
gay vampires llc

@hd-fangfest / hd-fangfest.tumblr.com


HP Fearfest 2022's 31 Days of Fearfest prompt list!

It's here, Ghouls and Gals 👻!!! We can't wait to read/look at/listen to/run screaming away from all of the incredible things you make during the spookiest month of the year!

As a reminder: 🎃 You can start working on your creations as soon as you see this list and inspiration strikes! However, we will not begin reblogging until October 1st. 🎃 If you post your work on tumblr, tag us @hp-fearfest so we can reblog! Please indicate somewhere in your post what prompt(s) you are creating for, it will help us stay organized. 🎃 The tags for the fest are #HPFearFest2022 and #31DaysOfFearFest 🎃 We will post a link to the Ao3 collection on September 30th, feel free to add your works to it at any point during the month. This is not required. If you only want to post on Ao3 (and not tumblr), that is also okay! We will still include links to your work in the appropriate roundup posts. 🎃 Beginning November 1st through November 30, we will post roundups and highlights here!

Check out our guidelines post for more information, and feel free to send us an ask if anything is unclear!

Happy Haunting!! Your Fearfest Mods 🧛🏻‍♀️🦇


31 Days of Fear Fest 👻!

Like one of the undead, a spirit with unfinished business, or the Dark Lord himself….

Fear Fest is back, ghouls and gremlins!! 

Please read on, as there are some changes and additions for this year’s challenge! 

This year, there are two ways to play:  👻 Just like last year, we’ll be releasing a list of 31 spooky prompts, one for every day in October. Creators can choose how many prompts they want to create for and when they want to post their creations. Creators can combine prompts within this challenge and combine them with other challenges running in the month of October. Please use discretion and proper tagging when choosing which challenges to combine. 👻 For those of you who are itching to write a longer horror fic, craft more intricate fanart, or just want a more intense challenge, you can sign up in advance and receive the full list of 31 spooky prompts a whole MONTH early. That way you can start planning and making ASAP. It’s up to you whether you post a new chapter or installation of your fic/part of your creation each day in October, post the entire work on All Hallow’s Eve, or something in between. 


🎃 On August 1st the Early Bird signup form will open! When you submit your response, you will receive a confirmation email with the list of 31 Horror-themed prompts: one for each day of the month of October. 

🎃 On August 15th the Early Bird signup form will close.

🎃 On September 15th the prompt list will be posted here on tumblr for everyone to see!

🎃 Create for as many or as few as you like, whenever you like! Want to tackle all 31? Amazing! Feel particularly inspired by just one? Perfect!

🎃 Submissions must be HP-related, but all pairings and all eras are welcome!

🎃 Because the horror genre can be particularly challenging for some people, please pay special attention to your tags and CWs. If your post isn’t properly tagged we may not be able to share it.

🎃 Your contribution should engage in some way with horror genres and tropes.

🎃 Fluff, smut, and happy endings (and everything that goes along with them) are very welcome! Just because something leaves you feeling creeped out, that doesn’t mean it can’t leave you feeling warm and fuzzy, too!

🎃There is no minimum or maximum word count for fics!

How to participate:

—>On Tumblr

🦇 Follow HP-FearFest

🦇 As you create, post your work and tag us @HP-FearFest and use the tags #31DaysofFearFest and #HPFearFest2022. We will reblog your work here as we’re tagged!

🦇 Beginning November 1st through November 30, we will post roundups and highlights here!

—>On AO3 HPFearFest

🧛‍♂️ From October 1st through November 30th, add your work to the 31 Days of Fear Fest Collection (link to come).

🧛‍♂️ All submissions to the AO3 collection will be reblogged here (with credit!) and included in roundups and highlight posts beginning November 1st.

