Official Home Of Zennezu Weekend (on hiatus)


Icon credit to @porcelaincats1
Header credit to @danaty-consolation

What your favorite Demon Slayer ship mine is ZenNezu 💛💓 I love that ship more than anything


What do you think? Hehe I love Zennezu too 💛💗⚡🎀


To celebrate all the Zennezu content in the movie, there will be a weekend long Zennezu event from October 9-11th. Same rules as Zennezu week! Please use the tag #zennezuweekend and @ this account in your creations.

The prompts are:

Day 1: Handholding

Day 2: Blossoming love

Day 3: Free day

I look forward to seeing what you all make! If you have any questions please feel free to ask! 💕 Twitter link

You must know I'll reblog submissions the whole month so you still have time 😊💗💛


MASTERLIST: KNY/Demon Slayer Ship Headcanons and Fics 

Arranged in alphabetical order. For character masterlist click here.

⁺˚*・༓☾ tankana  Mutual pining and realization (HCs) ◎ Being shy - pancake - (HCs)

⁺˚*・༓☾ characters click here


Nezuko looked at him with her beautiful pink eyes. Zenitsu could swear she was smiling under her muzzle, but he couldn’t be sure. He could only hope she did. Suddenly he felt a wave of sadness. Yeah, she was beautiful and kind, even if she was a demon. Way too beautiful for him. How could a weakling like him aspire to ever be worthy of her?

My contribution to Zennezu Weekend, day 2: Blossoming Love

#zennezuweekend #zennezuweekend2020

Anonymous asked:

Hello! I would like to ask about what does it mean as a "Free Day" for the 3rd day prompt. Does it mean the prompt is about free day (day off) in Zennezu life or free as in there is no particular prompt for us to follow? Thank you in advance!

Hello, anon! It means there's no particular prompt so you can write about anything you want! You're most welcome! 😊💛💗💖


To celebrate all the Zennezu content in the movie, there will be a weekend long Zennezu event from October 9-11th. Same rules as Zennezu week! Please use the tag #zennezuweekend and @ this account in your creations.

The prompts are:

Day 1: Handholding

Day 2: Blossoming love

Day 3: Free day

I look forward to seeing what you all make! If you have any questions please feel free to ask! 💕 Twitter link



Interest Check for Sabimako week 2020! If you'd like to see this ship week happen, please fill out this form!!

ZenNezu Valentine's day 💛💗⚡🌸💘

Note: I wish this was better, but I really wanted to write something for ZenNezu's Valentine's day before the end of February and this is all I could do with university being hard. It's cliché but sweet so I hope you can enjoy it nonetheless.


When Nezuko woke up, the first thing she saw was a flower. It was tiny but really pretty, a beautiful shade of pink. It was entangled with her hair. She reached out to touch it. Where did it come from? Nezuko rose up and soon realized her hair was covered with flowers of many different types and colors. She touched her head and noticed what seemed to be a crown of flowers there. The bed was covered in flowers and flower petals too. Nezuko looked at them, amazed. She noticed the yellow dandelions. How...?

"Good morning, Nezuko-chan! Did you sleep well, sweetheart?"

"G-good morning, Zenitsu-san. Yes, I did... But... What happened here?"

"I got up early this morning and went to pick up some flowers for you. Happy Valentine's day!"

"Happy Valentine's day! But s-some? There must be hundreds of flowers here!"

"You deserve all the flowers in the world, Nezuko-chan!"

"Ze-zenitsu-san..." She was blushing a bright pink. "You didn't have to..."

"Oh, but I had to. My gorgeous girlfriend deserves the best!"

"Thank you, Zenitsu-san" there were tears in her eyes. "Thank you so much. This is the most beautiful thing that anyone has ever done for me."

"I'm glad to hear that! Prepare yourself because I'll do my best to make you feel like a queen today and every day!" Zenitsu reached out to her embrace her and Nezuko let his arms envelope her, burying her head on his chest.

"I'll do my best to make you happy too, Zenitsu-san! But... I'm so sorry I can't give you a gift like this!"

"Well, there's one thing you could give me and that would be the perfect gift..." .

She looked at him. "What is it?"

"A... Uh... A kiss..." Zenitsu's face was red but his eyes were determined.

Nezuko blushed but she wanted to give Zenitsu her first Valentine's gift and that sounded perfect. So she looked at his lips and leaned in, closing her eyes, until her lips touched his. He looked at her wide-eyed, almost unable to believe it, but he recovered quickly and closed his too to enjoy the wonderful feeling of Nezuko's lips against his. It was indescribably wonderful.

When they finally separated, they both looked a little flustered but overjoyed.

"Happy Valentines day, Zenitsu-san," Nezuko said shyly.

For the first time, Zenitsu could only whisper. "I love you, Nezuko-chan." He was tearing up.

Nezuko smiled and caressed his face, looking at him lovingly. "I love you too, Zenitsu-san."

She kissed him again and they embraced tightly, ready to spend a wonderful Valentine's day together.

#zennezuweek2020 Valentine's day. 💘


Official prompts for TanKana Week 2020!

Welcome again to the TanKana Week 2020′s account.

As the title says, this will be the official prompts for TanKana Week 2020, which will take place from February 25th to March 2nd.

There will be an additional page with some questions that may arise, please read it if you have any doubts.

With all that said, I leave you with the offical prompts:

Credits: Both pages were made by


Reminder this is starting soon! Please check them out the mod is a friend of mines and a very kind person


Zennezu monthly prompts!

After running a poll on twitter we decided monthly prompts throughout the year to build up to to the next zennezu week would be fun! For this month the prompt is Valentine’s Day you have until the end of the month to make one submission. Please @zennezuweek and use the tag #zennezuweek2020


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