
Pigments of Imagination

@kanohi-hau-doesfuryevenseethese / kanohi-hau-doesfuryevenseethese.tumblr.com

Elissa. NYS. She/Her. Graphic Designer. Photographer. Click here to learn more about me, or on the "ABOUT ME" link below. I don't do content warnings except for NSFW. (tagged: nsfweli)

Summer's the toothache of the sweetest nectarine dribbling down my chin.

It is the scent of burning citronella and stargazer lilies.

The warm colors of sunset, and the cool of a curtain of swift rain.

Sounds of saxophones. Reverb and whimsy. Humming cicadas. Laughter.

It’s the sticky air clinging to our limbs like glue; suffocating us.

It’s the deep pain of everything you did to me and what you did not.

I thought I’d left you in my rearview like you did. But you are a scar. My eyes can’t see you the same way. Too much has changed. I’ve grown. You won’t like it.


if ur confused about why animal people advocate for keeping your pets at a "healthy weight" but sometimes also in the same breath will advocate against human diet culture, its because we know what body condition a cat is supposed to be at optimally. but literally there is not one for humans as far as we can tell.

humans are a weird, opportunistic, hyper-adaptable and variable primate and we have evolved to have a LOT of variety in size, shape, metabolism, and weight retention. this has been essential to survival in hard times and easy times. you know the thing people talk about sometimes how about half the population are night people and about half are morning people so we'd be better able to watch at night as a group? yeah, weight variation is like that: there's a lot of latent variation in human populations because as a community we survive significantly better if some of us are fuckin ready to not die during the longass winter of death and some of us can eat their weight in fish and then run a mile immediately after. this is also why some people gain muscle crazy fast and some people don't: muscle requires a lot of energy, so some people are built to gain a lot during a plentiful season and be really efficient then and some people are built to use less energy over time and be more useful during a long hungry period. cats and almost all other vertebrates simply don't have this kind of complex community variation built in, and tend to be much more uniform in build and weight. humans tend to be really variable in body and brain, and that's one of the biggest factors that's made us so successful! there are just a LOT of ways to be a human being.

all of the "science" on "ideal human body condition" we have at the moment is almost entirely bullshit and was done by white supremacists for eugenics purposes. it's just not something we know, and right now there's significantly more evidence that there is no ideal body type for everyone to reach. recent research indicates that humans are healthiest at a variety of weights and builds, and dieting is almost universally bad for you. even if the culture hasn't caught up yet.

another important thing to point out is that even if none of that were true, even if there were some ideal optimally-healthy weight for a human to be at, fat-shaming and diet culture would still be bad. there are fat people who are healthy and fat people who are unhealthy, just like there are thin people who are healthy and thin people who are unhealthy.

and unhealthy fat people still deserve respect. people who experience health issues because of their weight deserve respect. obese people deserve respect. people who are 400, 500, 600 pounds deserve respect. people who are fat because they eat a lot and not just because it's their body's natural state or they have a medical condition deserve respect. HEALTH DOES NOT EQUAL WORTH.

the real reason why keeping pets at a healthy weight is important while policing people's weight is bad is because humans... aren't animals. people can make informed choices about their bodies and lives, while animals cannot. it doesn't really matter if there's an ideal human weight or not, because even if someone isn't living ~healthily~ or whatever, that's COMPLETELY FINE and no one else's business.


advertising in general does not encourage me to buy anything they're trying to sell but youtube ads specifically go one step further and awaken in me a desire for incredible and bloody violence

spotify ads too actually

if you interrupt my tunes you have my attention but in the same way as a hiker disturbing a sleeping wild bear


Cyborg: I can interface with satellites that allow me to perceive and measure countless electric signals and waves flying through space and the atmosphere. I can listen to the sun, live. But sure, let’s all freak out because Beast Boy just figured out he can see shrimp colors.

Beast Boy: Cranky ‘cuz you can’t see shrimp colors, aren’t ya?

Raven, not even looking up from her book: Tch. I can see shrimp colors too, it’s just there’s no way for me to see them without also perceiving 13 overlapping hell dimensions at the same time.

Beast Boy: Wh… what?

Cyborg: Seconded. What?

Raven: Oh it’s all ‘Raven why don’t you talk about yourself more’ until I mention the ‘Everyone’s face is peeled off’ dimension.

@stammed-cleams You. You get it.

Robin, who can’t see shit through his white mesh mask: 


my favourite new arrival today to the Suez Canal party is this incredibly conspicuous Russian warship labelled as an oil tanker that’s just anchored amongst the stranded cargo ships. chillin.

realized what the map screenshot is reminding me of glgkdkkdkfjdksj

“russian warship 545 is unhappy”

“well life isn’t fucking fair is it russian warship 545”


Ye saga continueth


Tweet from Ken Klippenstein: "Starting to realize that Elon Musk is a megachurch pastor for atheists."

Excuse me? Give us a little fucking credit...


This is not about any person being an atheist, this is about white supremacist colonialism that isn’t branded on religion & the modern evils it is perpetuating. His cult will defend any war crime he encourages, including destabilizing other nations for their precious metals. His cult of personality is not built on religious terms, but it attracts disaffected atheists who grew up in Christian dominate cultures & it’s a serious issue. Not every white supremacist burns crosses or carries a bible.

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