
Jumping Cattle Hockey!

@jumpingcattlehockey / jumpingcattlehockey.tumblr.com

"She likes to do this thing in the morning with the triple espresso."

Gilmore Girls is turning 20!

Our beloved show is turning 20 in October, which seems so hard to believe! I feel that an anniversary like this shouldn't go unnoticed. Is anyone interested in doing something fun come October? Maybe organizing a rewatch, or we could vote on some sort of awards? Maybe a week of fanfics/fan art? I know the fandom is quieter on here these days, but I wanted to see if there was any interest in doing something. I'm tagging as many as I can think of, but feel free to tag more!

I would love to try and be involved! Work is all consuming lately, so I haven’t had the brain space to write in far too long, but I miss this world so much!

Anonymous asked:

I LOVE YOUR WRiTING!!! Do you still have any plans for a sequel to Defining All In? I absolutely loved it. I’m currently also enjoying going back and reading your shorter docs as well. You have a great perspective and handle on Lorelai- so many docs make her a charicature of how she was originally portrayed by ASP and Lauren Graham. Thanks fo much for keeping her just as interesting and multifaceted.


Defining All In sequel: It’s never off the table! I have to find the right central plot first (I’m not a fan of unending day in the life type sagas, I need a solid through story). I know a lot about where the characters are after DAI, though, so that helps. Hopefully someday.

And thanks again, seriously. The characterizations of the characters - Lorelai especially since she’s my fave - are super important to me, so this kind of feedback makes me feel like a million bucks. :D

One thing I gotta admit: so much of what I draw from comes directly from the acting and directing.

Lauren puts SO much nuance into Lorelai, giving her more depth than is visible in just the dialogue, especially in seasons 5-7. I’m more of an actor than a writer, so I focus on what the actors are doing, and get into character to write, too. And then the fun part of writing (for me) is being able to relay the internal dialogue the actor can only use body language for.

The downside of this is being completely blocked when I can’t “get into character”. RevivalLuke, for example, threw me, because a post season seven Luke, to me, should not be so... regressive and unevolved. But anyway.

TLDR: characterization is everything to me, so I appreciate it being noticed. :D And thanks for reading the smaller fics, too! They’re not very popular, but Less Complicated, especially, holds a special place in my heart.

Anonymous asked:

youre back! more fic please!

Workin’ on it! Slowly but surely. 

I’ve written more in the last few weeks than I have in quite some time, which feels amazing. The job has been kind of eating me alive the last several months, but recently, the creative juices began flowing freely, so I’m really trying to carve out time to write.

Thanks for hanging in there with me! 


Can we talk about Younger for a second? Cause I need to talk about Younger for a second.

The biggest red flag people are throwing up involves Charles being resentful of Liza down the road. It’s possible; he’s only human. Empirical was his family legacy. But, even though he’s not running it, he still gets to be apart of it. He was a huge part of it becoming the powerhouse that it was. The only reason that they were in the hole so deeply is because they refused to work with a sexual harasser. That shows that the company, and by proxy its leader, has integrity beyond that of many other businesses and individuals. 

Ah yes. Integrity. When Charles found out about Liza’s age, he was upset. He felt betrayed. And understandably so. As a lover, friend, or employer, that kind of thing would be upsetting for someone in any one of those positions; think about someone who was in all three. But once he processed it, once he understood why she did it, it was old news. He never mentioned it again, unless they were both making jokes (like about her reading glasses). He never threw it back in her face. He never pressured her to come clean. In fact, he did a lot of work on his end to make sure she could keep up the charade, and he did so because he knows how much her job means to her, and because he loves her and wants her to be happy. Then we have Josh, who, since finding out about the lie, has thrown it back in Liza’s face basically every chance he gets. Any time he is upset with her, both when they were together and when they were not, that becomes the barb with which he strikes her. He’s allowed to feel hurt and betrayed also, but nothing was at stake for him like it has been for Charles. But time and time again, he has rubbed salt in that wound; he’s never let it heal. 

Now then. Back to Charles turning over his company to Quinn, Kelsey, and the other good people of Empirical (side note: can Diana also get some kind of promotion? Homegirl deserves a raise or something). His declaration to Liza in the park touched me in a big way:

“It was my life. But maybe it’s time for a new one with you and my kids. My father’s company is still alive and I get to watch you help run it. I have got everything I want.”


So besides the fact that it’s romantic as hell, it takes me back to when we first met Pauline (side note: I am so surprised she didn’t make an appearance…to quote Rory Gilmore, she’s “like a pop-up book from hell.”). Forgive me for paraphrasing or if I am over simplifying, but Pauline always said that she left Charles and the girls because she lost sight of who she was…and part of that had to do with Charles being a workaholic who cared more about his job than his wife’s happiness. He shut down emotionally when things got tough. He was unwilling to communicate with her. He just expected her to play her part and be happy with what he was doing. 

