
Just Imagine It


A blog filled with one-shots and multi-part fics about your favourite celebrities.

The inherent fucking racism/xenophobia in the “Save Christmas” rhetoric????? They imposed lockdowns twice right before Eid, countless Hindu, Jewish, Buddhist and more holidays went by in lockdown and now that its Christmas it’s somehow more important? People out there telling all of us that our holidays and religions don’t matter and we have to step up for society (which we did btw) are now going “oh no not Christmas whatever will we do??” Now that it’s YOUR holiday you finally pay attention? Fuck off. We could have been careful and ended this months ago but y’all decided to play around until it came to Christmas. The government deciding to not give a shit about Eid but decide to “protect Christmas” tells you everything you need to know.

On Rosh Hashannah it is an OBLIGATION, not a tradition, but an OBLIGATION to pray in groups of ten or more. Any other year, we must pray in person because the use of electricity is not permitted on our holy days.

I had my Rosh Hashannah alone, in my basement, through streaming. It was the first and only time my cat has gone to synagogue with me.

Christians can fucking deal like everybody else


My rabbi's dog barked through Yom Kippur services because she saw a mailman.

We all gave up having a solemn holiday praying for our souls to stay separated and not kill someone.

Suck it up, for once in your lives!

Non-Christian people have trouble even getting the time off from work or school to observe their most holy holidays, but y’all are mad that your kids can’t cough on a mall Santa during the height of a pandemic. 


I'm extending my love and thoughts to all Native Americans this Thanksgiving.

This is a day that's absolutely saturated with cultural and generational trauma for us. It's okay to feel anger and grief and confusion today, and it's okay to express that. It doesn't matter that we weren't around to see the events transpire. We're still feeling the trauma in our bones. You aren't being dramatic or overreactive, and you are not alone.


To non-natives, please support us by giving us a space and platform to feel and discuss the pain that is deeply engrained in us surrounding this holiday.

//this post is okay for non-natives to reblog, but we do not want your justification of why you celebrate thanksgiving. i guarantee we've heard it all before, and it doesn't make it less painful, it just feels dismissive and invalidating.//


drained of blood, the heart is white


No, that is NOT what this is. You’ve taken an amazing medical invention, a total game changer, and made up some stupid, faux-deep sentence fragment for it that is a complete falsehood. You should be embarrassed and ashamed, honestly.

This is a ghost heart. What they’ve done is taken a pig heart and stripped it down to, basically, a cell framework that they can use to BUILD A NEW HEART UPON. You could inject stem cells into this framework so that a newly formed personalized heart can be transplanted into a donor with a significantly reduced chance of rejection. FUCKING AMAZING. It’s not been done with human tissue yet, but the promise this given to people who need hearts - or kidneys or livers or whatever - is beautiful. Science is beautiful.

And it’s IMPERATIVE to mention that a woman, Doris Taylor, at the Texas Heart Institute developed this. And she started with a rat heart and worked up to he bigger, more complex (and more human) pig heart. What a total bad ass.

So look, quit making shit up, learn to do a reverse image search on stuff you find on the internet, and STOP ERASING WOMEN IN SCIENCE.

Reblogging for:

  • The corrected information
  • The fact that rejection rate would be LESS which is VITAL

Reblog for science communication

To be honest ghost heart sounds way more badass then a drained heart


Want more info? Here ya go: 


“The idea of two sexes is simplistic. Biologists now think there is a wider spectrum than that.”

As a biologist I am reblogging this so hard.

Biological sex is not and has never been a binary. The complexity of the natural world cannot be contained in neat little societal boxes. Stop using science to justify your bigotry.

The complexity of the natural world cannot be contained in neat little societal boxes. Stop using science to justify your bigotry.

Dark times all around but there are still people out there who love you

Do not hurt yourself, do not hurt others, get help, talk to someone, anyone. Humanity has survived before and we can do it now if we all just support each other. My country and my people let me down and endangered my life but there’s nothing I or anyone else can do about that so let’s try to spread the love that is so clearly lacking.


Hawaiian Pidgin English: The Story of My Second Language

This is my story about growing up in the Hawaiian Islands and how speaking Hawaiian Pidgin English with coworkers and family. 

