
The seizure blog

@the-seizure-blog / the-seizure-blog.tumblr.com

Epilepsy is just proof of having a BRAIN. What proof do you have?

Stop Flashing Gifs From Auto Playing #61

I wanted to look into ways to help people who have seizures be a little safer on the internet or at least on tumblr. I thought about gifs auto playing and after a bit of googling, I came across this link. This web page gives you advice on how to prevent gifs from auto playing on different browsers.

Maybe you could actually use tags like #epilepsy and #seizures and not be assaulted by flashing gifs anymore.

I don’t know much about seizures myself so I don’t know how helpful this is but I hope it can help someone.


Tagging gif with the hashtag epilepsy is not helpful. The epilepsy tag is for people with rpilepsy. So putting flashing gifs in that tag is counter-intuitive. Thanks for the link about stopping gifs for auto playing though :)


Epilepsy Tumblr. when you’re having an aura what are some things you do to help center yourself and essentially fight against having a seizure? I don’t have seizures anymore but I still get auras and it sucks. I try to take deep breaths and drink something but I was wondering if there was any other advice.

as silly as it sounds, sometimes I say to myself “don’t have a seizure” over and over again. and sometimes it works. 


Oh shit. No. Shit. Thank you

Just gonna reblog this out of gratitude because I actually did forget…

Fffffffff let me get right on that. 

and then reblog for the next forgetful son of a bitch

I’m so great full for everyone that is reblogging this. I totally forgot to take mine

Me: *sees post on tumblr* Shouts into the back of the house* Hey, mom, you remember to take your pills?

Mom, faintly after a minute: dammit.

(So it’s not just helpful for the person seeing it, lol)


I actually forgot to take mine.. thank you, Tumblr

Needed this, Thank you

Hoping this helps somebody that does take any medication. Also, I wanted to say that it’s okay if anyone does. As you can see, many others take medication as well, so anyone else that sees this must understand that you are not alone. I hope this reminds and/or encourages somebody out there.


this is so important to reblog.


Warning: I think it's funny.

I’m tired from seizures and feeling sorry for myself. So I’m cheering myself up with horrid epilepsy jokes:

What’s blue and doesn’t fit? A dead epileptic.

What do you call an epileptic in some leaves? Rustle

What do you call an epileptic in a deck chair? A Transformer.

What do you call an epileptic cow? Beef jerky

How do you train for the Calgary Stampede? Marry an Epileptic.

Playing hide and seek with an epileptic is called search and seizure

I refuse to make the salad joke. I used it in another post and I’m still proud of myself for it!

These are fucking hilarious, and I’ve… never heard any epilepsy jokes that didn’t focus on “dude you dance like an epileptic chicken!” I approve. *struggles*

What do you call at epileptic at Popeye’s?  Chicken jerky

What kind of seizure never goes to school?  Absence

What kind of seizure has bubbles and taste like shit?  Atonic

What do you call sex with an epileptic?  A clusterfuck

(… okay, I need to sleep- please wake me up with more bad jokes.  Anyone who makes an original sudep joke gets mediocre art by me, even if it’s terrible. )


what do you do if you find an epileptic having a fit in the bath?Throw your washing in. (I think I got this one from fuckepilepsy)

What do you call 500 epileptics at a disco? A foam party!

What do you call an epileptic asshole? Jerk.

What do you call a good-looking epileptic? Fit.

and it has been said all ready to leave the salad joke out of this

glad we can be comfortable enough with our illness to joke like this


Giving marijuana another try

Okay, so I had a pot brownie just before bed the other day, because I guess CBD oil doesn’t really do its thing unless there’s a little THC with it?  And I don’t want to get high, I really don’t.  I like being fully in control of myself.  So the only way that works is if I’m only high at night.

Good lord I slept so well. Usually I have seizures during the night, but I don’t think I did then because I felt like I’d had a good night’s sleep.  I felt so good!

My body didn’t hurt.  My mind felt clear.  I was muzzy when I woke up, but once I got to work I was all awake and ready to face the day- and that’s rare for me.  I didn’t even sleep during my break!

So I think this is worth a longer experiment. (I will be so annoyed if my dad was right, I really will.)


Shout out to the epileptic girls who don’t feel like they fit in the disability community

Or don’t feel like they have a community.

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