How soon after I complete the Early Bird signup form will I receive the prompt list? 🍬 Immediately! Once you hit ‘submit’ you will receive an auto-reply thanking you for your submission and including the list of 31 prompts. We want you to have every moment possible to dream up your fanwork!
If I create something for prompt #X am I only allowed to post it on October Xth?  🍬 No! You can write for the prompts in any order you want and we will still reblog your creations (just don’t forget to tag us)! You can also write for as many or as few prompts as you’d like, or combine multiple prompts into one work. 
What sorts of fanworks can I create for this fest? 🍬 Any sort of fanwork your creepy little heart desires, as long as they are horror-themed! If you are going to create around an existing work (for example, doing a podfic or illustration for an existing fic), we ask that you seek the original creator’s approval first and credit them in any posts. 


Send us an ask with any questions!

Eat, Drink, and Be Spooky,


Spooky Szn Approaches 🧛🏻‍♀️


HD FangFest Masterlist 2022

A big FANGS YOU to all of the fang-tastically talented creators who contributed to this year's fest, to each and every alpha, beta, and cheer-reader, and to all of you who read, looked, commented, and shared these bloody good works 🩸! Please continue to tag us in rec posts and reblogs so we can share the love! Yours in this life and the next, The FangFest Mods 🧛🏽‍♂️🦇


My June was crazy so I didn't get to read as much as I would've liked. Here is what I enjoyed in June. 2x Drarry fic, 1x Drarry podfic, 1x Dronarry podfic, 1x Wolfstar podfic

[fic] The Seventh Life by @corvuscrowned | Drarry, Explicit, 18k

If Draco had looked the other way, he may never have seen him again. But Draco turned, because he always would have turned. He found him, because he always would have found him - in life, in death, or in Paris.

Written for @hd-fangfest Gorgeous exploration of life, love and death featuring vampire!Draco and non-binary!Harry in Paris. Tender and thoughtful, aching and wistful and full of love.

Things I can fit in my mouth:
Eight large marshmallows
Two golden kiwi ((the fruit) not that kind of fruit)
Most of Pansy Parkinson's Fist
The end of a Coke can
Things I'd like to fit in my mouth:
Harry Potter's dick
An entire chocolate and toffee muffin from that place on Upper St
Harry Potter's balls
A very nice glass of Merlot ((I'm not terribly fussy) but I lie)
Harry Potter's dick AND balls

This Draco POV is screamingly funny. Who can I bribe to turn this into a podfic?

[podfic] Marbles Lost and Found written by saras_girl, read by xancredible | Drarry, Teen, 40 min

All Draco wanted was a cup of tea. Now he has to find out what Potter is doing with all of those purple things.

The reading fits the fic very well: charming and warm.

[podfic] The Taste of Ťuiča written by @fluxweeed , read by @lastontheboat| Ron/Harry/Draco, Explicit, 1h 40min

It’s quite one thing for your best mate to casually tell you about all the sex his boyfriend wants to have. It’s altogether another to have him bring up the time you snogged him in a shitty Central London park.

I don't read Ron/anyone fic tbh, but I liked this, and I especially enjoyed the reading of Ron's POV in this. It fits so well.

[podfic] Rebel Rebel written by @teacup-tai , read by @erajakira | Wolfstar, Explicit, 35 min

Sirius has just turned twenty and life is changing around him, blossoming, like Remus wrote in his last letter.
This is a story about life and exploration, about feeling lost and finding oneself in other people's bodies, about building love and community. This is a story about hope and sex and growing up.
Or: There was no war, so Sirius Black goes to David Bowie's concerts, has lots of sex, falls in love and finds a path he would like to follow.

This is such a wonderful fic about discovery and finding your people and happiness. And the reading is so lovely.

May Favourites

Blessed Are the Lambs (Do You Walk With Gabriel?) [E, 50k] Drarry, Vampires, the Vatican

It’s been eight years of this. Eight years since the tug that drew Harry like the tide pulls the earth towards the Camerlengo and Vatican City. Eight years since he’d last felt what it was to think freely and not around the wretched, awful din. Eight years since the bars of his gilded cage had slammed shut around him all while the Camerlengo spun the key on his conniving finger.

