
you deserve to be loved

@so-long-soldier28 / so-long-soldier28.tumblr.com

victoria • main • usa • 23 • multifandom

has anyone ever looked at glee's uncredited cast list?? bc i just did and their names for background characters is hilarious. here are some of my favorite ones:

✨ little boy heckler ✨

sexy girl. adult student.

🩷 wife of annoying cell phone user 🩷


🥰 cookie eater 🥰


🐺 alpha gay 💅

~ EcCeNtRiC vOgUe WoMaN ~

why is he terrified??

and last but not least...

... crusty teacher


how did damon not dessicate in the prison world??

i just assumed they didn't actual need food to surivive and ate food just cause. i thought they were dead /ghost people and didnt need food but apparently i was wrong.. but. i dont think the writers thought the prison world logic all the way through.. maybe the hostipal had a good enough supply of blood bags for those 4 months

Maybe the hospital had it, yeah. Because in 1903, Lily and the heretics were surviving on three drops a day or something, and then they all dessicated except for Lily, when their supply got low. And even though Bonnie's technically dead, Kai isn't, and they were both eating like they needed to to survive. Idk, the writers definitely didn't think it through. I don't think they expected anyone to care enough to work out the details. 😅


Just remembered Kol Mikaelson and Kai Parker existed after being hyper fixated on another fandom for a few weeks and now I’m feeling feral for them. I still think it’s a crime we didn’t get a single scene of them being a dynamic duo 😭😭

Like look at them??? I know they’d be such funny, sarcastic little shits together and I love them


They would've been sooooo fun together!!! We were robbed of them meeting and raising hell, whether in the form of just pissing people off, or doing actual damage! I might've mentioned it before, but there was a fan at one of the cons awhile back that asked Nate what would happen if Kol and Kai ever met and he said, "blow up the Mystic Grill." 😂😂 but I can also see them just running around town, worrying both Damon and Klaus that they're gonna do something dangerous, but they're just pulling pranks and shit. I love these two too; they're my favorites😄


hey guys if you’re planning on making a vaguepost on the dashboard can you message me with the details and some of the lore behind the vague post you’re making. a vaguepost for the dash and a detailedpost for me. because i like to know what’s going on. if you do this i will automatically take your side because you’ve done the right thing by letting me know what’s up. thanks in advance ❤️



✨i fucking hate theo✨

i'm on 5x12, and he's turning everyone against each other and starting shit, and scott's being a dick believing every word he says, and now he's got his own pack to manipulate to torment everyone else. he doesn't have the kai parker charm that makes me forgive his sociopathic ways, he's just an ass 😭

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