


Spine transplantation done here. Inquire within.

Hello I came by see another elder kensei I don't hear anything from anyone but are you still here?


My blade only answers when called upon by the flesh of the wicked. But yes. I exist.


Something a bit... Different about me.

I felt that I should say something now, since I’ve been here for a decent bit.

If you have talked to me over the microphone on playstation 4 when playing For Honor or something else and also if you have seen my main page; @zwiebelkuchen , something doesn’t add up. On my main page I follow by a female name but If you’ve heard my voice. I am a male. That’s simply because well. Some might be… “disapproving” of this. But whatever

That’s your issue.

I do not feel comfortable in my male body and I wish to be a woman. I’m technically “transgender” but in ways not.

I felt I should say this because I feel as if I can trust the officials, and some. With said information; and that they will all hopefully accept me for who I am.

Thank you.

P.S: this will be deleted later out of anxiety.

As long as you are an honorable warrior you always have a home among us.


Just bought For Honor. Can't wait to play. So excited!


Ahaha! Be ready for that learning curve!But keep at it and you'll just..get better somehow. It happened for me that way anyway.


smooch for all! <3

in reply to this , this & this .

from right to left:

hope ya all like em! <3 

Hm… i forget to draw ninja and centurion ; n ;

Graaaaaaaaaa I wanna pinch your cheeks and huggle and snuggle and-

Ahem, yes. Quite.

..At any rate, this is extremely cute.

Don’t worry lawbringer i have futon beds that you can cuddle her in all day long.

I even have japanese snacks, whenever yall need a break from cuddling.

…Acceptable circumstances.

Don’t tell the other knights.

If you also need to i can play that one George Michel song (careless whisper) to give it a more sensual atmosphere.

(Just fuck her already)




Or my mom at all, for that matter.

I have already taken my tiny fox creature into bed. Just do it, embrace it.

;; This isn’t one of your doujins. The human does not have to fuck the tiny demi-human.

I am not fucking her. We are both girls how do we even fuck. I’m just cuddling and hugging her….sexually.

I– uhhh— Em— *try to think something smart but fail* I em.. It wont– err– fit?? I erhh i MEAN iDK somebody halp ;; n ;;

We don’t need to make it fit, all we need is just very close contact and feelings for each others. If it dosen’t fit, maybe we can rub them together?

Fear not, Foxy. I will keep you from her clutches.

Let’s see that weeb get past my fierce and deadly blades.

Honestly Orochi-chan. You dishonor us with such lewdness! At least towards our furry little friend..


Hi yes it’s your old pal the warden here to tell you that wanting to hurt someone based on there opinions is never okay and this world wouldn’t have nearly as many problems if people would just discuss instead of resort to violence


If someone’s opinion is “all Jews should die”, I have nothing to discuss with them, and I will violence them as needed. Sorry, this sentiment only works if the opinions in question do not inherently harm others, and without that caveat, I really, really can’t agree with you.

The most dangerous opinion in the world is the belief that your life, or the life of someone you respect, is worth more than the life of someone else.

I think the truth lies between the extremes above though. To hurt someone for their beliefs is never right or just, but there are precious few beliefs that do not lead to actions which must be opposed with all of your strength.

While I might view an antisemite, a racist, a sexist or any number of other bigots with contempt, it’s not their beliefs which are the issue. I pity them for their small-minded beliefs. If I hate them, it is for their actions, for their calls to violence and oppression. 

If you believe that every life is sacred, I will respect your belief. If you stand outside abortion clinics, making an already-difficult time worse for those women you target, I will oppose you without mercy or equivocation. 

“Watch your thoughts, they become words; watch your words, they become actions; watch your actions, they become habits; watch your habits, they become character; watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”

Apparently, for all the beauty of the quote, it’s not Buddha. It’s apparently by a man called Frank Outlaw, owner of a supermarket chain, in 1977.

You should make your own quotes instead of following others so hard and what your saying is almost the same as the person above is that it only matters if they are the right opinions and that’s just a stupid mentality

I pity you.

To quote those wiser than ourselves (or, at least, those whose speech-writers were wiser in that moment) is not blindly following anyone. I often disagree with others in the collective, but I try to do it respectfully and I at least bother to read the posts I reply to.

