
pirate core!

@pirate-core / pirate-core.tumblr.com

captain's orders that i keep you scallywags in check. this crew hires all, so long as ye have a courageous soul.

I have been told I am too negative and hostile towards privateers. So, to all of you out there, if my shitposts have offended you, I humbly apologise. I honestly didn’t think you could read.


pirates answer to no authority, but ye may rejoice when ye hear your mates on land may have a gentler time than they had been getting; and for yourselves, keep in yer hearts that captainry should be limited only to what does right by your fellow sailors.


treat yer prisoners well, hear? if they be captives from another ship, ease their transition into yer cells, for god only knows what horrors they’ve been through. if they be, indeed, the captain of another rival ship, ye are obliged - like it or not - to treat them with a sort of respect. captaining ain’t an easy job, and it should be acknowledged in their keeping. even if they be held for ransom - after all, it could just as well be ye in that cell.

but if yer prisoners be of the navy, or privateerin’, why, those dogs deserve nearly no privileges within their bars at all! for they go against the very nature and goodwill of both men and the sea, and they shall reap what they sow.


the seas be a treacherous place for romance; indeed, many a lover has been swept into the depths below. but there be no need for lovers' games when ye have a matey, true and fair; the one whose shout could be drowned out by the wind and the rain and ye would hear them perfectly. keep them dear to ye, hear, for they be every bit as important as a mistress from ashore.


A genuine skull-and-crossbones pirate ship flag from the 1700s, from the Barbary Coast © Aland Maritime Museum, Finland


sell yer wares and save enough to join yer local port. wait for the right crew and don't ask where they get their gold. a silent one is a strong one, and soon enough ye will gain their trust. when they need ye, they will come to ye, though not in the way ye might expect.


pledge yer life and friendship only to people who make ye feel like ye may take on the entire british navy and live to tell the tale.


a pet is a promise ye make. ships are a dangerous place for men, let alone animals, so any scrappy dogs or cats or birds ye find and love must have a home on yer ship. but if ye pass this test, yer pet will be loyal as any sailor ye may employ.


avast! silence yer fitful dreams and sleep on quietly. the captain stands guard tonight - sightings of a lost spanish galleon rumoured 'long this coast keep them awake. but do not fear, crawl back into yer barracks, they will alert ye at first watch.


yeah seeing your favorite band live in concert is pretty great but have you ever been at sea with the boys on a dark and stormy night when old one-eyed willie suddenly strikes up a sea shanty and the whole crew gradually joins in until your voices sound together in rough harmony across the lonely ocean?

i think the ghost of the cantankerous old 17th century sailor i used to be in a past life just possessed me to make this post


listen well, for the captain has written another law to our code!

  • all crew must take care of themselves; all from the glorious cap'n down to the scrappiest powder monkey. care will be different for each pirate, but expected of ye. if ye cannot, than ye have no hearty body with which to fight the royal navy.

ring in the new year by toasting it with friends (be it rum or water) and cherish your mates; your captain; and be a little merrier for the next adventure


if the cooper yer apprenticing for takes company, and ye happen t'listen in and find that they are in the company of pirates, and the company finds ye listening and threatens to cut yer throat, and the cooper steps in and vouches for ye, and even goes so far as t'offer ye a position on their ship, then by god ye must answer the call

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