
Praise the Nekos


Sup to y'all. Lvl 23 human here. I see you are all people of culture as well, so hope you have a great time here. Posting stuff I find interesting, which is preety much anything at this point: movies, anime, animated series, videogames, funny stuff and random memes. Certified Monster Lover 💜 And all hail anime titties!

Damsel showed an important scene

All the steps of wearing the intricate wedding gown, and each piece of ornament being put on.

The framework of the dress was almost going to burn her to death.

It restricted survival. And all was left of innocent girls before her was a grave full of wedding gowns and rock of self engraved names.

With every piece of cloth bravely ripped, was a step closer to hope and freedom.

Damsel shows the truth behind the glorified medieval beauty.
And for young mind of children's, it's more important than any 'top noth' CGI.
How far society has come to reconstruct the notion of beauty, where little girls no longer need to wear cages to look 'beautiful'.

It's a brave, brilliant, thoughtful fantasy genre movie for the new generations. Which is not adorned with beautiful lies. This is not a fairytale, it's an empowering movie for every kid to watch. 10/10


In the middle-ages, no differentiation was made between dragons and wyveryns. I’ve seen several posts in LOTR/Hobbit and Game of Thrones fandom where people are up in arms over the whole dragon vs. wyvern debate. Wyverns typically have two legs and are smaller, and less intelligent (easier to fool) than dragons. Dragons can have two-four legs in Western culture, none or more than four in Eastern culture. Dragon’s tongue licking you can be poisonous, but they typically don’t breathe fire and you’re more likely to die from being strangled by their tail.

In many depictions of St. George vs. the dragon, the dragon looks like a snake or wyveryn. As was stated previously, in the middle ages, there is really no difference between worms, snakes, dragons, and wyveryns, so it’s really not a big deal!

For more info: @medievalcactuschronicles is doing her dissertation on medieval dragons @medievalcactuschronicles

And sometimes, medieval dragons don’t even look like dragons at all ! I’ve spent hours studying thousands of illuminations, and the least I can say is that, depending on the artist, dragons can look like dogs, lions, monkeys, frogs, unicorns… So sometimes, it’s hard to know for sure if the creature you have found is truly a dragon. If you’re interested, I could show you some weird depictions of dragons I came across during my research, it’s quite fun (because what could be funnier than seeing a depiction of St. George or St. Margaret  fighting bravely against a gigantic rat ? I leave that to your imagination)  ! 


@medievalcactuschronicles Also, I’d love to read your dissertation. Is it publicly available? Is it even done yet? I have no idea how old these posts are.

Also, if you have some more weird dragons apart from those already found on your blog, I’d love to see them.


I would also be interested in that dissertation.


scientist voice: today i will be a dick to this cricket 


The phrase “exposed to this spider torment” will haunt me


People in the notes have entirely misunderstood the point of this experiment and what it entails.

It’s not “proving that crickets can be traumatized”. It’s proving that *animals can genetically pass on the stress that a dangerous situation causes, and the offspring will instinctually respond to the same situation without ever having personally experienced it.*

And that’s a big deal for many things, including human psychology.

When Nazis invaded The Netherlands, local Dutch peoples were under extreme emotional and physical duress. The Nazi army took their food for the soldiers, starving the population. They patrolled the streets and harshly reinforced their new laws. Existence was horrible and some parents had to give their children away to wealthier families because they couldn’t feed them anymore. This event is known as the Hongerwinter, or Dutch Famine.

One generation later, the children of mothers who were pregnant at the time of the famine have been proven to exhibit intense reactions to stress, and heightened fight or flight responses. They also experience more obesity because their bodies are prepared for starvation.

Some of these children were never personally exposed to the famine. Their mothers gave birth after conditions had improved, or even after moving to another country. But the effects are there, and those people are now adults who can recognize this and attest that they didn’t experience something else traumatic during childhood. It was passed on in the womb.

This is called epigenetics. It’s essential to understanding how the human brain and body works. That our responses to stress can be passed on genetically. That it can show up in how we look physically, our physical health, our mental responses, our instinctual reactions. It’s especially important for people who are in therapy and need to understand *why* they act a certain way before they can actually work on it.

So no, this experiment wasn’t “haha let’s torment a cricket”. I’m not going to argue the potential cruelty of the experiment with people. I just want you to understand what it actually all MEANS.

Reblogging for that last comment!

#I have to wonder what diet culture is doing to us epigenetically #do our mothers’ and grandmothers’ artificial famines come down to us? #is that part of the ‘obesity crisis’? #because that’s a vicious cycle #like if you get pregnant after bariatric surgery does that mean you’ll have fatter kids? if you diet while pregnant? #anyway. epigenetics. (thepioden)


I need to share this pure joy with everyone. I don’t have any money but if I did I’d blaze this post with it because everyone deserves to see this.

