
"Be good, my archer boy. Come back to me."

@not--a--pipedream / not--a--pipedream.tumblr.com

She/they | demi/bi | secretly a panda | you can call me brook | This account is a mix of, well, everything (everything weird) *Enter at your own risk!!!*(a book dragon sleeps here) [My current obsessions are SCP find us alive podcast and The Mistholme museum of mystery morbidity and mortality podcast and all for the game series]

One must imagine Sisyphus grunting and moaning. Muscles straining & kinda sweaty. Loincloth fluttering in the breeze, etc


fascinated by how "dislocate" seems to be a word used almost exclusively to refer to the misalignment of bodies, or parts of the body, from their proper place. it's distinctly anatomical. you don't say "i dislocated my keys" for instance, even though that's technically a correct and coherent sentence.

on the other hand, it would be really funny to say "i misplaced my shoulder" to announce a devastating injury

it went that way 👉


It can be, but it also can not be, and it's really up to the individual person whether they like a particular term or why they use it. I know older bi people who are like... well, pansexual actually fits me better, but I've been calling myself bi for so long that changing just feels exhausting. I know people who use bi or pan based on which flag they like better. I know people who use them interchangeably.

As long as people don't give bi or pan weird exclusionary definitions (like the people who were saying bi is transphobic and so if you don't identify as pan you are a transphobe a couple of years ago), I don't think it really matters.

This meme probably best expresses how I feel about the subject.


I can't believe you blocked me, just because I read everything you said in bad faith with open hostility.


sometimes I remember that Magnus Bane literally appeared in every single book of the shadowhunter chronicles and no, I'm not talking about trilogies, I mean every book (it's subtle, but we can find him also in the codex) and I just realized how he really is the supreme main character of all time

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