
Buzzard's Bits and Bobs

@buzzardly28 / buzzardly28.tumblr.com

I hide from humans and occasionally make things

Amethyst Day Dress

I saw this top from the new Crystal Creations pack and it was like my prayers for a good V shaped bodice had been answered!

There are 34 swatches with the white belt pictured, the same 34 colours with a brown belt, and then 6 dark swatches for the fancy widows among you. 

The shirt was borrowed from @zeussim's Lady Marina dress (found here).

TOU: Feel free to recolour or edit to your hearts content, just don’t make people pay for it. (full tou here)

Download: simsfileshare or curseforge


Duna Hair

This is another hair inspired by a grandparent, this time my granny. I have a picture of her as a teen in the 40s with this hairstyle which she wore for most of her life. In the photo, the dress she wears is eerily similar to @linzlu’s 1940s Shirley dress (here) which is further conformation that everything she makes is perfectly accurate!

TOU: Feel free to recolour or edit to your hearts content, just don’t make people pay for it. (full tou here)

Now with a curseforge link


These are the hairs of Cinderella’s stepsisters from the 1950 film.

The set included the adult versions of Anastasia and Drizella with their respective hair accessories, and child versions. I’ve also added an edited version on the adult Anastasia hair to have the same fringe as the child one. This is because for these to be accurate I had to use a blocky fringe and I much prefer the child one.

All the accessories can be found under Hats.

If you want to complete the look you can find their dresses here 

TOU: Feel free to recolour or edit to your hearts content, just don’t make people pay for it. (full tou here)

UPDATED Feb 2024 with improved textures

Updated with improved textures and a curseforge link


Theresa Hair: Version 2

I was asked to make a version of my Theresa hair without the pearls so here it is! As with the original hair, this hairstyle also isn't hat compatible.

The full Stuart Era set can be found here

TOU: Feel free to recolour or edit to your hearts content, just don’t make people pay for it. (full tou here)

Download: simsfileshare or curseforge


Jessica Hair - Default Replacement

I was asked to make a default replacement of the bun hairstyle from the Horse Ranch EP using my Jessica hair (found here).

It requires the pack and will replace the existing hairstyle with my edit. It is compatible with my Jessica hairstyle but you don't need either in your game for the other to work.

TOU: Feel free to recolour or edit to your hearts content, just don’t make people pay for it. (full tou here)

Download: simsfileshare or curseforge


is it possible to make a default override version? wont let me link it sorry 724297072443113472/horse-ranch-bun-edits-i-absolutely-love-this-new


Sorry for taking a while to respond, I just wanted to be sure that I knew I was able to make default overrides before I said yes! I'm still doing a bit more testing to be sure I've got it sorted but you can expect a default replacement coming soon!


Hi, your TOU say it's fine to convert to other Sims games, but I was wondering if I could convert some of your hairstyles to Mass Effect Legendary edition. They would be posted for free on Nexus, with credit and a link back to you. If not, I totally understand. Thank you!


I'd be delighted if you did! I'd also love to see pictures of what you've done with it 😊

I've been asked about converting my cc to other games before so I'll update my TOU to include that


Queen Alexandra Hair

I decided a clear out of of my work-in-progress folder was needed (it's larger than my cc folder!) and found this!

This is the hairstyle that Queen Alexandra (wife of Edward VII) wore from the 1880s onward.

It's also accidently very similar to the usual hairstyle of Aunt Ada from the Gilded Age! I've just finished watching the series and have already started working on some of the hairstyles so you can look forward for those in the near future!

TOU: Feel free to recolour or edit to your hearts content, just don’t make people pay for it. (full tou here)

Download: simsfileshare or curseforge

All the jewellery in the preview is by @batsfromwesteros! The tiara and necklace can be found here and the earrings here.


Cecily Hair

I was asked to make a full hairstyle using the curls from my Cecilia hair (found here) which I did make but it was far too high poly so I used a Bowling Night hairstyle as an alternative and I'm very happy with how it turned out!

TOU: Feel free to recolour or edit to your hearts content, just don’t make people pay for it. (full tou here)

Download: simsfileshare or curseforge


Gentleman Jack

What better way is there to celebrate Pride month than making the hairstyles of our favourite 1830s lesbians?! I’m really glad I’ve managed to finish these in time but I cutting it close.

There are 4 hairstyles and 1 hat. The first hair is from season 1 and the rest are from the second series that was released recently. The top hat fits with just the first hair and has 15 swatches.

