in the near vicinity. Asteroids, moons and dead rocks aplenty. But the star and its planet are the only signs of life, cut off from the rest of their neighbors by a thick field of celestial detritus that makes navigating the surrounding space both difficult and treacherous.

Somewhere on the northern and western most continent of that planet, can be found the most brilliantly beautiful caldera lake. The water is so blue, it resembles the sky at noon on the brightest, sunniest of days, and so clear that a person standing at its edge can peer clear to the base of the lake bed some thousand feet below. Mountains ring the lake on three sides but, on the fourth, it is surrounded by several miles of forest, before the final set of mountains completes the ring.

On a clear day, the breeze often rustles the leaves of those nearby trees before sweeping the lake’s surface, causing tiny waves to lap against the lakeshore. Light glistens off the water’s surface at varying intensity as the bright orb makes its trek across the sky, and every puffy white cloud that wanders by seems to stop briefly to examine itself in the blue mirror’s surface.

So it was easy to understand why Valin frequented the area, sometimes even braving autumn rain squalls to take in the breathtaking nature of the lands surrounding his new home. That the caldera lake had been born from one of the most destructive forces any planet had ever known was of little concern to him. The fires that carved the lake’s indentation had long since burned themselves out. And while he was aware of the galaxy that lay beyond the bright dust cloud in the hazy night sky, and the politics practiced by most of its planets’ inhabitants, he mostly tried not to think about it. Keep Reading.

As always tagging: @merigreenleaf, @dreameronthewind and @ilioneus If you’d like to be tagged when I post these, please let me know!


Physical features to add to any character

  • Dirty/chewed finger nails
  • Blemished skin
  • Chipped nail polish on fingers/toes
  • Chipped tooth/teeth
  • Errant curls/hairs that won’t stay down no matter what you do to them.
  • Unruly eyebrows
  • Sweats easily
  • Fidgets constantly/can never sit still
  • Blinks often
  • Grinds teeth
  • Gap in their teeth/Crooked teeth
  • Chapped lips
  • Dry skin
  • Skin is red/irritated
  • Acne on cheeks, forehead, chin
  • Dark under eye circles
  • Eyebrow scar
  • Uneven dimples
  • Hair birthmark
  • Long toes and/or short fingers
  • Patchy skin
  • Veiny hands/arms
  • Chin hairs
  • Large teeth/small teeth
  • Broken/crooked nose
  • Yellow teeth

the reason i want to be a writer is because sometimes i consume a piece of media, a book or tv show or movie, and i am so overwhelmed by how it touches me. sometimes, there is a character or a story line that stays with me, consistently, far past after i’ve finished it, and i become enamored by the idea that someone out there, a writer, created this. a writer gave me this feeling and made me fall in love with something that they wrote. and i want to recreate that feeling for someone else.




Background Actors Who Have No Idea What They Are Doing

The guy who has no idea how brooms work:

This guy that is pretty sure he was just kicked:

This guy who has no control over his arm movements:


stormtrooper to the right that doesnt know how to go through doors

When cutting the scene Lucas also saw it and laughed so they added a noise to his head hitting the door.


The broom one really gets me XD How can you NOT know how a broom works?!

Source: BuzzFeed

I *finally* got started on Book 4 of Eternity's Empire! (Can I get a HELL YEAH!) Here's a peek at the first draft of the opening:

While Aeternitas and her guardians huddled in the Earth queen's palace, waiting for doom or salvation, her mother's distant realm seemed like a dream.

But now that she had returned to the stars, it was Earth and not the empire that felt like a dream.

She still loved the Earth as much as she loved its queen; that was indisputable. She saw nothing but potential in its rolling green fields, jagged mountain ranges and rolling plains. But now that she was back among the ease and technology that permeated every aspect of life in the empire and its surrounds, the time she spent there seemed more like a fantastic camping trip, a venture through the wild, untamed reaches of the galaxy.

In other words, it had been a vacation. And it was time for that vacation to end. Learn more about the Eternity’s Empire series here!


My brain: here are my antagonists. They’re evil. They die at the end.

My heart: here are my antagonists. They’re in love. I cry at the end.