You are free to say your piece, but you cannot make use of that right without respecting all of our individual rights to express our own opinions and to challenge or ignore yours. You cannot have your cake and eat it.

Holy fuck how much Shakespeare do you have rammed up your own asshole as well as your head

Like holy shit tip your fedora and get the hell out the whole thing was me trying to tell people that physical violence isn’t okay and you should actually try and speak to people but Webster over here decided he needed to type out a paragraph of his big fancy words cause he needs to stroke his own ego

@we-are-swashbuckler I have a great ass qoute for you. “I do not like what you have to say but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” Even if you dont fuckin like what sexist, racist, or antisemite people have to say (i know I sure as hell dont), freedom of speech is still important and answering words you dont like with violence is fuckin stupid and facist. So fuck off with your hollier than thou attitude. Thanks

@we-are-swashbuckler i have another quote for you. “Speak no evil.” Warnden was only trying to tell people to stop spreading hate inducing opinions. You may believe that everyone has a right to their opinion, but when that opinion is used to incite hate, anger or prejudice it’s is no longer just a opinion. It is now a threat or insult towards those you mention in your hatefull opinion.

This is the last time I will respond, because some of you are not very good at reading.

Let’s summarise my posts:

  • “To hurt someone for their beliefs is never right or just” (don’t oppose opinions with violence)
  • “there are precious few beliefs that do not lead to actions which must be opposed with all of your strength” (oppose actions which impose violence / oppression)
  • “You are free to say your piece, but you cannot make use of that right without respecting all of our individual rights to express our own opinions and to challenge or ignore yours.” (free speech cuts both ways)

Not that I bloody well live in a country with freedom of speech or reasonable expectations of personal privacy, but that is a whole other rant…

Does that mean i should not use all my strength, not in violence but in convincing someone who has a belief that “asians are stealing all our jobs.” Just because i need to repect his belief that might cause interracial tensions?

I will hurt anyone,ANYONE. If they harm anyone I care about,hell even the ones who I dont. A bully is a bully.


I need For Honor friendos

Like no really, I don’t bite or anything, I just need some fellow crazies over here in this trashcan where we can talk about For Honor and shipping.

I like shipping.

me and nobushi am i right

No me and nobushi

Not gonna say who my actual OTP is but I can confirm it involves Orochi ;)

Is it orochi and fem shugoki

(finger wags) (smirks under mask)

Nope, guess again.

*chuckles* orochi and you


Wrong again, I ain’t interested in that guy just saying. ;)

@orochi-official want in on the guessing game?

*laughs hard* Is it with daubeny


@nobushi-official don’t worry I don’t ship you with Orochi ;)

it’s so cute eveyrone’s trying to guess lmao

Wait.. Apollyon and Orochi?!

No grandpappy I’m not that insane ;)

@kenseiayuofficial *gasp* Warden x Orochi


Which genders?

@official-conqueror You get to be shipped with a certain Nobushi and @official-lawbringer wellllll that is my friend’s version of that ship ;)

Oo oo do I get a ship? :D

@official-lawbringer Lemme see this For now it’s undecided but I may end up pairing ya with Mercy

Haha I like that. I didnt know we were doing tranfranchise ships

@lawbringer-official Lmao Peacekeeper Mercy is who I meant my dude.

*not noticed* I’d rather not be shipped with the poky stick wielder

@official-conqueror Oh trust me it ends better than you think dude ;)

Your efforts into shipping are better suited for war. @kenseiayuofficial Also..


Is it disgraceful to be defeated by a level 3 bot?


Never!Unless you lose by a landslide..I mean I persoanally don't know what that's like. But it can't be all bad right??



I don’t think the other Officials like me much. Perhaps if I offer them my chiropractic “services”..

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

@kensei-official i think you’re pretty cool

Service my spine daddy

Oh geez guys.. Uh you’re TOO kind.. -cracks knuckles and sharpens “sword”-

Maybe you can service my body?~ <3

Bad lewdkeeper bad no no thats a no no

Punish me! Bend me over your knee and spank me red raw for being such a dirty girl~

O-oh my




Don’t worry i’ll spank @lewdkeeper raw bud

Don’t fight it Daubeny, embrace it.

This post took a very expected turn. I shall honor all of your bodies with my blade!!

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