
Divine Intervention Game

@divineinterventiongame / divineinterventiongame.tumblr.com

An upcoming CYOA game in which YOU help gods with THEIR problems

In a move that has surprised even me, I’ve decided the final port for the Divine intervention game will be..... GOOGLE DOCS!!!

I know this is a weirdo harebrained move but I have realized i DO NOT have it in me to write this while learning a new platform (like. it will just never get done) and I’ve made more progress writing an update and moving this story into docs than i have the last 4 months playing with RenPy and Twine.

there are still a lot of things to work out but i can confirm progress is finally happening again!!

Anonymous asked:

Wow congratulations on rounding out your grad program!! You should be very proud !!

Thank you!! I'm v happy with the overall experience and got exactly what i wanted in terms of expanding job opportunities and such, so overall it was an excellent investment (which imo is really the best evaluator for masters programs)

Anonymous asked:

How are you

I'm good!! About to finish my grad program (on my last day TODAY actually) so im super excited to have some time off. Hopefully I'll be able to start dusting off this story in the next few weeks heehee

Anonymous asked:

I finally got around to checking out the demo and the world is really interesting! The concept of the story works really well for IF too -- not that that's a requirement BUT i can see so many ways in which this could go. all of them awesome :D

This is old by now but since I've checked the blog a few times this week i just wanted to say thank you!! that's very sweet and i'm glad~

Anonymous asked:

did u decide whtehr youre staying with choicescript or not?

Oh uhh I don't want to stay with CS for sure (their whole thing of treating it as a proprietary software while being totally happy to allow dashingdon to front to cost of most game hosting and testing like. REALLY pisses me off the more I think about it.. so that combined with the increasingly predatory author-monetization rules is like... bye forever) but i still have no idea whether I'm gonna switch to twine or smthn more visual...

I can't really worry about it much until I graduate anyway, so! once i decide this blog will be the first place I post about it!!


lmaoo just remembered renpy is built on python yeah im not learning twine when i already know python renpy it is 

Anonymous asked:

did u decide whtehr youre staying with choicescript or not?

Oh uhh I don't want to stay with CS for sure (their whole thing of treating it as a proprietary software while being totally happy to allow dashingdon to front to cost of most game hosting and testing like. REALLY pisses me off the more I think about it.. so that combined with the increasingly predatory author-monetization rules is like... bye forever) but i still have no idea whether I'm gonna switch to twine or smthn more visual...

I can't really worry about it much until I graduate anyway, so! once i decide this blog will be the first place I post about it!!

Anonymous asked:

Hello! First of all, I love the demo it's great! But more importantly; are you doing ok? Is the game no longer in development?

Hope you have a good day :)

Hi! I'm on hiatus until finishing my graduate program (I'm done this May!!) but I'm planning on picking this up again after.


protective prompts

feel free to adjust as needed!

PROTECTING: “  are you sure you’re okay?  ” “  i’m not letting you go alone.  “  let me help.  “  say the word and i’ll be there.  “  i know you can handle it yourself, but it doesn’t mean you should have to do this on your own.  “  i’ll stay the night.  ”   get some rest.  “  ssh, go back to sleep.    i’m worried about you.  “  i’m not going anywhere. not as long as you’re in danger.  ” “  i won’t let anyone hurt you.    i won’t let that happen.  “  look at me. you’re gonna be okay.    what can i do?  ”   i’ll be right here with you the whole time.  ” “  who did this to you?  ” “  i can tell you’re upset, talk to me.    i’m not letting them get away with this.    i’ll get you out of this. trust me.    i know you don’t need my help. but i’m offering it anyway.    you’re shaking like a leaf— what’s wrong?  ”   what happened?  ”   i’m gonna fucking kill them.  ”   i won’t let anyone hurt you again. not ever.      if anything happened to you…    i need you in my life. so please, let me do what i need to to make it safe.     “  i can’t lose you.     PROTECTED: “  have you been waiting up this whole time “  how long have you been here?  “  i’ll be okay. i promise. “  will you stay with me?  ” “  please don’t go.  “  i feel safer when you’re here.  ” “  thank you for making me feel safe.  ”   i trust you.  “  why are you helping me?  ” “  is it over now?  ” “  you don’t have to do this, ya’ know.  ” “  i can take care of myself.  “  you don’t have to worry so much.  ” “  i don’t want you to get hurt either.  “  i can’t bear the thought of you putting yourself in danger for me.    “  you’re bleeding!  ” “  thank you, but i’ll be alright.      “  please don’t get hurt. not because of me.  ACTIONS: 1. for one muse to wake up after sustaining an injury and find the other at the side of their bed 2. for one muse to hold the other after a nightmare 3. for one muse to step between the other and someone who intends to do them harm 4. for one muse to push the other out of harm’s way 5. for one muse to get hurt protecting the other 6. for one muse to fall asleep next to the other muse who is keeping watch 7. for one muse to rescue the other 8. for one muse to get caught hiding an injury sustained while protecting them 9. for one muse to react to the other hiding an injury 10. for one muse to take care of the other while they’re sick/injured 11. for one muse to kiss the other’s scar 12. for one muse to treat an injury the other sustained while protecting them 13. for one muse to kill to protect the other 14. for one muse to get killed while protecting the other 15. for one muse to fall asleep in the hospital bed with the other 

Anonymous asked:

hello dear author! what is your favorite route?

haha im not sure i'd be a very good author if I had a clear favorite route! I like writing all of them, just because each god(dess) pair is so different from all the others.

