

@lindeun-archive / lindeun-archive.tumblr.com

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i got a couple of messages while i was away so yeah i’m fine i’ve just been Elsewhere. it’s cool


honestly i dont know what ace/aro exclusionists think we get up to reveling in our privilege when every ace/aro affirmation post is like “remember despite what ur taught every day ur still a human being :)”

they think because we don’t have statistics of abuse that somehow makes it untrue, that our experiences can be discounted, when we have so very little to work with we barely even have the resources to make changes or even get truly, pointedly angry and instead just try and muddle through combating the dehumanization we go through every day, the thrumming hatred that i can feel all around me all the time, just like, i don’t know, the entire rest of the lgbt+ community but without any sense of the community that’s been scattered by the “ace discourse” to the point that even when we try to “just make our own groups” as we’ve been told to over and over again we can barely begin to build ourselves up before someone tells us that some other aspect of our very identities is problematic, that we truly can’t even exist


if you’re a man, i’m not interested in hearing your critiques on how superficial and obsessed women are with beauty. discuss instead how patriarchy created a society that resulted in women placing their entire self-worth on their appearances and how you, as a man, can change a culture that produces that. 


getting spoken to as if i’m straight by straight people who assume everyone is straight, subsequently feeling like the world’s most useless and irritated secret agent


white boys literally only see themselves as human bc every time they say shit like “oh whats next, a fat black bisexual amputee??” in response to the idea of diversity in media its obvious that each word they add to this description to make it more ridiculous sounding is meant to be another degree further from Real people, as if there werent more people than you could imagine that fit that description 


being chummy with terfs is as bad as being a terf

making fun of people who worry about people being terfs is shitty. ‘op is a terf’ is a warning, not a funny meme


White pride has absolutely nothing to offer anyone.

White pride is one of the most embarrassing, unattractive and overall pathetic qualities a person can have.

Hypothetically- to suspend disbelief for a moment,if white pride could be divorced from being literally a white supremacist slogan, and somehow stripped of its racist overtones (which it cant) ‘white’ can’t in any way refer to any specific European cultures.

Scandinavian pride is great, German pride is cool too- both of these cultures have tons to offer, but only in terms of the ways they exist as independent from whiteness. These kinds of prides exist within whiteness but can not comprise it- they’re very separate things that don’t acutally overlap onto any simultaneous notion of white pride- same goes for any other region associated with white people.

‘White’ refers to a position of power in the world- an archetype that contains literally nothing but the worst the world has to offer. White means a race of conquerors, colonizers and their children- nothing else.

^^^ totally agree. Speaking as a White person, Whiteness is meaningless divorced of its violent aspects. Whiteness was invented to pit ourselves against non-White peoples. We can tell Whiteness is made up because the goalposts have shifted dramatically as White societies were forcibly created outside of Europe - which is why Irish and Jewish people are considered White in America but often not in Europe. 

White pride is specifically about pride in a violent, supremacist cultural order. Taking pride in Whiteness means taking pride in colonialism, racism, misogyny, mysogynoir, and a thousand and one ugly and violent things. I take pride in my family and our history and traditions, but I am not proud of the things done in the name of Whiteness.

You’re pretty on-point here, but there’s one correction I have to make: Jewish people are, at best, conditionally white in America. That is, they can get the privileges and benefits iff they keep their heads down and hide their heritage. The people who patrol the borders of whiteness - white supremacists - have made it extremely fucking clear what their position is on Jewish people.


okay can we just one last thing

spreading the idea that one is only triggered when having a full blown, system-shut-down panic attack is damaging and delegitimizing to people who have physiologically and emotionally different reactions to triggers.

like slow burning, long lasting unease and fear.

that’s a trigger reaction too.

please stop.

Some other trigger reactions (not an exhaustive list at all, some I’ve experienced, some I’ve known people who’ve experienced):

  • Feeling disconnected from yourself or the world.
  • Having any emotional or psychiatric symptom that you’re prone to but don’t always have (depression, hallucinations, delusions, etc.)
  • Physical symptoms made worse by severe stress or anxiety (I just got diagnosed with adrenal insufficiency, now I know why a sufficiently stressful interaction once left me barely able to breathe without a bipap, lots of chronic illnesses are susceptible to stress, some even have their onset triggered by stress)
  • Sudden distrust of everyone you interact with or are close to.
  • Disorientation.
  • A sense that the bottom has fallen out of the world and you don’t know where things stand anymore, everything seems alien and strange and impossible to navigate.
  • Inability to identify anything in your surroundings anymore (as in, what’s a chair, what’s a desk, etc.), everything reduced to sensory information only.
  • Emotional exhaustion.
  • Feeling keyed up or nervous all the time.

And that’s just off the top of my head.  There’s lots more triggers.  And a trigger can set off a short-term reaction, or a long-term reaction.  The long-term reactions can last for far longer than you’d imagine.  And if a person has the wrong physical illness, a sufficiently strong trigger can even be dangerous to their life — even if it’s not in the form of a total emotional breakdown.

So triggers don’t just come in one form, and they don’t just have one set of effects on the person, or one obvious severity.

this post is incredibly validating thank you

gatekeepers: do you know how much it HURTS to be grouped in with people who hurt you?? do you know how much it HURTS to have your issues erased?? this is why i hate bihets and arohets and acehets.
also gatekeepers: you're literally straight and all of your ""problems"" are fake
Anonymous asked:

Can someone explain what radikweer actually means? I thought urbandictionary would have it covered but apparently not.

It’s the hatekeeper version of SJW.


It literally is. Right down to “If you’re using that as an insult, it says more about you than me.”


Tumblr users based on how they use tags

Lawful good: uses tags strictly for content of the post, including any possible content warnings Neutral good: mostly uses tags for content and warnings, but also puts commentary occasionally Chaotic good: still tags for content and warnings but mostly uses tags for talking

Lawful neutral: uses tags only for content of the post, but sometimes leaves off content warnings True neutral: uses an even mix of content tags and commentary Chaotic neutral: tries to tag content and warnings but does so unreliably and sometimes uses them for commentary

Lawful evil: never uses tags?? Ever??? Who are you people?? Even bots use tags what are you doing Neutral evil: only uses tags for chatting but does so rarely Chaotic evil: doesn’t even use the tags they just add their commentary directly onto the post itself and makes the OP cringe every time they check their notifications

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