

@mr-feetman / mr-feetman.tumblr.com

Hello! And welcome to my blog! You can call me gordon, my pronouns are she/her and they/them. I can no longer access or edit my old account (the-anon-who-is-also-a-cat) so, if you followed that old blog please follow this one instead. Thank you!

I had to draw younger Bruno with his sobrinas and Camilo. ✨💕

I like to think that Bruno was amazing with the kids and they absolutely loved him. Of course Mirabel and Camilo didn't remember much about him besides the negative stuff, but I love how Isabela, Luisa and Dolores never bad-mouthed him in the movie.. so that leads me to believe that they were all besties :')


man i am not usually one for speculative theorizing but we have GOT to start talking more about the /brightonghosts stuff on findjackwalten because there is SO much fucking information there about the way ghosts work in this universe that seems like. paramount to understanding this story. Like its absolutely possible that Anthony is a bit of an unreliable narrator and that not all the information he hosts is definitively true in the universe of The Walten Files, but if there’s even partial truth to it a lot of this stuff is INSANE.

like particularly the shit on /ghosttalk ? Where it’s all about being able to open contact with a ghost through an object that was important to them during their life? and then we get to this paragraph which is ????????

“…the Un-Dead Can’t interact with the physical world, at least not in any significant way. By doing this process of communication you’re allowing spirits to ‘enter’ the physical world through objects…”

like WHAT??? WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT???? Like is this absolutely true? that ghosts in this universe cannot interact with the living world unless they’re deliberately contacted through objects? because thats HUGE, on account of every fucking moving part in this series being the result of ghosts interacting with the physical world. 

compounding that with the stuff on /ghosthaunt about experiments with contacting ghosts through radio + the radio we keep seeing in teasers for TWF4. i am like terrified for this coming episode i need clarity i need to understand. what the hell happened and Why are there so many ghosts haunting things now because SOMEONE did SOMETHING on PURPOSE.


Yeah I think that Sophie and Jenny are gonna explore the abandoned bon’s burgers restaurant (I think I remember seeing the building in lucky you it was still intact but wooden boards were blocking it’s doors) and they’re gonna find the radio from the twf 4 teasers on twitter. And then maybe Sophie will start playing it and I think jack might talk to sophie through that radio because on Jack’s website the lyrics from Doris day’s “they say it’s wonderful” can be seen and on Anthony’s website the guy who interacted with one of his dead patients through the radio said that

Music played while the spirts tried to speak to him. So since Jack’s website is the only findjackwalten site that has lyrics to a song maybe that means that Jack is gonna try to speak to Sophie while “they it’s wonderful” plays.


saw your tags on that post by heistshenanagens. i got nerfed by markiplier himself today if you look at his blog youll see


Yeah I saw and I’m honestly not surprised that he did cause your posts were pretty funny and I’m glad that you support Rachel and Marcus. I‘m also glad that mark reblogged your art, I remember reblogging your art and seeing it on the markiplier tag. Can’t believe it’s on mark’s blog! I’m so proud of you ♥️


every day of my life i think about sophie in bunnyfarm getting the “Apples!” dialogue from pete the hippo and going “Well, I like apples too :)” its so so incredible. like what are you fucking.what the fuck is wrong with you

he likes apples

Felix, drunk as hell:In my ass.

i feel like people are under the opinion that it’s ok to purposefully trigger a psychotic person IF. IF they’re a bad enough person. IF it’s funny enough. IF you’re friends with them. IF you’ve got a personal vendetta against them. IF they’re acting crazy. hell, even if they’re just existing or talking about their struggles in a public space. or even a fucking private one. which is so incredibly fucked up. your support for psychotic people should not be conditional.

i’ve had people come into my inbox and send me shit, telling me they’ve deepfaked my face onto porn and posted it online, telling me that all my friends are lying to me, that i’m not real, and telling me they’ve hacked my computer. my psychotic friends have gotten sent similar shit. the schizophrenia reddit has been filled with people posting intentionally triggering shit. anytime a psychotic person dares to mention delusions, ableism, or hell, even exists on tik tok, they’ll get comments like “i’m living in your walls” i have had it up to here with this shit. people don’t view us as people. they view us as crazies and sources of entertainment.


Would you rather fight your abusive father and his shitty killing machines


Your younger siblings, your cousin, and five feral children

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