@moon-simmers​ was kind enough to share the bun texture used in Anne’s season 2 hair

TOU: Feel free to recolour or edit to your hearts content, just don’t make people pay for it. (full tou here)

Now with a curseforge link


Advent Calendar 2023, Days XXII to XXIV: Final Days of Victorian Advent

Hello hello everyone!

Because of being ill and busy, I bring you your last three days of Advent Gifts all in one post!

But before I go and give you more information about the lovely items shared here today, I just want to take a moment and turn the spotlight on @buzzardly28. For each and every gift offered throughout this advent calendar she has been there, helping me clean up my first dress meshes of those dresses I made two years ago, to helping me come up with ideas for textures, and so much more. Some of these dresses made us nearly tear our hair out and drive us to drink, but we stuck together through it all and I hope you all can appreciate the gifts we worked so hard to put together! And thank YOU Buzzard, for being such a good sport despite my chaotic tendencies! <3

Happy Holidays everyone from both Buzzard and myself, and I do hope you enjoyed this little advent calendar from us to you!

Robe de Celestine

  • A Frankenmesh of @sifix's Alva Dress and the infamous @vintagesimstress 1848 Dress (and a huge thank you to Vintage for helping us stabilise the weights of our top edit! <3)
  • 100 Swatches
  • Suitable for Teens-Elders

Robe de Patrice

  • A Frankenmesh of both @vintagesimstress Eleanor Dress and the 1848 Dress
  • 100 Swatches
  • Suitable for Teens-Elders

Tenue de Phillipe

  • A Frankenmesh edit of the top of @linzlu's Tommy Regency outfit and bottoms from @peebsplays skeleton suit
  • 100 Swatches
  • Suitable for Children


  • Do NOT claim as yours.
  • Do NOT put edits behind paywalls/early access.
  • Do NOT reupload my content.
  • Recolours are allowed, so long as you do not include the mesh and give credit where credit is due!
  • If you feel so kind, please tag me if you use them! Would love to see your sims! (@theroyalthornoliachronicles)!

Download (Always Free!)

Patreon | SFS | Curseforge (Coming Soon)


And with that, the calendar is complete!! If you haven't already then check out Ali's blog to see the rest of this months Victorian goodies!

It has been a journey and a half but Ali's determination and creative spirit got us through in the end, just in time for everyone to have a very merry christmas!


1920s Edits

Here’s a base game version of one of the new hairs from the new High School Years which is perfect for the 1920s. I’ve also made a short version of it and then an even shorter version for all your 20s needs!

TOU: Feel free to recolour or edit to your hearts content, just don’t make people pay for it. (full tou here)

Now with a curseforge link


Advent Calender 2023, Day I: Robe d'Adelaide

It's that time of year, everyone!

Thanks to the help of @buzzardly28, the two of us have collaborated together to bring you an advent calendar full of mid-victorian goodies! There will be 24 days of gifts for you all, made with blood, sweat, tears, and of course, love! <3

Today I bring you one of the first dresses I ever made!

Robe de Adelaide

  • A Frankenmesh edit of an @sifix's Gabrielle Dress and @vintagesimstress 1848 Dress
  • 100 Swatches
  • Suitable for Teens-Elders


  • Do NOT claim as yours.
  • Do NOT put edits behind paywalls/early access.
  • Do NOT reupload my content.
  • Recolours are allowed, so long as you do not include the mesh and give credit where credit is due!
  • If you feel so kind, please tag me if you use them! Would love to see your sims! (@theroyalthornoliachronicles)!

Download (Always Free!)

Patreon | SFS | Curseforge (Coming Soon)


Kicking off December with a bang!! You guys are in for a real treat because this calendar is going to be spectacular!!


Weekend number 1 of December - Qi’ra Hair

This is the ponytail Qi’ra has in the Star Wars film Solo. The actual ponytail itself took quite a while to perfect but I’m really proud of how it turned out 😁

Come back next weekend for more festive gifts that aren’t festive in the slightest!

TOU: Feel free to recolour or edit to your hearts content, just don’t make people pay for it. (full tou here)

Now with a curseforge link


Weekend number 2 of December - Alice Hair

Tarzan’s mum Alice was only on screen for one song but that’s more than enough time to fall in love with her hairstyle!

Come back next weekend for more festive gifts that aren’t festive in the slightest!

TOU: Feel free to recolour or edit to your hearts content, just don’t make people pay for it. (full tou here)


Now with a curseforge link

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