



DM Me: Oh no my players are derailing again better come up with something fast

Player Me: I need to kill this NPC because one of my flaws is "Pyromania"


Andrew Colom, 33, and David Alade, 29, ditched jobs in real estate and banking to start Century Partners, a development firm aimed at revitalizing neighborhoods in the Motor City. The duo also uses the biz to help Detroit’s Black residents build wealth.

OMG I see young black men doing their best again! It’s so inspiring and make me feel proud! #BlackPride Detroit gotta start pushing to keep its young people at all costs. Local businesses should be doing everything they can to acquire and then hire interns. The city is almost already ideal for young professionals with its thriving nightlife and wide array of eateries.  

Detroit has a horrible reputation. People disregard the city and pass it off as a worthless cause. I’m trying to get a feel for what would make people take a second look at Detroit. And This is it! 

#Detroit #BlackExcellence #BlackUnite 

@hgtv where’s their show?

Like seriously drop one of the House Hunters spin offs and put this on instead 


This is exactly what I’m trying to do in Atlanta. I would LOVE to meet them to pick their brains or just see them with their own show.


Practice 10 minute hair paintings ~


Gem Practice

Dude, I am so proud of myself for these (I could not get the green one done very well though ;-;) I also figured out how I should sign my name from now on.

I am thinking about doing a speed paint tutorial on these once I master them. 


Aha so I thought I’d make a post about some tips on shading? I originally made this for my Patreon but I made it available for everyone so might as well post it here too \o/

“pillow shading” isn’t really term but I’ve always called it that 0v0


You might belong in Gryffindor, Where dwell the brave at heart, Their daring, nerve, and chivalry Set Gryffindors apart;

You might belong in Hufflepuff, Where they are just and loyal, Those patient Hufflepuffs are true And unafraid of toil;

Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, if you’ve a ready mind, Where those of wit and learning, Will always find their kind;

Or perhaps in Slytherin You’ll make your real friends, Those cunning folks use any means To achieve their ends.


you can 100% blame jess for this after mentioning benders using their elements to dance. suddenly, ballet!waterbending


so these sketches of ballet waterbending frickin EXPLODED and a lot of people seemed to want it animated SO. i give you extremely sketchy animations of katara, prima ballerina


quick fur tutorial because reasons

Because someone on discord needs my help

1: Get your basic outline, because otherwise it’s gonna look weird

wow look a basic animal figure!

2: Identify where you want floof to happen and roughly sketch it. you want neck ruff? you want floofy tail? make it happen.

outlined in purple for convenience

3: line that shit. follow that rough ass sketch as best you can with whatever you use to lineart and make magic happen

congrats u did a floof


OHH uhmm it’s kindaa long if you don’t mind!!  and here is the process gif! Hope it helps!!!


Drew something slightly less cartoony then usual, I mean who am I kidding still not realistic but I’m playing around with things Hah 


Lately people have been asking about my brush settings for drawing, which I haven’t updated in my FAQ since… 2013? Idk, but anyway here are the ones I’ve been using the most these days. *(Take into account that I change a lot the density of all of these depending on what I want, making the stroke different everytime)*

Hope it helps!

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