
@lesbianarcana / lesbianarcana.tumblr.com

Asher (she/they), reformed Arcana blog, mostly Dragon Age now. Adult (30+)

Chapter 19 of Sulevin Ghilana Hanin is out now!

Summary: Zevran and Nyssa must work together to wipe out the Venatori presence in Hercinia once and for all.

After an hour or two the trees began to thin out, and the forest opened into an expanse of rock and windswept grass. Far below them was the shore of the Amaranthine Ocean. Below them sprawled a well-used camp, made of salt-blasted wood and ragged tents. Jumbles of crates, kegs and weapons racks were piled up next to a large iron cage near the central fire pit. From her vantage point, she could see the cage was filled with people.

“Crawling with Venatori,” Nyssa reported. She glanced over her shoulder from her position, lying on her stomach in the grass to avoid being spotted. Zevran sat further back from the cliff’s edge, wiping his boots.

“ Ai , these are good Antivan leather,” he grumbled. “Forests, they are just so… filthy.”

“Cities are worse,” Nyssa said. “The smoke that clings to every surface, the animal waste… I don’t know how you can stand it.”

She returned her gaze to the camp below, squinting in the afternoon light, and picked out an elven man with hair the colour of copper. She recognised him instantly.


Chapter 18 of Sulevin Ghilana Hanin out now!

Summary: A continuation of Chapter 17, Nyssa and Zevran work together to find Lord Enzo and stop the flow of red lyrium into Hercinia.

The warehouse hadn’t been too far from the inn, and the smoke was coming from the same direction. Then they rounded the corner and there it was: intact the night before, but now a pile of collapsed wood and broken glass.

Zevran turned to her. “Did you do this?”

“ Me? ” Nyssa stared at him. “Why would you think that? I’m trying to avoid drawing attention.”

There were at least a half dozen guards around, probably more around the area, and a crowd gathering to gawk at the wrecked building. There were scorch marks high on the neighbouring buildings, but no worse damage.

“ Braska ,” Zevran muttered.

“What? Is something happening?”

He glanced down at her in amusement; he’d obviously noticed her straining on tiptoes to see over the crowd. “Shall I give you a boost?”

“That had better not be a crack about my height, Zevran.”

“I am serious. You can sit on my shoulders, I will cart you around like a pack horse! Come, it will be fun.”

Nyssa snorted. “You sound like one of the men I work with. He wanted me to ride him into battle and—you know what, forget it. We’re wasting time. Come.”


Chapter 17 of Sulevin Ghilana Hanin out now!

Summary: Nyssa teams up with an old friend of Nightingale's to track down a Venatori operation in Hercinia.

The boy hesitated, then threw the pouch on the ground and snatched the food. He stumbled backwards, eyes wide, then fled with the loaf clutched to his chest. Nyssa picked up the leather pouch and examined the cut straps, sighed, then put it in her satchel.

“That was rather charitable of you,” said a voice behind her.

Nyssa forced herself not to jump, though her muscles tensed painfully with the effort. 

“There are easier ways to get my attention,” she said, after she’d composed herself.

“Perhaps. But not nearly as effective, no?”

Antivan accent. Possibly male; it was not always easy to tell. Nyssa thought of her staff, reduced to a miniature size and tucked into her sash. Judging by the brush of cold metal at her neck, she didn’t have the time to properly channel a spell. Something basic would have to do, then.

“I don’t have the patience for games.” Nyssa began to channel power into her hand, and heard the creak of oiled leather as the person moved closer. “I have little of value and I am not an easy target.”

“Ah, then it is just as well I have no desire to steal from you.”

A little closer…

Her would-be assailant took another step. Nyssa whirled, striking out with her magic, and caught the figure square in the chest.


When you need some assassinating done and Varric says he knows a guy.