For anyone who grew up in the Hawaiian Islands, you’re used to hearing ‘da kine __’ or ‘not pau yet’. You might be used to responding to family members or friend’s cooking with ‘ono, broke da mout!’ 

For many people who call the Hawaiian Islands Home, from Big Island all the way to Kau’i, we’re used to using words loaned from English, Hawaiian, Portuguese, Japanese, Filipino, Chinese, and many other languages in conversation. It’s as simple as tying your shoe or brushing your teeth, but to tourists, I’ve overheard older white people complain to themselves or travelling companions that hearing it sounds like nails on a chalk-board. I’ve been told that I was butchering the English language by a few people from England who didn’t like that I was speaking to my coworker in it. In high school in Ireland, I was yelled at by a girl in the hallway when I was on the phone with my mom, speaking Hawaiian Pidgin English to stop speaking and speak normally (I’m assuming normal to her meant regular English).

I grew up on the Island of O’ahu with my mom, my sister-in-law, and many family members in Nānākuli, a Hawaiian Homestead on the leeward side of O’ahu. Being of Hawaiian, Asian, and white descent, I grew up speaking Pidgin as a second language, right after the dying Hawaiian Language my mother insisted on teaching my siblings and me (Mahalo, meme!) But speaking Pidgin was considered, even by teachers, to be a ‘bad’ thing that ‘needed to be stopped’ as I was ‘butchering the English Language.’

Even after pleads about history, how the language is important to my culture and a part of my identity, people still didn’t wanna hear me speaking Pidgin in the hallways (but Ōlelo Hawaiʻi was better, but speak I was encouraged to speak English in the hallways). I eventually ignored their comments about it and ended up talking louder to spite them (I’m an asshole, just ask anyone who knows me.)

Hawaiian Pidgin English is now recognised as an actual language and not a dialect, a huge move foreword in acceptance of the language for tourists and a celebration for everyone who speaks it. Thpugh we still have a long way to go towards exceptance (ie, the white laddies that would tell me I was only confusing my niece and nephew because I was speaking that horrible ‘tongue’), HPE will hopefully never die out and live on for years to come.


You know, in retrospect, having gay marriage as a debate topic when I was the only openly gay kid in class was SUPER WEIRD. Imagine if you walked into AP Gov and your teacher pointed at you like, “I don’t think Brian should have health insurance because he sucks. Discuss?”

I can’t even fathom what I would do if I had to write an essay about how I should be able to take a piss in peace.

moment of silence for all the queer kids who had to debate their own humanity in class

moment of silence for all the black kids who had to sit thru roots and learn about slavery and MLK every February and then go back to white history for the rest of the year

moment of silence for all the girls learning about the inventions of men and men’s history and having to do deep dives to find stuff about women to present

moment of silence for the Jewish kids sitting thru the World War II lectures and holocaust lectures then go back to never hearing about Jewish ppl again

moment of silence for all the kids of color who only see themselves in the ancient civilizations part of history and then go back to learning white history for the rest of the year

they deserve better, we deserve better

Coming back to this post bc I forgot to shared that I had, in fact, had to discuss my own rights in class. And I have been told to my face that I should not be allowed to be legally married because we “already had legal union, which is almost the same thing” and all that jazz. I discussed a lot of my rights in class bc I was in high school just as the marriage laws were passing in Brazil.

I was sad a lot.


Please reblog if you enjoy Marvel and you're a woman

I have been having an argument with a friend and he says that Marvel is for guys, please help me prove to him that there are lots of women who like Marvel!


80615 strong so far!



Over 200,000!



I breathe Marvel.  


Can we get to 300,000?!

Yes, yes we can! Keep reblogging!

Move over and let me school you on Marvel


Come on we can do better than that. I know there are more of us on this hellsite.

FAN GIRLS…ASSEMBLE!!! @writingfortheavengers @missnerdiness


*killing everybody saying girls like marvel because only the actors are extremely hot, have you seen the female cast of the MCU dude? you’d be fangirling too, and #SorryNotSorry, but Netflix’s series are amazing and enjoyable for everyone*

Heck yeah, I’m here again.  IT’S THAT IMPORTANT. 