But it was today when Draco Malfoy walked into St. Peter’s Basilica, looking so young as though the years had passed him by, and smelling like pennies and dead leaves.

For H/D Fangfest 2022. @hd-fangfest

Anonymous asked:

hiya tacky how are you? to be honest, i've just been having the most stressful and hard couple of weeks and i could really use some reprieve from the harder aspects of life right now. only if it's alright with you, could you please recc some of your favourite fics? i just need something to immerse myself in and i trust that you have excellent taste. even if you do not have the time/ aren't in the mental space to do it, i just want to thank you for being the lovely human you are. your blog gives me unadulterated joy and i hope you have a great week whenever you come across this. even if some of your wonderful friends and followers could provide some of their favourite fics, i'd be much obliged. thank you thank you thank you :D

Hello lovely anon. my heart goes out to you, I'm so sorry you've had a bad few weeks and I really hope this dark cloud passes over for you quickly.

Thank you for this thoughtful ask - I am doing okay at the moment, though unfortunately due to real life pressures my fandom time is limited. I also haven't been reading much recently - i'm writing a very, very overdue charity fic which is also very long, and I was finding that the more I read, the more stuck I got in my own writing. So I have had to take it easy recently on the reading side of things!

However, I'd love to rec you some fics - and hopefully other people will also chime in with some recs for you too. This is just a small selection of fics i read and enjoyed recently. Please check the tags to make sure the fic suits you, and feel free to message me if you need any more info on any of the fics I've recced here.

As you asked for my favourites, I'm also going to include five of my all-time greats. I've read all these more than once (most of them multiple times). You could and should read anything and everything by these authors, but I've just picked one fic I love from each!

In the Hand (T, 28k) by aideomai

Heal Thyself (T, 47k) by @astolat (a brand new favourite but i was so blown away by it i have to mention it here)

What We Pretend We Can't See (M, 131k) by gyzym

Recent brilliance:

any day now (E, 17k) by @oknowkisss

The Hollow (E, 12k) by @wolfpants (Draco x Remus)

Running Mate (E, 170k) by @kbrick

When I see things right (E, 15k) - currently Anon


Thanks for thinking of my vamp fic, Tacks! This is an excellent opportunity for me to encourage anon to check out ALL of the recent @hd-fangfest fics that have just posted/are presently posting, they are sure to find something to lift them up and carry them away for a while.

To this brilliant list I will also add one of my all time favorite comfort fics: Nice Things by aideomai (22k | M).

My number one forever-rec is starlight (the unsuccessful return of a runaway prince) (11.5k | E) by @softlystarstruck, whose entire body of work is guaranteed to brighten your world a bit.

You should also check out literally everything @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm has drawn AND written. Joy takes those hard, too-real life things and transmogrifies them into soothing balm for the soul.

One of my favorites from last year’s @hd-cluefest is Sleight of Hand (15k | E) by the incomparable @the-starryknight.

And finally, the most lovely and delightful gift, Home is Where the Cat Is (41k | E) by @romaine2424 for @hd-erised 2021! (Draco PURRS I mean come ON).

Oh wait but anon should ALSO give @sitp-recs just-completed Hidden Gems series a look to find a whole boat load of incredible creators that Liv has recommended more beautifully than I ever could.


drarry odd jobs

preservationist (not conservationist, not archivist)-- charm wards to keep objects pristine forever (the metaphors!!) food, textiles, flowers, dead pets, all perfectly preserved forever. it's a little creepy, a little lovely, and a lot draco. harry contacts him about helping him save some objects from godrics hollow.

climate interventionist-- super complex large scale atmospheric weather charms to vanish co2 that require teams of wix. or harry leads expeditions on broomstick to the middle of the ocean to vanish plastics. the waves and wind are insane and it's super dangerous and they have to vanish the trash item by item so that wildlife isn't harmed ("harry you can't keep doing this, one day you're not going to come back") luna accompanies them to rehabilitate injured animals. draco is the climate liaison to the muggle prime minister. hermione studies the entropy of vanishing spells in the department of mysteries and repeatedly warns that this is not a long term solution, we need reduce, reuse, and recycle.

