
Xiv's Corner

@chaouleon / chaouleon.tumblr.com


There's more to WARM BODIES than you think. Read the "epic" and "frighteningly relevant" sequel #TheBurningWorld thndr.me/tuk7gc http://thndr.me/tuk7gc


“If you were asked to give up everything to protect the people you love… Your life, your happiness… Would you?” The sudden question was asked with a solemn air as Ruran looked over the ravine of the Goblet. Their spar had ended, and beads of sweat were being cooled by the evening breeze. The masked man’s sword rested on the railing in front of him. Xivrez'to Ithaka looked thoughtful. “To truly give up is to die. If I was asked to turn away from my life completely for the sake of them, I would, of course. But it would not be an end, it would just be a new beginning. I would find new life, new things to live for. I would find happiness again partly in knowing what I do now is keeping them safe. I would find new friends as well, because without other people who share your memories and your stories, how do you know you have existed in the first place, yeah?” He leaned against the railing of the balcony. “You stand here in front of me. That means you have given up much, yes? But you… stand here in front of me. Which means you are alive. And any friend or family, no matter how far away in time or in place, would not wish for a loved one to live a life empty of all the things that makes it.” Ruran’s hands gripped the railing tight as Xiv spoke, staring down to the drop below. “It is easy to say that all you have to do is ‘find a new life’… Find new happiness… But how can I?” His eyes flashed to Xiv, intensity hidden behind the black screens of his polished mask. “And why must I? It was my choice, but it was a choice that I was not ready to make—” He froze, knowing his voice had risen too high, holding too much anger and regret. He looked back down, and then away from the miqo'te, pale hair hiding his face. { @chaouleon }


Faces of Eorzeia, pt.1 Over at the FFXIV RPC, I opened up a thread called Let me draw your character! ♪ in which I asked people to send me screenshots of their characters so that I could practice drawing portraits. “Okay,” I said to myself, 15 minutes after the thread had been made and no replies had been posted, “Maybe I’ll get 3-4 if I’m lucky.” And then, it happened. The floodgates opened. Player after player, screenshot after screenshot, I unexpectedly found myself surrounded by volunteers! This is the result so far. I’m not through the list yet, and it continues to grow, but one of the biggest rewards of that thread has been being able to open up my art folder and seeing…this. Rows upon rows of lovely people, fantastic RPers, helpful community members, and quirky characters. Keep ‘em coming! I love you all. <3

Love the one you did for Inarah! Your art is gorgeous!


Xiv looks great! Keep up the arts!! :D


11 Questions

11 QUESTIONS from @weepingknight

♦ What is your character’s most prized possession? What would happen if they lost it? Generally Xiv doesn’t care much about items, but he is very fond of a headband with a Coeurlfeather in it he was given to by his brother P’etri

♦ How does your character handle their anger? Quite opposite of what people might think, Xiv has quite an explosive temper, but due to years of training he’s learned to keep his feelings in check. He usually vents a lot of it when he’s fighting.

♦ Does your character enjoy their lifestyle? Is there anything they would change? Xiv is very happy with his lifestyle at the moment. There is nothing he would change.

♦ What is the worst thing your character has done? How do they feel about it? Probably killing people to take their money/drugs. He doesn’t regret it though, because he believes that it was just a part of his life that is past him now.

♦ Who taught them the most, skill-wise? What about life-wise? Definitely ‘Old Man’, his Master in the martial arts as well as his mentor and sometimes even foster-father.

♦ Does your character have any pet peeves? If so, what do they do when they encounter them? Xiv is very accepting of more or less everything, he doesn’t really have pet peeves.

♦ Is your character a team player? Or do they prefer to be solo? He does both. He likes working with others but also enjoys being for himself as he feels he can truly be as reckless as he wants then.

♦ Does your character have any enemies? Is the feeling mutual? No.

♦ What will make your character leave a room? (Specific people, conversations, actions, etc.) Nothing, Xiv likes being in rooms.

♦ What is your character’s nightly routine? He usually stays up pretty late, always finishes with a late-night run before crawling into bed with his girlfriend.

♦ What’s in their pockets?  Gysahl Greens. You never know when you’ll meet a chocobo!




You have a strong sense of potential and an intense drive to accomplish difficult things. The core of this is your ability to hold together the big goals and the daily efforts. Where other people’s hopes collapse when they encounter the tedium of the journey, you keep coming back. Oddly, it is actually your ability to endure feeling unheroic that counts. You know the power of working away solidly on what’s in front of you.


You don’t set out to be different for its own sake; you are more easily guided by what interests and moves you. You are more concerned about what is right for you than about the pressure to fit in. In sex you are more aware than others of impulses which are not entirely conventional. You know the value of selective irresponsibility, of forgetting occasionally about being ‘good’.