I’m here because I am a Marvel fangirl


share the love

Fucking hell yeah.


Shocker– there are humans who love Marvel! I know, we’re women but can I say we’re just as obsessed? (It’s not healthy.)

*swings in* I am female and I am with Marvel till the end of the line. (I don’t think I even know a male in real life who knows more about the MCU than I do.)

Wtf why doesn’t this have more notes!! Come on guys we’re The Avengers!!! Captain Marvel would be mad at us right now!!


I’m Gay

I’m A Lesbian


I’m bisexual

i’m trans

Im Asexual.

I’m not sure yet

it’s ok!

a wholesome post

oh, interesting note: op is throwing a pity party because someone added those nasty-wasty acey-waceys to their pure L! G! B! T! ONLY post, and they DIDN’T LIKE THAT. Keep reblogging this version to piss them off.


This has happened to me before when I was in college at a frat party. This girl comes squeezing herself in between me and my friend and throws her arms around me. “Amanda, I am so glad you decided to come!” I was so confused and just figured she was drunk and mistaked me for someone else, until I saw the panic on her face. She leaned close and whispered that a guy was following her, was certain that he had put something in her drink and if I would please play along. I looked behind her and sure enough, some creep was watching her like a hawk. We invited her to hang out with us the rest of the night and even waited until her ride showed up just to make sure she was safe. Always look out for each other!

If you ever feel scared like this just come up to me like we have been friends since kindergarten, call me any name u can come up with ill play along.




Stay together, stay safe

Perfect advice. I’m reblogging this as a guy, because first of all, if you”re a guy : DON’T DO THAT. Don’t be that creep.

And if you’re a guy and you notice some creep is following or stalking a girl, and that she’s obviously uncomfortable or panicked, go ahead and say hi, long time no see, pretend to be her cousin, and tell her discretly you noticed there was a shady guy. Ask her if something’s wrong, if she feels unsafe, if she wants your help (very important - she may not trust you enough, no one could blame her, don’t take it personally). (and don’t you dare take advantage of the help you offered for a flirt opportunity, that would make you no better than the creep)

We can all stop “witnessing and do nothing”, and set an example.


Alternative option for a guy: if you feel safe doing so, go up to the creeper who’s following her and be like “hey WHAT’S UP bud do you like SPORTS? My favourite team is the redsox what’s YOURS my man? What you DRINKING dude that looks GOOD.” and be friendly and just loud enough to blow his cover. Draw attention to him and see what he does. He won’t feel as safe creeping if he knows people are looking at him, and maybe he’ll leave. It also means the woman won’t have to worry that you are *another* creeper she has to be wary of, and you may distract the bad dude enough to give her a chance to lose him.


Reblogging for that last comment.


Alternatively, spill your drink on the creeper, or bump into him so he spills his. Apologize loudly and bro-ishly. Offer to help him clean it up, over there (away from the woman he’s creeping on). Don’t take no for an answer. I


Well, considering that I am paranoid, I will likely to think you’re in cahoot with the stalker and trying to stall me so the creeper can catch up. In my best scenario, it would be helping if you - dunno, probs shout to him ‘hey dude in black jacket, you drop this! “ (it can be random junk) and made him pause for a while checking and you goes’ really? Not yours? I swear totally sees you dropped it, sorry my bad” . It shifted his attention to you though. If you are with friends you can counter following him and repeat the harassment if he persist his chasing

I understand that logic and rationalizing with statistics (alone) isn’t enough to overpower hypervigilant fear most of the time (I’ve personally never had any paranoid disorder - at least, I don’t think that PTSD falls under that umbrella? - but anyway, I can at least relate to an extent) - so let me just say that if you suffer from any paranoid disorder, and you manage to work through that overwhelming fear to help protect the person that’s far more likely to be the one in real danger anyway, than you are stronger than a goddamn Hypernova and admirably selfless and you deserve everything that’s good and pure in this world and I salute you. 

All of this is absolutely excellent for everyone to keep in mind, so please signal boost this!! WATCH OUT FOR EACH OTHER AND STAY SAFE. 


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