So let’s flip the script. Charles passed his company on to a wealthy businesswoman and one of his employees so that it could stay afloat. So that the woman he loves could keep the job that she loves, with the people she loves. So that he could have more in his life besides his job. He and Liza are not perfect communicators, but they aren’t afraid to say how they feel, even if it’s hard and even if it’s not what the other person wants to hear. Their ability to be completely vulnerable and honest with each other is charming, intoxicating, and sometimes a little heartbreaking. She sees him and he sees her. He is happy that Liza gets to continue playing a part in running Empirical/Millennial even though that means he has to step away. And we covered some of the “resentment” factor already, but I don’t think it will be a huge issue because even though he lost something, Charles is gaining a lot more. He made that choice because he truly wants those other things. Nobody forced his hand; nobody made him give it all away. He easily could have denied his relationship with Liza (I actually thought he was gonna say, “It’s completely false” instead of “consensual” tbh), and I’m almost willing to bet that she would have understood. She would’ve been pissed, but I think she would’ve understood, especially based on her reaction when he starts to tell her the truth of it all. 

We do know that Charles is impulsive when it comes to following his heart, by his own admission, but this isn’t the first time that he’s had to make a choice between his relationship with Liza and something else important. He always chooses Liza. Everything Charles has ever done over the course of the series has been for the good of Empirical. And even still, he’s making big changes for the good of the company. But this time, he’s also doing it for the good of Liza…of their relationship. So she can succeed. So their relationship can thrive. He’s putting her wants and needs before his own. He’s putting their relationship before his job. 

Charles and Pauline’s relationship didn’t work out because Charles was a self-obsessed workaholic who always put work first. Charles and Liza’s relationship will work out because he’s a compassionate, benevolent human being who has begun to put work second. 

The ending of the episode has me a little concerned about what is to come, but I am cautiously optimistic. People have said that they look unhappy. I disagree. I think that’s the first moment that the magnitude and reality of what has transpired in the last 24-48 hours (or more) for them has really sunk in; and the reality and magnitude of what’s next. Darren Starr himself said, “It doesn’t mean that they don’t want to be together. It doesn’t mean unhappily ever after, just realistically ever after.” 

Anyways, Younger is the best show and I am so grateful for it. 


The Story Behind the Jeans

A Gilmore Girls ficlet inspired by a conversation with @fruitofthe-poisonoustree​ about Luke's lack of adherence to more appropriate dress codes when meeting with the elder Gilmores as Lorelai's boyfriend for the first time.

This is lightly edited and decidedly unbeta’d; excuse any spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors.


Tagged by @thatsafulllid​!

1st rule: tag 9 people you want to get to know better: I know her pretty well, but I’m gonna tag @fruitofthe-poisonoustree​ anyway. And if you wanna do this, say I tagged you ‘cause I have been bad about being active on the Tumblrs and I don’t even know who’s still around and about and how life is going.

2nd rule: bold the statements that are true

appearance - i am 5'7 or taller - i wear glasses - i have at least one tattoo - i have at least one piercing - i have blonde hair- i have brown eyes - i have short hair - my abs are at least somewhat defined - i have or had braces

personality - i love meeting new people - people tell me i am funny - helping others with their problems is a big priority of mine - i enjoy physical challenges - i enjoy mental challenges - i am playfully rude to people i know- i started saying something ironically and now i can’t stop saying it - there is something i would change about my personality

ability - i can sing well - i can play an instrument - i can do over 30 pushups without stopping - i am a fast runner - i can draw well - i have a good memory- i am good at doing math in my head - i can hold my breath underwater for over a minute - i have beaten at least 2 people arm wrestling - i can make at least 3 recipes from scratch - i know how to throw a proper punch

hobbies - i enjoy sports - i’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else - i’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else - i have learned a new song in the past week - i exercise at least once a week (I try)- i have gone for runs at least once a week in warmer months - i have drawn something in the past month - i enjoy writing - i do some form of martial arts

experiences - i have had my first kiss - i have had alcohol - i have scored a winning point in a sport - i have watched an entire tv series in one sitting - i have been at an overnight event- i have been in a taxi - i have been in the hospital or er in the past year - i have beaten a video game in one day - i have visited another country - i have been to one of my favorite bands concerts

my life - i have one person that i consider to be my Best Friend™ - i live close to my school/work - my parents are still together - i have at least one sibling - i live in the united states i have hung out with a friend in the past month - i have a smart phone - i own at least 15 cds - i share my room with someone

relationships - i am in a relationship - i have a crush on a celebrity - i have a crush on someone i know - i’ve been in at least 3 relationships - i have never been in a relationship - i have admitted my feelings to a crush - i get crushes easily - i have had a crush for over a year - i have been in a relationship for over a year - i have had feelings for a friend

random - i have break-danced - i know a person named jamie - i have had a teacher that has a name that is hard to pronounce - i have dyed my hair -i’m listening to a song on repeat right now - i have punched someone in the past week - i know someone who has gone to jail - i have broken a bone - i have eaten a waffle today - i know what i want to do in life - i speak at least two languages - i have made a new friend in the past year

