

@showtimezine / showtimezine.tumblr.com

An upcoming zine focusing on the rivalry between the Persona 5 Protagonist and Goro Akechi.


As of MAY 12, 2022, an email has been sent out regarding our upcoming changes to the physical zine. If you have not yet received your bundle, please make sure to read through our announcement.

If you did not receive an email and you cannot find it in any of the clutter or spam folders, there is a possibility that Etsy did not provide to us your email address. If this is the case, please sign up for our mailing list.

Keep reading for a transcript of our email below:

Anonymous asked:

will you still receive your order if you request a refund?

If you receive your refund, no.


Important Announcement

Hello! We have an important announcement regarding this project that can be seen here: https://twitter.com/akeshuzine/status/1540123546030026752?s=20&t=OrOi0cTN_C2sWfniptdtUg

Despite this incident, those that have not received their orders yet will still be getting them! We are in the process of raising funds in order to pay for postage to make that possible. If you would like a refund, details have been provided in the document.

Our fundraiser storefront will be opening TODAY, Saturday June 25th at 5PM EST.

Thank you!


I’m so sorry to hear about what happened regarding the zine’s funds and wanted to ask if it’s still possible to purchase the digital version of the project? ❤️


Thank you for your support! We intend on opening a fundraiser shop on our BigCartel in the next couple of days.

An email will be sent out with further details about our fundraiser. If you have not already been keeping up with announcements from akeshuzine@gmail.com, you may sign up here.

Anonymous asked:

Hello! Will those on the mailing list be sent a link to the new esty for the fundraiser when that opens?

Yes. An email announcement will be sent out to everyone when our fundraiser store opens.



Ree, our former head mod, has recently confessed to spending the remaining $27.6k CAD of zine funds on personal use. Ree has been entirely removed from the project.

Anonymous asked:

i missed the chance to preorder this and was wondering if you will open to sell it again? 😭

We will have our leftover sales up once our current orders are all processed, thank you!



If you did not receive the Foil Notice email from akeshuzine@gmail.com, and you could not find it in any of the clutter or spam folders, there is a possibility that Etsy did not provide to us your email address! If this is the case, please sign up for our mailing list.

We apologize for any trouble this may have caused and will do our best to make sure future email announcements reach you.


when can we order the psychical again


Hello! Leftover sales will be held once all packages have been sent out! Thank you for your interest!

Anonymous asked:

as of right now, is the shipping schedule still accurate? im moving in late april and want to make sure i get my zine

Hello! Our shipping moderator's father sadly unexpectedly passed away, so we've taken on two additional shipping mods to allow her time to mourn. For an address change, please email akeshuzine@gmail.com with your order number and new address! Thank you for your patience!

Anonymous asked:

Is there any chance of extra zines being sold?

Hi! We will be having leftover sales once all our current orders have shipped out and arrived.


Hi!! Is there a way for us to check the tracking of our package?


Hello! If you purchased the tracked shipping option you should be able to, yes! If you chose untracked shipping that unfortunately isn't possible.


✨ Zine Update ✨

Please read the thread below for full update details.

TLDR; Merch orders are shipping today!

We have a new schedule to ensure packaging stays on track.

Our currently packing rate has been adjusted to 150 zines/week.

We deeply apologize for the large delay in getting the merch orders shipped. We promised they would go out in September and failed to uphold that. The disappointment and frustration you feel is understandable. We hope now that the packages are finally shipped, they arrive safely.

Below is our updated shipping schedule. Our shipping mod will be packaging and mailing out orders at a pace of 150 zines per week. Should there be no unforeseen delays, everything will be in the mail by early April and hopefully in many customers hands.

From now on, we won't be able to facilitate any new address changes. Unfortunately, we cannot offer refunds at this time as all the merch has already been bought. Thank you for your time!


December 17th Update

The zines have finally arrived! We are currently undergoing quality checks, individually checking each zine to ensure it's up to our standards. Please keep an eye on your email inbox as we will be double checking we have the correct shipping address on file for your order.

Thank you so much for your patience thus far and we eagerly anticipate delivering SHOWTIME to your hands.


Update 24/11/2021

After persistent updates, we finally have news from our zine manufacturer. They told us there was a delay in the promised turnaround time due to holiday rush——despite us putting in the order in months ago——and failed to notify us of that delay until we started hounding them for updates.

We deeply apologize to everyone for the severe setback and are doing our best to remain open and transparent about issues at all times. It has been a struggle to work with this manufacturer, but we hope that when the books finally arrive, everything can be sent out the door as soon as possible.

The new projected timeline that our supplier gave us estimates the books arriving at our shipping mod's house late next week. We will continue to post updates as we have them.

We are ever thankful for your patience, and promise to be as communicative through the process as we can be.


Hi everyone! A small update on our end: the zine manufacturer has been having some trouble with the order so we're working closely with them to resolve it and get the zines to us as soon as possible, but it might take a while.

The good news is that we're only waiting on one more shipping supply before we can start packing merch-only bundles! Looking forward to showing you all pictures of that once they come in!

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