That said, if I was a player, I'd probably play either Japan's or Egypt's route first, just because those types of routes are my favorite as a reader.

Anonymous asked:

What kind of music do they like? And do you have a song you associate with them?

i DO have music that I associate with each of them but in terms of music they like... i think their tastes would all be so eclectic that it would be difficult to describe. But in addition to their region's and era's typical music, here's their next favorite genre: Greece: pop and hip-hop; Egypt: classical (romantic and contemporary); Babylon: international pop and big band jazz; Japan: alt/glam rock; Scandinavia: hard rock.

as for songs... i'm not very good at that but i'll try my best! I might try to capture the vibe of their route rather than the gods themselves..

Greece: Sunday Best

Babylon: Tadow


Clientele: Greece

Hebe - 5′9″ - personable | vivacious | charming

Considered to have dominion over youth by Grecians many ages ago. She still maintains a respectable degree of influence in the modern age, thanks to both the beauty industry and human vanity standards. As such, she is able to visit the human world on occasion. She cannot, however, maintain any use of her ever-dwindling powers.

She has flaxen hair and olive skin, which she frequently keeps braided and well-accessorized in intricate, modern styles. Her eyes are light brown. It's clear she makes a great effort to keep up with the style trends of the human world and as a result, she looks far more approachable than some of the other clients your firm handles.

Hermes - 5′9″ - charismatic | jovial | enchanting

Considered to be the herald of the Grecian gods many ages ago. He still maintains a respectable degree of influence in the modern age, thanks both to technology's role in communication and his occasional portrayal in media. As such, he is able to visit the human world on occasion. He cannot, however, maintain any use of his ever-dwindling powers.

He has tanned, freckled skin and soft honey-brown curls which are often covered by an ever-growing collection of hats. His eyes are a dull green. It's clear he makes a great effort to keep up with the style trends of the human world and as a result, he looks far more approachable than some of the other clients your firm handles.

Anonymous asked:


Not really the most organized ask, but can I get some general information about a relationship with Shamash?

I am super excited to hear more about them, almost as excited as I was in the first place to see someone from the Babylonian pantheon. As a history major I love to see all the variety in your game, especially from civilizations whose mythos aren't discussed as much!


I'm currently envisioning Shamash's (and by extension Sherida's, as their romances parallel each others) route as more on the mellow side. They’re both older gods with a wealth of experience with romance (and I am keeping consistent with the mythology of them being married--they’re in an open relationship where they’re committed to each other eternally and don’t have any romantic leanings toward other gods, but are fine with each other taking human partners for the duration of a human’s life). There won’t be a poly-route with both, just due to coding limitations in the way I’ve scripted this (essentially if you meet one of a pantheon you’re not meeting the other).

They’re also both the least prideful and most down to earth of all the gods (the reason for which I think I’ve hinted at in the demo).

This isn’t as much to do with the route but they’re both fine with either the mesopotamian/sumerian or babylonian versions of their names, respectively 

Anonymous asked:

A reminder! You are making something beautiful- carving entire universes and crafting whole people and painting them all with both vividness and detail. Then you reduce your ideas to squiggles on a screen so that you can share them with us! This story ignites the imagination of so many people! But we support you first, and your story second. It’s a wonderful world-creating magic you possess. And this IF truly is a lovely gift. Thank you for sharing it with us. The world is lucky to have you.

oh my gosh thank you so much??? i can think of so many other IFs that i think have created more interesting and thought-provoking universes than mine but its really nice to hear you're enjoying it/finding some degree of inspo from it!!

hoping i'll be able to work on it again soon <3

Anonymous asked:

Something about Shamash? 👉👈

(to the other anon that sent a request for shamash/sherida, i'm saving yours for when i have a chance to do a sherida drabble)


“Ah. You… did not exaggerate the smell, I must say.”

Your companion is right. The smell of rotting seaweed and brackish water is strong today. Pungent. The wind isn’t helping, and you wince as you take in the sight of brackish water on the horizon. It’s hardly a tropical paradise.

“The sand. It’s quite course as well.”

“Sorry.” You told him that it wasn’t a pretty beach and he insisted on coming anyway, but appeasing the god seems a better choice than blaming him outright. “It’s nicer in the summer, I guess.”

“No matter.” He stands, arms akimbo, taking in the sight of the shore. “It is serving its purpose.”

Your partner is dressed… well. Like a beach bum, really. Gaudy shirt, plastic sunglasses, a sunhat. His shirt is only buttoned two thirds of the way up, and you notice a gold chain buried in his thick curls of chest hair before flicking your eyes away. You stand slightly behind him, waiting for him to move. To go back to the car. To do anything.

He’s clearly content to just stand there, so you pull out your phone.

“Do you not enjoy it,” he asks once your phone is in hand.

“Enjoy what? The beach?”

“Any of it.”

Any of--? You send him a look that he can’t see and wait for an explanation that doesn’t come. He just keeps looking out over the water.

Nearly ten minutes pass before he turns back to you.

“Apologies. You’ve indulged this old man’s whims once again.”

'Man.' You're not sure whether that's false modesty or his idea of a joke. No matter. “It’s no big deal. I didn’t really have any other plans.”

“A pity for you; a great boon for me. I enjoy your company.”


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