Anonymous asked:

Prompt Response: S2, after or during Lorelai's Graduation Day: Lorelai apologizes to Luke in sincere way (more like the 'Mimi' speech, but you choose medium of apology), and tells him that Jess needs him because he's family. Nice if Lorelai doesn't expect to make up in return (no hidden motive). Bonus: Allusion to talk from S2E9 about always being there for each other. (Feel free to rewrite the prompt as you see fit).

Ohhh, goodness. So, this didn’t quite turn out the way you were hoping, largely because of my very strong preexisting feelings about this particular story arc. I’ll explain in more detail at the end. I did, at least, try to soften how I’d prefer to deal with rewriting any kind of apology issued to at least somewhat stick to your request.

We begin a few days after Lorelai’s graduation, following the episode…

Anonymous asked:

hand with pen icon [i dont know how to do it and didnt copy/paste but welcome back]

I’m glad the revival happened for one reason: the people it brought into this funky li’l fandom and the friendships that came of that. But...

Unpopular opinion: The series was more enjoyable leaving “what happened next” after season 7 to the imagination. I mean, my god, they even took the awesome KC’s away from us. Is nothing sacred? 😭


✍︎ - bring it on!! :D


Since the episodes introducing Liz (in the flesh) first aired, I’ve had some serious confusion over her character. This person we’d been lead to believe was absolutely terrible... wasn’t.

And so, I’ve come to realize it was solely through Luke and Jess and their patented self-righteous perspectives that we believed Liz to be so terrible.

On-screen, we see her son and brother treat people more atrociously than anything we ever see from her.

So. Unpopular opinion: Liz is actually pretty awesome, and the Danes men have judged her unfairly. Most likely Luke and Liz’s dad was pissed she left Stars Hollow, Luke carried the torch, and Jess... well... ‘nuff said.


Rules: Tag nine people you want to get to know better.

Tagged by @frazzledsoul

Relationship status: Single and pretty much staying that was for the time being because men in the US are trash, and you don’t get to choose your sexuality, so I’m stuck in this cis-het hell.

Favourite colour: This truly varies, but I’ve had a thing for teal/minty tones the last few years.

Lipstick or chapstick: There is no “OR” here. This is a “BOTH” situation, people.

Last song: “Light” from the ‘Next to Normal’ cast recording.

Last movie: Kiki, the documentary (underwhelming, btw, stick with ‘Paris is Burning’ which it tries so hard to be it fails to be interesting, and can’t compete with the original).

Top three tv shows: X-Files (this burns so soon after the shit show that was the revival seasons, but whatever). West Wing. Gilmore Girls. I think. But can I also throw Blackish and Madam Secretary in this? Because they’re so fucking good.

Top three ships: Mulder and Scully, Han and Leia (my OG ship), aaaand I’m sorry but Henry and Elizabeth McCord are gonna bump Luke and Lorelai these days because of the GG revival (I’m working on erasing it from my mind, but I’m not there yet).

Top three bands: REM, REM, and REM. Okay, fine, U2 can squeeze in there. Yes, I’m an old. Deal.

Three favourite foods: Sushi. Lebanese food. Thai food. Dessert. That’s four. Rules are made to be broken.

Currently reading: I’d love to list some culturally fascinating books here, but fuck. X-Files fic.

Tagging: no one because I’m super fucking late to doing this as it is and everyone I know has probably already done it. So tag yourself if you see this and didn’t do it and say I tagged you. 




Fuck revivals, anyway.

Except for Will & Grace. You can stay. You are a bright, shining little sunshine in these dark times that I didn’t know I needed.

Hi. With X-Files out of the way, I will try to focus on Gilmore Girls (pre-revival *ahem*) again.

Anonymous asked:

stop. what are 3 things currently on your mind. go.

Oh, that’s fun.

1. This: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tgq97tnOIk and how that piece of music (love you, Mark Snow) and the Land Race from the movie Far & Away (John Williams) are two of my favorite pieces of music of all time. To quote what I just said to my best friend a few minutes ago: Those two pieces of music set my soul aflight. I would give just about anything to hear both or either live at the Hollywood Bowl, directed by their composers. Lord (the link above and this one are probably about as close as I’ll ever get *sigh*). The score from Sweeney Todd might be third.

2. Whether or not I should be an adult and put away my folded laundry tonight or whether I can wait to do it in the morning before I go to brunch.

3. How much I like my decision to move three of my candlesticks from my bar cart to a side table, and the endless conflict of whether one should actually light said decorative candles or not.

Welcome my mind?

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