Pretty Angelic

@noralaris /


only the cool! people can die because of a grapefruit😎😎 buuuut trying this very soon:)

Colors in Witchcraft🕯
I personally love colors not only for doing candle magic but also enchanting some daily use objects such as clothes, accessories, bags and such.
Here’s a list of colors with their influence with magic and their associated zodiac signs:
White: spiritual truth and strength; breaking of curses; meditation; purification of spaces
Yellow: persuasion; confidence and charm; aid to memory and studying; divination purposes. ♍ and ♊
Green: healing; money and prosperity; luck; fertility. ♐
Pink: Love and friendship; entertaining; morality; overcoming evil. ♋
Red: sexualitu; strength; physical health and vigor; passion; protection ♏ and ♈
Orange: courage; solving legal problems; concentration; encouragement ♉
Blue: psychic and spiritual awareness; peace; prophet dreams; protection during sleep ♒ and ♍
Purple: ambition; reversing a curse; divination; speeding healing during illness; extra power ♎
Brown: pet protection; solving household problems; attracting help in a financial crisis ♑
Gold: intuition and protection ♌
Gray: neutrality and cancellation
Black: evil; loss; sadness; discord

To Ruin Someones Life

You shall need. 

  • 1 Black Candle
  • A Photo of the person 
  • Musk Incense 
  • Graveyard Dirt 
  • A Bowl

Light the Incense and conjure up all the rage for you have for this person. Light the black candle continuing letting the rage build. Look at the persons picture and say 

“ (Persons name) I curse you, i summon, call and conjure all the dark to one, Fill you mind with rage. To ruin your life, To tear your life apart from vein to vein I command this” 

Feel again the rage you have for this person build up inside you. Allow it to fester and boil inside you. Place the picture inside the bowl, Pour the graveyard dirt over the picture as you visualize your hatred for this person.

Place the candle on top of it at the top of your lungs scream


Put the candle out, Each night after light the candle, and feel the rage you have for this person and scream “Destroy” repeat this each night until the candle burns out.


The Shape of Water (2017) Dir. Guillermo del Toro

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