My heart: *whispering* Do I really have to kill them? My brain: How are you going to make the story make sense otherwise?!


the worst part about reading ancient roman philosophy is that sometimes you’ll read something expressly saying that people shouldn’t do something that you do frequently and it’s like diogenes threw a plucked chicken at you from 2000 years ago


marcus aurelius just fuckin @ me next time


Ouch. This hits a little close to home ^^;;


This week’s challenge was to revisit a prompt we had already done and re-do it with a different character. Surprisingly, neither side of this ended up involving Domerin :p … There was something visceral about writing with pen and paper. It might have been the elegant swoop of her hand as she formed each letter. It might have been the satisfying scratch of the pen as it deposited its ink. But it might have had a lot to do with the warm, comfortable armchair and its matching ottoman located not far from the faux fireplace in the living room. Zita settled lower into the overstuffed cushions letting her eyes drift closed. “What if I was the last of my race?” Her eyes shot open to the skeptical look of her sister, face framed with navy hair as she held a steaming tea mug, her lips pursed, her eyebrows arched. “Neffy!” she shrieked, slapping her hand across the journal page to hide her scribbles. “You aren’t supposed to read my journal over my shoulder while I’m writing it!” Though she should have come to expect as much by now, knowing her sister as well as she did. Nefazia cackled as she crossed the room and flopped onto the couch, though she was wise enough to lower her tea to the side table before doing so. “There wasn’t much to read, really. You only wrote the title. I’m trying to decide if I should be offended. If you’re the last of our kind, what does that make me? A historical footnote?” Keep Reading.

One from the archives; What if you were, quite possibly, the last of your species?


I’d like everyone to see this

{Credit to amalasrosa on Twitter}

The real irony is there is plenty of fanfiction that goes through more rigorous editing than some published fiction. So the difference in quality between fanfiction and “professional writing” is totally arbitrary and made up. Except that some things that are more expensive are worse.

Fanfic has really raised my standards for what constitutes good writing.


I’m not sure why people think that fanfic writers don’t care about their work every bit as much as a writer writing original fiction. Maybe this perception comes from the fact that lots of people start out writing fanfic, and thus haven’t yet fully developed the skills to express their ideas in the way they want to. But that doesn’t mean everyone writing fanfic is at the early stages of learning the craft. Also, the only real difference between original fic and fanfic is that fanfic allows you to skip the world and character building process. It allows you to leap into a world that already has established rules and personalities and get straight to the act of telling a story. Some people find that incredibly appealing, especially since the people reading that fic are going to have at least a passing understanding of the lore body and character cast before they ever start reading. This allows both reader and writer to skip the establishing exposition that readers often find boring to read and writers often find frustrating to balance. In other words, both types of fiction have value, and both types can be either horrible train wrecks or beautifully polished bodies of work. This is why we have that old adage of not judging a story without having actually read it.


These stories are deeply depressing.


Seriously, can we stop glorifying children sacrificing their childhoods to survive? -.- Because it’s heartless and twisted that these stories have to exist in the first place.


worldbuilding tips

  • populations and peoples don’t just suddenly change at a border marker. cultures interact and blend.
  • there are usually a multitude of cultures in one place, and religions often have different factions within them
  • what are the differences between the upper and lower classes? is there a lower class? what system is used? fuedalism? capitalism? communism?
  • how does your society view and deal with poverty?
  • think about the diaspora. invent a large population of immigrants. why are they there? how long have they lived there? how does their culture now differentiate from their homeland?
  • languages. is there a global lingua franca (a language that people use to speak internationally. historically this has been latin and french, and right now, english)? if so, why That One? are there smaller lingua francas within different nations?
  • a large country will almost always have smaller languages within it. put some in. you don’t even have to name them, just have someone mention that they often have to translate for their parents
  • the lingua franca will usually be the language of the majority, but not always. if a particular ethnic group has control of the government, and therefor education, then that language will probably become more widespread. although sometimes there are “official languages” and “daily languages”
  • i could write a whole other post about languages honestly
  • what things do different cultures see as beautiful? is it eyes? hair? what parts of the body are considered scandalous. are the bodies of men and women seen differently? how do people feel about breasts?
  • how is makeup used? is it daily? is it ceremonial? do different colours and patterns have meanings or is purely for aesthetic? is it seen as gendered?
  • basically just don’t take everything in your culture as the “norm.” there is no norm. the world is weird.
  • learn about other cultures in our own world. please.

I would add to this, it is a good idea to have at least a rudimentary idea of how people came to inhabit the places they do and why. Geography has a heavy influence on early societies - especially access to water, light and other critical resources. A culture’s history will heavily influence its social norms, just as change to access to resources is likely to cause social norms to shift (for the better or worse depending on whether access opens up or restricts).

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