
Keg Bearbarian


Powder-Keg Bearbarian Bisexual/Aromantic Bigender Enby/Girl She/They
21 years old Fantasy writer and furry artist 18+ Content

but being genuine & not jokey for a second you Need to make yourself a safe person for transfems. every time you support the witch-hunt of a trans girl you are signaling to every other trans girl you know that you will ruin their life if they say something you don't like. you have to put aside kneejerk disgust reactions and simply block people if they post something that upsets you. this is not worth risking their safety


everyone knows that the last person you should ask about the experiences of trans women is a trans woman. they're all biased & can't be trusted

um i noticed you included opinions in this from actual transfems so it's not valid. everyone knows the only people who can speak authoritatively about the lives and internalities of transfems are *checks notes* everybody else who isn't transfem

ok sure you interviewed trans women about their lives but can we get some opinions from real unbiased people?


there isn't even a swear word in this. are you for real right now. are you serious

it doesn't get clearer than this. there is no mature content in this post, a post that talks about trans women being silenced when talking about their own experiences, by a trans woman talking about her own experiences, and it gets marked mature. @staff it no longer matters if this is algorithmic or a result of un-reviewed false reporting by other users, this is unacceptable for a site that advertises itself as "the queerest place on the internet." this needs to be fixed and explained.


going to start making shitty forcefem edits but for becoming a schlubby fat girl

am I cooking too hard with this one folks

I wanted to see how far I could get with this bit but this is literally the only manga starring a fat schlubby girl so I guess I'll have to retire early

@kujirara idk ill think about it but I don't feel great editing other people's art like that vs. something from an anime or manga where the person who made it has been paid and people make edits of that stuff all the time anyway


June is coming around soon so I just wanna say I love fellow queer kinksters they make the community go round (⁠ᡔ⁠α΄₯⁠ᡔ⁠)

you cannot have pride and community without the help of kinky queer folk being the backbone of it. I trust the pup mask person with my life over corporations that barely respect us.

love kinky queer people


he is a lil stupid (⁠ᡔ⁠α΄₯⁠ᡔ⁠)


YES HE HAS PAWBS :D also I'm really happy with how I rendered this :3

I want to eat him


always a little startling coming across terfs and white supremacists on here like aw buddy this isn't your natural environment you should be on twitter or in a garbage compactor


Kitty with the big ol titty 🍈

Completed colored sketch for One_Tru_Prophet on Twit!


"Of course I support trans women. Love every trans women before they die or whatever, I don't remember how it goes exactly. Except for this one. And I don't care about what other trans women say about them--I mean her. I know better. Only the trans women who are disgusting freaks support her anyways. Plus, all these cis guys harassing her seem so trustworthy. She has done nothing but vile, fucked up things, all of which are true, no exceptions. At least I've only ever heard about the bad things, so that means it's all she is. I'll just believe the people harassing her and then call her a sinful sex pest that should be put in jail or beaten to death. I am normal about trans women. Yeah, I have two friends who are trans women, why would that be important?"

"No, yeah. As a trans woman I'm completely immune to thinking like this. We have shown a lot of solidarity these last couple of months. Yeah, I've read a lot of posts about solidarity. I even reblog them sometimes. When they fit my aesthetic. And yeah, when I say no exceptions I truly mean it. If there're other girls that are being harassed or ostracized I don't go and isolate them myself. I mean, some allegations are maybe definitely true sometimes, so I just block, just in case. It has nothing to do with them being trans, they really just maybe did fucked up shit. Oh, they're homeless and disabled? Weird coincidence. Like, I'm not the one isolating them. They practically did that to themselves. If they'd only behaved like they were supposed to, I wouldn't need to ignore them and pretend they're not there. So, yeah maybe there are a couple of exceptions, but I still love all--well, most of my sisters. Love all trans women. I'm doing my part by reblogging posts even from the problematic girls sometimes. What do you mean she's a therian system, do I need to block them?"

When you reblog posts about solidarity and "support all trans women, with no exception" you really have to ask yourself, do you mean it? Do you support all of us without exception? What about Christine Chandler? What about Patricia Taxxon? And what about Allure, Ulves, Athetos, Omelas, feralratbitesu, and everyone else who has been called out?

Or is your social standing more important?

of course i support all trans women its just some random person on 4chan said that he i mean they ate babies its just my due diligence as an ally to weed out any tranny er trans woman who steps out of line


"umm I hope you guys know orcs would kill you if you tried to fuck them" whaaat holy shit man orcs are typically depicted as chaotic evil savages? no waaay dude, this whole time I've been eroticizing the monstrous as a deliberate critique of the racist and ableist undertones in the classical orc archetype, when I should have simply realized that elements of popular fiction are objective absolutes that can't be reexamined or remixed through the cultural lens of the ever-shifting presentttttt


girls will rapidly oscillate between jacking off and getting distracted on the internet. scrolling tumblr and the youtube homepage with my dick out like what am i doing here


I really like big breasts, some could say its a fetish of mine, but I don't immediately assume a character with fat honkers is ever put into the story to titillate the audience. some people are just built that way and look like that with huge heaving bossoms. Like could you imagine having that 'fanservice' line of thinking irl just going outside and seeing someone with fat tits and thinking "woah their parents timed everything right and made sure their dna sequencing was compatible to create a child who would grow up to be a busty adult I'd get to see while I'm getting groceries!" I'm sure someone is adding in fat boobs because of horny reasons but it'd be disingenuous to the human condition to have a story take place where everyone is 'modestly sized' thank you for coming to my TITTalk

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