You have a tendency, after a setback, to turn your emotions towards restriving. What attracts you is the idea of wiping out a humiliation by resumed action – overcoming weakness, repressing your fear. Because part of your motive is pride, you can sometimes be unwilling to admit weakness or to receive aid. But at heart, tour insistence on coming back and never folding has taught you a valuable pessimism: you know that important journeys are never easy.

Tagged by: @weepingknight


Getting To Know You, Pt 2

Tagged by: @lockerinannis

Favorite drinks: Rasperry Soda, it’s teh yum. Favorite colors: Red, purple Zodiac sign: Scorpio. Smoke: Nope. Alcohol: Generally not, but cider and sweet girly drinks work. Favorite music genres: Probably pop/rock/metal? I’m really bad at genres and I listen to a lot of different things.


Yet another meme-thingie!

Blatantly stolen from @weepingknight

PLACE IN SOCIETY • financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty. • medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged. • class or caste: upper / middle / working / slave / unsure. • education: qualified / unqualified / studying • criminal record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet.

FAMILY •married - happily / married - unhappily / engaged or betrothed / partnered / single / divorced / separated / widowed •has a child or children / has no children / wants children.   •close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased.orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent(s)

TRAITS + TENDENCIESextroverted / introverted / in between. •disorganized / organized / in between. •close minded / open-minded  / in between. •calm / anxious / in between. •disagreeable / agreeable / in between. •cautious / reckless / in between. •patient / impatient / in between.outspoken / reserved / in between. •leader / follower / in between. •empathetic / unemphatic / in between. •optimistic / pessimistic / in between. •traditional / modern / in between. •hard-working / lazy / in between. •cultured / uncultured / in between / unknown. •loyal / disloyal / unknown. •faithful / unfaithful / unknown.

BELIEFS •monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic. •belief in ghosts or spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care. •belief in an afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care. •belief in reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care. •belief in aliens: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care. •religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious. •philosophical: yes / no.

SEXUALITY + ROMANTIC INCLINATION •heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual. •sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favourable. •romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favourable. •sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious. •potential sexual partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all. •potential romantic partners: male / female / agender / other / none /all.

ABILITIES •combat skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none. •literacy skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none •artistic skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none •technical skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none.

HABITS •drinking alcohol: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess. •smoking: trying to quit / never / sometimes / frequently / to excess. •other narcotics: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess. •medicinal drugs: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess. •indulgent food: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess. •splurge spending: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess. •gambling: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess


Know Me Better (OOC) meme

Tagged by: @lockerinannis Favorite Anime/Manga: Berserk, My Neighbour Totoro, 

Favorite Video Games: Chrono Trigger Secret of Mana, Final Fantasy VII

Favorite Books: Warm Bodies, The Little Prince, The Dark Elf Trilogy

Favorite TV Shows: Top Gear (pre-Chris Evans), Bones, Star Trek, Supernatural.

Last Song I Listened to:  “Empress of Fire” -  Elizaveta Khripounova

First Language: Swedish


Association Meme- Xivrez’to

Once again, @weepingknight made me do it!

 BOLD any which apply to your muse. 

                                            italicize what they like.                                  remember to REPOST & not REBLOG.                                           feel free to add to the list. FIRE. ice. water. air. earth. claws. FANGS. wings. horns. GOLD. diamonds. GRASS. leaves. TREES. roses. metal. iron. chains. rust. rain. snow. lava. silk. velvet. cotton. sun. moon. STARS. blood. dirt. mud. silver. steel. SUGAR. salt. lavender. glass. wood. paper. wool. furs. smoke. ash. ocean. mountains. bruise. scar. wind. spices. light. dark. paint. charcoal. WINE. HARD LIQUOR. dust. tombs. BARE FEET. canine. FELINE. coffee. tea. books. scratches. petals. thorns. spellbooks. hay. glitter. heat. cold. steam. frost. candle. sword. dagger. FISTS. axe. staff. arrow. trident. lance. spear. hammer. shield. spikes. sand. rocks. roots. FEATHERS. pearls. RUBIES. sapphires. emeralds. amethysts. herbs. waves. lightning. thunder. sunlight. MOONLIGHT. clay. stone. brick. lions. bears. wolves. tigers. COEURLS. insects. jaguars. dragons. cigarettes. masks.

Yes. Xiv likes everything >.>


@weepingknight made me do this! 

ONE insecurity.

  • “I always want to look my best even if I say otherwise.”

TWO fears.

  • “I thought I was above it. But I realize now that I'm closer to going back to old habits than I thought.”
  • “I've gained so many friends the last year. It would be devastating to be truly alone again”

THREE turn-ons.

  • “Strength. Not so much in the physical sense as the emotional.”
  • “Boobs. Because they're boobs!”
  • “Hugs. If the hugs come with boobs, it's an extra turn-on.”

 FOUR life goals. 

  • “Get old. As it is now, it's almost surprising I'm still alive!”
  • "To be all that I can be. Only I set the limits of that”
  • “Be remembered. Once I pass I wish to have made an impression on people and not be forgotten easily.”
  • "To see all of this world.”

