
Genesis Rhapsodos (Un)Official

@breezeinmonochromenight / breezeinmonochromenight.tumblr.com

ꕥ Nic/Nico ꕥ 20’s ꕥ bi ꕥ she/idc ꕥ
Magical Dumbass.
AO3: BreezeInMonochromeNight
PSN: CrownOfPoppies
Mobile Links: My Edits || VII/CC Prompts || XV Prompts || DMC Prompts || Devil May SSShitpost || For Filtering Purposes

Congrats on apparently finding Zack's actual puppy incarnation


More facts about Zack Fair:

  • TERRIFIED of aluminum foil
  • Frozen waffle pilfered off counter = god tier combination toy/snack
  • CRITICAL: one paw must be submerged to drink water or else no hydration can occur.

He still hasn’t come to terms with it either lmao. Like he used to enjoy going under the couch and sleeping, now he can’t figure out why he doesn’t fit. So he sticks his head under the couch and whines. 😂


“If there is anything that this horrible tragedy can teach us, it's that a Snake's life is a precious, precious commodity. Just because we have chiselled abs and stunning features, it doesn't mean that we too can't not die in a freak Metal Gear fight accident.”

Anonymous asked:

Someone told me there’s a canonical orgy in Silent Hill Ascension? Is that true? 🤔

Ascension is such an unwatchable, unbelievably embarrassing mess without Regular Eyepatch Wolf. And the fact that he might actually weaponize it against Woolie for Versus Wolves in retaliation for having to play Omikron is one of the cruelest, funniest things I have ever seen.

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