Just a quick Zev. A while ago I read that elf eyes glint in the dark like cat eyes and I’ve been wanting to draw it since.


we’re all adults playing a little simulation game that is rated t for teen and producing our little reality shows about our pixel families on this website and i love all of us for that


Stuff in the Dragon Ball series that is entirely real and has happened

- When Goku met Bulma, the first thing she did was shoot him with a handgun - The moon has been destroyed twice - There is a king of the entire planet and he’s a dog - Vampires are real. Werewolves are real. Ghosts are real. Goku is considered a freak for having a tail for some reason - There was an evil mafia rabbit called the carrot master who turned people into carrots. Goku banished him to the moon; it is implied he died the first time the moon was destroyed - At one point yamcha was actually considered a threat - There was a whole arc about the red ribbon army trying to steal the dragon balls; it is revealed that the RR general wanted to use them to become taller - Characters such as Krillin, Tien and Yamcha are actually some of the most powerful humans in the world but literal space gods keep showing up and killing them - Goku’s cloud that he flies has also died twice - Every character ever shown on screen has died at least one time. Except for mr satan - Mr satan is actually a skilled martial artist by real-life standards, but he lives in a world where kung-fu lets you shoot beams - Muten Roshi is (mostly) immortal and will outlive most of the cast - The pilaf gang, one of the earliest villains in dragon ball, are brought back after the distruction of earth, implying that they’re so incompitent at villainy that porunga doesn’t consider them evil - beerus blew up the dinosaurs, then an archaeologist brought them back with the dragon balls - Directly before becoming God, kami-sama was apparently one of the most powerful mortals in the universe at the time - Before joining the good guys, vegeta was basically a space realtor - Piccolo jr is both the son of King Piccolo and his reincarnation - aka he’s slug jesus - Piccolo took over the world once, but since then so many people have tried to blow up earth that no one now recognises him - The fact that krillin doesn’t have a nose is a plot point in the first world marital arts tornumant - Goku can use the kamehameha with his feet - There is an all-powerful god of the universe, and Goku used time travel to clone him - Earth has an absurd amount of powerful beings, and the rest of space is largely lacking in powerful mortals, because most of the powerful extraterrestrials either came to earth and died, or got killed by vegeta - the dragon balls have been used more times during the course of this story than they were in all the years before the story starts, and it’s entirely bulma’s fault for inventing the dragon radar


- Yamcha owned this car


bulma didnt just start shooting at goku for no reason. he flipped her car.


I check on how the Arcana is going every few months and uhh. It's uh, a lot.


One thing I enjoyed about Dragon Age: Absolution is the way it shows how being brought up within a specific culture can passively affect your outlook without you assuming it will.

Our villain, Rezaren, believes that he sees Miriam and Neb as his siblings, despite very obviously seeing them as slaves. The pervasive culture he's been brought up in assumes ownership; and so he continuously views Miriam and Neb in that lens despite the fact that he thinks he's not (better posts than this one have been made talking about this but specifically such things as: does not believe they have the right to say 'no', believing he can do whatever he wants with Nebs body/soul without consequence, wanting to take Miriam back as a tool to fulfil his dream etc.)

But Hira, who was brought up in Tevinter, left due to the Venatori and joined the inquisition is ALSO deeply affected by the culture of Tevinter and how it views elves. Hira is willing to bargain the freedom of a woman she loves, and there's something about ownership there. We don't know much about Hiras family and whether they participated in slavery, but I would argue that Hira's ability to rationalize her actions stems directly from an unconscious bias about slavery and elves.

And I think that's really interesting. It takes a lot of time and energy to break our unconscious biases. Love isn't always enough, even if the people experiencing that love (platonic, romantic like Hira or familial like Rezaren) believe that it should be, or that they're not participating in these wider cultures.

I hope we get an arch for Hira where she realises this, and grows (although not necessarily for end game Hira/Miriam I think Hira has gone too far), or a Tevinter character in DA:A that is desperately trying to put in the work to change these biases and recognsie them as a sort of counterpoint/flipside. But in this show, I enjoyed that the two Tevinter characters, despite their supposed love for Miriam, couldn't break free of the unconscious biases and culture they were raised in.

Varric Tethras: "I knew him as Solas, a thoughtful mage obsessed with dreams. But long ago, he had a different name. Fen'Harel, the Dread Wolf. Ancient elven god of lies, or heroic rebel against tyranny, depending on which story you believe. In his final fight with the elven gods, Solas imprisoned them and created a Veil that split our world from the raw magic of the Fade. But now, he wanted to tear down that Veil, and destroy the world. And we're the only ones who can stop him."
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