I have several doctor friends and this is usually a good source of entertaining medical stories but today it was a source of Art.

My friends had a teen patient ask them for all their expired Pap smear swabs (which are apparently called cervical brooms). For those unfamiliar, they look like this

She then took them home and came back on her next visit with this

It’s… a peacock. A work of art. Made of expired vaginal swabs, paper, and a plastic hanger.

He has a bow tie and glasses.

I cannot comprehend his magnificence. He’s called Rupert.


He wants some bread… 🥖🥐 Twitter I Instagram

Bread Dragon is getting a book! His name is Ember, and his 48-page, fully illustrated picture book adventure is available for pre-order now, right here!!! Comes out Oct 1 of this year!

It’s all thanks to you guys & your passion that I had the chance to make this book!


i know that when a book describes dragons picking up their riders they probably mean scruffing them by the neck in their mouths like a kitten, but i always imagine something like this


Don’t leave this in the tags. It’s too funny not to be enjoyed by everyone


An asexual and pansexual become room-mates and have wacky adventures

The show is called ‘All or Nothing’

Well, well, well…

10 years of All or Nothing.

I made this post when I was 20 years old and there was basically no asexual/pansexual rep in media.

I’m 30 years old now and…well, there still isn’t a lot, but at least we have Todd on Bojack Horseman and that guy from Schitt’s Creek?

A lot has changed in the past 10 years, both in the world and within myself. Looking back on the anxious, self-criticising barely-adult that I was back then really helps to put things into perspective.

Despite the Everything that’s happened with this post, I’m still glad it’s around and that it’s circulating - a little slice of classic 2014 tumblr nostalgia.

To everyone who has gotten something positive out of this post - I’m glad I was able to brighten even a small part of your lives, even for a moment.

To everyone who’s amazed I’m still here - Same, honestly. Please keep adding such comments though, each one gives me more power so that I may one day ascend from this mortal shell.

To everyone who’s left unnecessary negativity on the post - Okay 👍

And to everyone who may be wondering ‘how does one celebrate the anniversary of such a momentous part of history?’

In the most asexual way possible:

Happy All or Nothing, y'all.


january is one of those months where you experience every feeling on the human spectrum and you just have to go about your day like that isn’t happening


I read, on average, about two books every week in 2023. That’s a lot of books, authors, and series. This post is an incomplete list, but if I were to give a complete one, I would have to list every book I reviewed in 2023.

So, I kept the list of the stuff that first bubbled to the top of my mind when I asked myself to recollect the year. I don’t have these books and authors in any particular order, but they are in categories!

Here’s to Monster Romance’s growth in 2024!


Monster Romance BOOKS

Hello lovelies! 

Did you know you can read novels & novellas that are monster romance? As in, stuff that’s not on tumblr? 

Here’s a few suggestions for you all: Regine Abel Prime Mating Agency Series – Trust the Prime Mating Agency to pair you up with an alien from across the universe? Sure, why not. The first book is about a woman from a farming planet marrying a lizardman and learning about his culture. The second is about a woman whose life gets entangled with a Naga’s due to a cultural clash. To save her life she has to marry him for six months. The third is about a woman marrying a bird-man as a last-ditch effort to create ties to save her colony. 

Honey Phillips Treasured by the Alien Series – You want big, tough aliens treasuring human women who have small children in tow? This is a good series for you.  If your vibe isn’t so much stories with children in it, check out some of Honey Phillips’ other series– there are a bunch of them. 

C.M. Nascosta (our own monster-bait) has several series being released with traditional monsters and humans including the Cambric Creek Series (starting with the infamous Morning Glory Milking Farm) and Girls Weekend, which is her series featuring our much-beloved nudist orc town. There’s others out already, and more coming soon so be sure to keep an eye on her site for publishing updates.

Tiffany Roberts has The Kraken Series which starts with Treasure of the Abyss. What happens when a colony of humans discover that there is a whole colony of octopus-mers called kraken who live just off the coast? It’s a wild ride and you’ll want to binge it. 

Ruby Dixon has The Ice Planet Barbarians series, The Corsairs series, The Risdaverse series, and more that I’m definitely not remembering the official names of right now, but she’s one of my top authors and you should definitely check her out. She’s got big, buff, loving aliens and a huge variety of partners for them. 

There’s a lot more, but I’ll leave it here for now with one other note– buy the books or get them through the library. Don’t pirate books, all you end up doing is hurting the authors. With the exception of a couple authors who have multiple blockbuster films made of their works, authors are just people who have bills to pay and you’re taking food out of their mouths if you steal their work. 

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