
Ex-Silksong clown


I don't know how to use Tumblr, but here I am. She or her or they or them, my blog goes throught phases (Like a teenager) and right now, the winner is Hollow Knight, Dishonored and Oxenfree; but I like a bunch of cartoons, videogames and books. If you DM with the desire to talk about something (Especially AU's or theories) you'll make me the happiest programmer

tired: mermaids are all women

wired: much like elves, merfolk are mistaken by sailors for being all women because they have long hair and are very pretty

inspired: merfolk actually have very different concepts of gender to humans because they’re an entirely different species with their own unique culture

marine scientist: what’s your gender?

merperson: what’s a gender

marine scientist: like, are you a man or a woman?

merperson: i’m merfolk

marine scientist: no, like, what’s in your pants?

merperson: i don’t… wear any? i don’t have legs?


It’s a biological fact that fish do indeed change their sex to keep the male/female ratio balanced in their school population. So this fluidity actually makes more sense from a scientific standpoint than the silly idea that merfolk are born with a strictly assigned sex like humans.

Merfolk are all canonically genderfluid and we love them for that

Human: (invites merfolk friend to a boat party with their friends)

Merfolk: oh man, there are a lot of women here. Haha don’t worry guys, I got this :) *changes into a man to keep a balance because that’s culturally polite for merfolk*

Human: (spits drink) what the FUCK


So in the presence of a ship with an entirely or mostly male crew, nearby mermaids would become female to keep the balance.



part two to marcille rolling to seduce dragon falin! (her nat 20'ing won the votes)


You, a heroic paladin have successfully slain a fearsome dragon. But the dragon warns you that death is but a door, and dragons don’t die, they reincarnate. You paid it no mind….until your son was born with golden, slitted eyes.

curious friends and family: hey why does your kid have golden eyes

paladin who for sure fucked the dragon instead of killing it, thinking fast: dragons uh. reincarnate. surprised you didn’t know about that. it’s a common fact that i definitely did not make up. no further questions


It just makes a lot of sense why Marcille and Laios would be good friends, really, because Marcille Will Tell You What Is On Her Mind. If she doesn't like something, she throws a tantrum. If she's down to clown, she clowns like a champ. If she has an opinion, she voices it clearly and concisely. Laios knows exactly where Marcille stands in pretty much every topic.

On Marcille's end, she's down to clown more than people give her credit for. Laios said "yo let's play with these bones and rearrange them in funny ways" and Marcille joined right in. Like, yeah, she'll want to bonk his skull in sometimes, but aside from the monster and dungeon (well, she does have this one, just differently) fascination, she's pretty much in the same wavelength as Laios when it comes to most things.

Which is cool! Because they could've made them hostile siblings in law but they are besties actually.


Chilchuck and senshi shenanigans

(in reference to how Chilchuck is actually middle-aged and has adult children)


Photos Showing That Angle Is Everything.


this is pissing me off

this shit made me mad


This man, can we just look at this for a minute…? The angles are cool and all but this guy??? How fucking strong are his calves and his fucking core for that matter???? How did he do this??? What the fuck????


They optimized the hell out of that fight. Well done intrepid heroes!

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