quidditch lawn specialist-- "quidditch lawn specialist? you mow the lawn every day?" "pfft, potter. you have no idea of the precision, every blade of perfectly trimmed grass contributes to the most efficient take off. a sturdy root system can save you milliseconds, actual milliseconds on take off time. you should be thanking me." bonus points for draco riding quidditch field zamboni

the postman-- "uhhhh malfoy? isn't that what owls are for." seductively, dangerously, "potter, i go where owls cannot."

magical residue composter-- spells leave trace residues that build up, particularly in high use areas like hogwarts or the ministry. draco collects these residues and composts them. i'm imagining a colorful swirling mess of phantom goop. maybe it can be used to enhance potions, or maybe draco performs wood nymph like nude rituals in the woods to return it to the land.

magical clock maker-- a maker of clocks like the weasley clock. maybe the actual weasley clock needs repairs and mrs. weasley wants to add harry to it and draco becomes obsessed with where harry's clock hand is at (mortal peril). maybe at the end of the fic draco makes harry and himself their own family clock, and harry and draco's hands now always point to "sex"

magical children's toy maker-- go wild. in a safe and fun for the whole family way. featuring harry potter's childhood trauma.

ghost therapist-- harry works for the spirit division registering new ghosts. malfoy is the only therapist specializing in after death experiences. harry: "but ghosts can't change after they've died. don't they just tell you the same thing every day?they'll never get better." draco: "i would have thought you of all people would understand why we keep trying even when it's hopeless."

legilimency therapist-- like magic cognitive behavioral therapy. need someone to unstick that traumatic memory and associated terrible coping mechanism? let them inside your head with an imagined plunger! harry: "does it have to be a plunger?" draco: "well it's up to you but i've found a lot of clients respond favorably to the plunger."

Magical clock maker! MAGICAL. CLOCK. MAKER. Oh my gosh! I am so freaking on board I’ve already got a fic waiting! Keep an eye out for my @hd-fangfest fic — posting very soon and full of Weasley clock shenanigans, clock shop UST, Harry’s clock hand in mortal peril, and Draco’s specialty eyeglasses… 👀

Anonymous asked:

Thank you as ever for your fantastic reclists! I started reading HP fics on FF net and only just got back into it, so a lot of my favorite authors no longer post. Do you have any authors who are currently active that you’d recommend following on Tumblr or AO3? Thank you!!

Hi nonnie!! There are a ton of great authors currently active on both AO3 and Tumblr! I highly recommend checking out current fests to read new fic and discover new authors; @hpfests does an excellent job of compiling fest posts to keep up with them! @hd-fangfest, which is posting now, has an incredible selection of fics that I'd definitely recommend as a great on starting point.

@pennygalleon also put together a rec list recently of new authors in the Drarry fandom (here) that a lot of folks piled onto. it's a great list of authors that are new on the scene and currently active!

hope these are a good start! happy Friday! 💖

Love Bites, Or How Draco Malfoy Learned to Let Go and Celebrate His Allure by Mosrael (tumblr | AO3)  for @hd-fangfest 2022 Graphics by tenthousandyears (tumblr | AO3)

I HAVE NO CHILL WHATSOEVER (insert LMM’s gif). So when @m0srael​ asked if I could design a lavender and gold “dating app called Allure that Fleur designed for creatures-seeking-creatures” (which is like… the best idea ever???), I pretty much lost my mind, jumped in, started looking for mockups & AI art & marketing material, and thought about nothing else for half a month. 

This is what I came up with! There was the issue of making sure Harry and Draco wouldn’t recognise each other, which somehow lined up with both my current wombo art obsession and the fact that, technically, an app can have photo filters to hide one’s face and make the experience more anonymous (why is this not a feature on RL dating apps? Asking for a friend).