 FIVE things that make me happy. 

  • “Life. Because it sure beats being dead. I think, yeah?”
  • “Working! I love my work!” 
  • “Helping people. It doesn't matter if I get something for it. As long as I'm enjoying myself I'm good!”
  • “Teasing Nana. It's always so much fun.”
  • “Seeing Star next to me when I wake up in the morning.”

 SIX weaknesses. 

  • “Sneaking. I'm quite a loud person. Stealth is not my strong side, yeah?”
  • “Stagnation. I get careless when I'm bored.”
  • “Alcohol. Even if I'm good at not getting drunk I think maybe I love it a little too much sometimes.”
  • “Teamwork. Even if I like doing jobs with my friends, I feel like I always have to hold back when I do it. Both for their and my own sake.”
  • “My mind wanders easily. Staying focused on trivial things is very hard.”
  • “Arrogance. I'm very confident in my own abilities. I think maybe some people might think of me as arrogant because of it, I don't know.”

 SEVEN things/people I love.

  • “Star!” 
  • “Grass, always soft and welcoming.”
  • “My friends. We always have so much fun.”
  • "Children, they are always so inhibited in their minds unlike adults.”
  • “Learning new things. It's always fun to learn new things. I love it, yeah?”
  • “The sky. Gotta wonder what's up there. So mysterious!”
  • “Alcohol. Because it's so good!”

Face Claim: Takeru                    

▌NAME: Xivrez’to Ithaka ▌NICKNAME(S): 'Xiv’ ▌SPECIES: Miqo’te, Keeper of the Moon ▌GENDER: Male ▌ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral, leaning towards good. ▌NATIONALITY: Ul’dahnian ▌GUARDIAN: Thaliak, The Scholar ▌BIRTHDAY: 21′st Sun of the 6th Astral Moon (21 Sept.) ▌RESIDENCE: Plot 35, 12th Ward, Mists, La Noscea. ▌DRINK: Anything with alcohol, the stronger the better! ▌FOOD: Anything. ▌TIME OF DAY: Morning ▌SNACKS: Jerky. ▌COLOR: Purple (and all the other ones too) ▌FLOWER: The edible kind. ▌BODY TYPE: Muscular, fit. ▌HEIGHT: 5’9″ ▌EYE COLOR: White ▌HAIR COLOR: Black with dashes of color. ▌MARITAL STATUS: Girlfriend (Z’Thara) ▌SEXUALITY: Whatever floats his boat. ▌ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Monogamous, sort-of flirty. ▌PET: Chooie (Chocobo), Bruce (fat-lizard) ▌SONG: Everything is Awesome - Tegan and Sara feat. The Lonely Island


@lockerinannis made me do this!


(The Eleventh Sun of the Fourth Umbral Moon) We had a welcome-party for the new Jackasses last night. It was very fun and we played some drinking game called "Never ever". It was really fun, and it's clear to me that apparently I've done weird things in my life. There were very few things I didn't drink to. As the game concluded, me and Candy withdrew to the pouring outside of the house and had a very nice and interesting talk to eachother. Turns out he's Wagon's Old Man, that was surprising. We learned a thing or two about each other and I liked that.


In Memoriam

J'inarah Marad stood taller than she felt, giving her best, forced smile to the group that gathered in the yard. Behind her, a small rose bush nestled next to a cherry blossom tree. It was tiny, probably very recently planted, and not bearing flowers yet. Her husband, J'kilid Tia, emerged with a little dented silver platter. Balanced in a perfectly precarious position atop the platter, a dozen shot glasses circled a single crystal bottle of clear liquid. He passed them from one person to the next, until each carried a tiny glass of the odorless drink. “Well…ah s'pose ah’ll start.” J'inarah began.  "We’re ‘ere t'day t'member Locke Rinannis.“ And so began the last words of the Jackals, to their co-worker and friend…




Xiv’s scribbly notes

(The Fifth Sun of the Fourth Astral Moon)

We held Lickers memorial thing a few days back. Was very nice and as a celebration I drank myself stupid, it was kinda fun though, been a while.

Did a job yesterday, some sort of surverying of the road between Horizon and Scorpio. It was for the Amazing Red Exrays, or something. I wasn't even alone this time, a Lelezen Killey was with me, taking all kinds of notes, he didn't seem extremely hm... down to earth, or maybe he was so down to earth he didn't see anything else. Who knows. The job was sucessful at least, I might have to try and work with others again in the future!


(The Twenty-eight Sun of the Third Umbral Moon) 

 Chicken said he'd agree to train with me from now on, it's gonna be awesome! Finally getting someone that is basically on the same level with me. Killer was nice today too, he said I could babysit his baby when needed. That's gonna be so much fun. I talked to Old Man the other day, about stuff going on, it was very nice to see him again and I left some flowers. Also, the view from our new house is amazing. This roof is the best in the Mist.

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