


I'm Jade. I live off drama, memes and sarcasm | ♏

talk to me I'm jobless, poor and sad


So can we talk about Huma? Have you tried huma today? I thought that huma was delicious! 5 out 5 stars to huma. Huma is the best out there. Reccomend Huma to your friends too for a happy life. Huma is a classic!

But now I will stop talking about huma, It's not like I love huma so much that I have to talk about huma all the time! I have other things outside of huma that I like...for example huma!! Yeah sometimes I think about huma, it's not that I don't think about huma all the time, but you know I think about other things too like huma...now seriously let's talk about huma for a change

Anonymous asked:

I don’t see why people make a big deal about Audrey. Harry keeps flirting with women yet he never physically touches them (pirates have this thing where they don’t enjoy being touchy) even with Audrey she pulled him. With Uma he touched her all the time. That and he ended up dropping Audrey to dance with Uma (while Audrey danced with Chad) so I feel that says it all. He didn’t really want to go with Audrey, so he probably ran from Audrey back to dance with Uma 😂

You know I don't really care that he danced with her or whatever, what makes me a little bit iffy about that is that Uma deserved to have her partner and happy ending too! She has been on her own for so long, even disappeared and left her first mate and Gil to find a way to help the other vks...she's so selfless, for once they could have let her have someone to lean on

Also I know it's in Harry's nature to be flirty, but for the whole movie his sole focus was Uma and making sure she was OK... Idk it's a little bit hypocrite the way they made him act ngl

Anonymous asked:

LMAO lets compare what happens after audrey tries trapping them in evie's house mkay? uma and gil? happy fist bumps like bffs. uma and harry? hook/pinky lock and then a long hug. im not suggesting theyre emotionally involved with each other, im *telling* you they. are. why show those scenes otherwise? im. just. sayin.

Love how your mind works, wow it amazes me!

They're clearly emotionally involved not in a platonic type of way, all of their interactions in D3 prove that clearly and no one can deny the care and chemistry between them! I'm gonna go down with this ship istg

Anonymous asked:

that audrey/harry moment was so unnecessary. idk why they had to include it. ugh. but ill change the subject - you know in d2 when gil's upset uma with the shrimpy nonsense? she turns to harry and asks him "whats my name?" and he gets on his knees and says it passionately. in d3 he asked if mal (and inferred if evie too) was single or taken and uma goes, "whats my name?" he says it normally and when shes unimpressed with that, he goes for the kiss. i def think she was annoyed he flirted w others

ooooh yeah my girl Uma was definitely annoyed by the fact that he flirted with other girls!! But you know that's what I also like about their dinamic, Harry was doing that to tease her bc after all he loves brining out her jealous side, even if she tries to cover it up with annoyance...sorry Uma we can see right through you


Huma moments 4

-How close harry gets to her showing she is a reoccurring sign of comfort for him.

- When he turns her back around after mal calls for her say , "No keep walking dont get sucked back into her problems" because he knows she has a secret bleeding heart and he doesnt want it to get taken advantage of again.

The silent communication between them before harry talks.

Harry's not being happy with the fact that mal is about to make her cave and stopping his friend from getting hurt immediately.

-That look between them. Harry looking at her with concern and worry. Uma could only take it for a moment quickly looking away. Knowing that he could see right through her.

-immediately pulling her out of the way when he sees Mal's dragon.

- Constantly touching or almost touching in the stressful situation becoming eachother anchor.

- Harry's look of pure terror as he follows uma. Saying, "No, I just got you back" but knowing he can't do anything to stop and continues to follow without a moments hesitation.

-Harry realizing shes about to fall and is quickly there to catch.

-That subtle fore arm grab for uma to tell harry that she's okay, that there okay.


I still can't believe us huma stans were fed. I was fully expecting to not get much especially with how they were with D2. But like we got multiple hugs, harry literally couldnt keep his hands off her the whole movie, AND THE ALMOST KISS :')


Yeah I'm pretty happy too..i was actually scared they weren't gonna include her much, but instead she had a lot of screentime and many cute interactions with Harry!!


Harry and Aubrey

At first I didn't wanna address it, but I know I have to talk about how I feel and I wanna see what others think too.

First of all: what's the point, was It necessary? WHY?

There was no point in ending the movie with Harry dancing with her, it wasn't necessary and it doesn't make sense. Since the pirates, in D2, made their first appearance it was clear that Harry and Uma had something going on between them. (you clearly see, even more in D3, how differently Uma treats Harry and Gil)

The whole movie we see how affectionate Uma and Harry has become, it honestly makes it feel like a build up to the end we all deserved...

You thought silly

Harry tries to kiss Uma, after she clearly gets jealous over the bare minimum, she sways him but that doesn't mean she doesnt want him. That's what makes me mad mad! Clearly Uma's character had her development, but you can't expect her to become a sickening love bird when all her life she had to be cold and put everyone elses needs before hers to save and help the vks!

They could have just played it off as them being a little playful couple or her teasing him. What was the point of making him dance with Aubrey when the whole movie he was all about Uma, as always?? When they were fighting against Aubrey the whole movie?? And when, not even mere seconds before, he was dancing with Uma like all the other couples and tried to kiss her?!?

NONE because it's stupid and it doesn't make sense, Uma and Harry are together and that's law bc Uma deserves someone who loves and takes care of her too!

And I was watching Harry after that scene and he went back to dancing with Uma...there was no point in that at all..especially when Chad had been nothing but love Aubrey for three movies. Also, Harry dropped his most prized possession. his hook just so he could hug Uma. That is huge considering in the last film he dove off the dock for it. Don’t tell me there isn’t anything between them. 

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