So, if you want to see an ADORABLE newly-turned Vampire Draco fall in love with Werewolf Harry through a dating app… you should click here.

Mose, your fic is THE MOST HOPEFUL THING I’ve read this year & I love all your characters to bits. Your dating app was super fun to bring to life. Thank you for letting me work on this!


A look into the life of the residents, human and vampire, of Number 12 Grimmauld Place.

Rating: Mature

Word Count: 3590

Tags/Warnings: AU - What We Do In The Shadows Fusion, Dark Humor, Number Twelve Grimmauld Place, Recreational Drug Use, Established Relationship, Pov Third Person Omniscient, Vampire: harry Draco Hermione Ron and Pansy, 


Hey look, it’s me!!!!

Thank you so much @pennygalleon and @opalesqueopioid for looking at this and telling me it wasn’t crap even though it wasn’t my usual fluff

Thanks @hd-fangfest for all the excellent help and extension

And @softlystarstruck this is for you! (I think you’re the neatest and I was so excited to grab your ptompt)

It’s… not exactly your prompt, but I love WWDITS so much and this is what my brain said to do after I binged the movie and all three seasons. (New season in like a month!!!!)


HD FangFest Masterlist 2022

A big FANGS YOU to all of the fang-tastically talented creators who contributed to this year's fest, to each and every alpha, beta, and cheer-reader, and to all of you who read, looked, commented, and shared these bloody good works 🩸! Please continue to tag us in rec posts and reblogs so we can share the love! Yours in this life and the next, The FangFest Mods 🧛🏽‍♂️🦇


HD FangFest Week 3 Roundup

Well, folks, this is the FINAL weekly roundup of FangFest 2022! All of our fantastically fanged fics and fanart have been posted, and we hope you've found something to satiate your supernatural thirst 🩸! As usual, links and summaries are under the cut. Watch this space next week for a complete master list of all our vampy contributions!

🦇🧛🏽‍♂️🩸🦷, Your FangFest Mods

They come together in the only way they know how to. An exploration of monstrosity and how love consumes us.

Rating: M

Wordcount: 7,876

Tags/Warnings: Vampire Draco Malfoy, Blood, Injury, mentions of death and the beyond, Angst, Love, Harry Potter is Obsessed with Draco Malfoy, Draco Malfoy is Obsessed with Harry Potter

In which Harry is a magical theorist with a penchant for catching vampires for the Aurors and Draco is the vampire who’s in love with him. a.k.a. Draco’s hot and powerful and Harry’s going through a crisis.

Rating: M

Wordcount: 7,633

Tags/Warnings: kind of a case fic?, but really just two boys talking out their feelings, after a massive fuckup, ya know how it goes, minor drug mention, Magical Theory, bc i just couldn't resist, draco's petty and funny and hot as hell, and harry's smart but also the dumbest man alive, Vampire Draco Malfoy, Magical Theorist Harry Potter

To settle tensions between werewolves and vampires, Harry volunteers for a political marriage. But it turns out he's marrying Malfoy– cold, untouchable Malfoy, who he hasn't seen in ten years. Throughout contention and politics, werewolf pub nights and grudgingly shared meals, they have to make it work.
And in the midst of it all, Harry finds something he already gave up hoping for.

Rating: Explicit

Word Count: 52640

Tags/Warnings: Arranged Marriage, Political Alliances, Werewolf Harry Potter, Vampire Draco Malfoy, Trust Issues, Tension, Getting to Know Each Other, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Loneliness, Trans Male Harry Potter, Trans Male Draco Malfoy, Blood Drinking, Mating Bites, Chronic Pain, Magical Prosthetic Limbs, Alcohol Mention, Television Watching, Hair Braiding, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Living Together, Explicit Sexual Content, Trans Sex, Possessive Harry Potter, Slow Burn, First Kiss, Hurt/Comfort, Mild Blood, Falling in Love

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