
I Do Lots Of Things

@mvrning-coffee / mvrning-coffee.tumblr.com


Story time:

In middle school biology, we did an experiment. We were given yams, which we would sprout in cups of water. We then had to make hypotheses about how the yams would grow, based on descriptions of yam plants in our books, and make notes of our observations as they grew.

Here’s what was supposed to happen: we were supposed to see that the actual growth of the plant did not resemble our hypotheses. We were then supposed to figure out that these were, in fact, sweet potatoes.

What actually happened was that every single student in every single class lied in their notes so that their observations perfectly matched their hypotheses. See, everyone assumed the mismatch meant they had done something wrong in the process of growing the plant or that they had misunderstood the dichotomous key or the plant identification terminology. And, thanks to the wonders of a public school education, everyone assumed the wrong results would get us a failing grade. We were trying to pass. We didn’t want to get bitched out by the teacher. Curiosity, learning, science - that had nothing to do with why we were sitting in that classroom. So we all lied.

The teacher was furious. She tried to fail every student, but the administration stepped in and told her she wasn’t allowed to because a 100% fail rate is recognized as a failure of the teacher, not the class. It wasn’t even her fault, really, though her being a notorious hard-ass didn’t help. It was a failure of the entire educational system.

So whenever I see crap like Elizabeth Holmes’s blood test scam or pharmaceutical trials which are unable to be replicated or industry-funded research that reaches wildly unscientific conclusions, I just remember those fucking sweet potatoes. I remember that curiosity dies when people are just trying to give their superiors the “right” answers, so they can get the grade, get the job, get the paycheck. It’s not about truth when it’s about paying rent. There’s no scientific integrity if you can’t control for human desperation.

Anonymous asked:

Hello Dr. Wayfaring, I'd like to ask in what special ways ,if any, your medical school changed you. (Besides instructing you!) Was there something in the environment,the faculty, the students,the physical setting?

This is a great question. I think, if anything, medical school made me more confident in dealing with people. I was always the kid who didn’t want to order the pizza or tell the waitress my order because it meant I’d have to talk to another human. My mother, on the other hand, will know the Walmart checkout lady’s life story before she’s finished bagging her groceries. I just don’t love talking to people I don’t know. I’m a deep introvert at heart.

Med school forces you to face that discomfort in talking to new people, and it does it on a daily basis. It’s no problem for me to talk to strangers in the office (although I still won’t strike up a conversation in the checkout line). I’m not a confrontational person, but med school also taught me how to handle difficult news or difficult patient encounters with grace and civility. So while I still don’t love confronting patients about their illicit drug use or their inappropriate behavior, I can do it without panicking.

Overall, I’d say med school forced me into adulthood. I went straight through from college to med school and graduated at only 25, so I was still not fully ready to adult at that age. But once you’ve watched some people die, a few get born, and have given bad news to a dozen or more people, you learn that you really can put on your big girl panties and do the things.

Medblrs, how did medical school change you?


I spent the weekend at home and my friend was insistent on making me continue my game on God of war and I wasn’t really in the mood for it. Eventually they took over and continued the game but It made me realise how much of a constant adrenaline rush certain games are , and while it can be enjoyable I really don’t enjoy that constant state of “ohsh*tohno-somethings coming at me” when I’m not in the zone for it. Even when you pick up health and hacksilver it makes a loud THX sound 😢

Contrasting it with something like Skyrim which I find absolutely pleasurable because you can just wander around if you don’t want to fight and the music is just atmospheric and it’s not overstimulating and in your face.

Obviously they’re different games and GoW is also fun when you’re in the mood to absolutely go out there and deal damage. But when you’re not in the right headspace I feel like I want some time to just self soothe after even watching someone play it :(


If the sonic the hedgehog movie can improve on itself and redeem itself in the eyes of its peers then so can you


read this out loud:

• I am allowed to take a break today

• It’s not selfish to put my feelings and health first

• I need to remember to care for myself

• I should be allowed to express myself, I am lovely as I am


surround yourself with people who love you, rather than wondering why others don’t. focus on how to improve, rather than on how you messed up. remember your proudest and happiest moments, rather than fixating on your flaws. seek out new beginnings rather than concluding that you’re unlovable or unworthy. be patient and loving towards yourself, rather than listening to destructive emotions. think of all the lovely moments that happened to you, and forget the bad ones.


Do human medical schools also give you a bucket of bones to study with?

uh yup. 


Yeah, we had to buy our bleached bone set... >.>

Nope. You can opt to purchase them as stated, but it’s entirely optional. They’re not real bones either.

Huh? You guys... didn't use real bones?

Down here schools require the use of totally real bleached bones that were definitely part of another human once. In fact I searched around for fake bones back in first year and no one sold bones that weren't Authentic Body Parts™.

@medblr-of-a-sleepyhead @mvrning-coffee what about up north? You guys also used real bones right?

We were told the real thing was ideal but it wasn’t easy to acquire so most people used well made PoP ones.


Glass platelets designed with sequential images of the brain.  


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