my kids are vegetarians

@seshomieru /

I do what I want 26

fascinating that when you tell people "you have to learn the rules to break them" when talking about drawing/painting etc everyone nods and agrees but the second you say "you have to read books if you want to write better" there's a horde of contrarians begging to be the wrongest people ever all of a sudden


"i cant watch shows about fantasy kingdoms without thinking about how they should be abolishing the monarchy" that my friend sounds like a skill issue

if im watching the lord of the rings extended edition i am a monarchist for 682 minutes


Therapy is risky because sometimes they'll just ask you their standard "why can't you, though", and you think you're making some good point by saying something like "well if I don't do anything with my life then what's the point of being alive in the first place" and your therapist gets that look on their face and you immediately realise that your dumb ass just got caught, pinned to the ground with your stupid-ass neck between the spikes of a pitchfork, and you are not going to wiggle out of there before you two unpack what the fuck you just said.


Who the hell keeps signing me up for the Foo Fighters newsletter?

I don’t even like the Foo Fighters. I’ve unsubscribed from this thing dozens of times.

I have been receiving it since 2006.

Mottherf— it happened again.

If this is a practical joke, I kind of have to admire the tenacity of whoever’s doing it – it’s been eleven years and counting at this point.

And again.

At this point I kind of hope it’s just a weirdly persistent technical or administrative issue on the part of the band’s social media firm, because if somebody I know really has been re-subscribing me every few months for the last fifteen years, nobody should have that kind of time on their hands!

Welcome to another year of being inexplicably unable to unsubscribe from the Foo Fighters newsletter.


I feel I should clarify for those just joining us that this has been going on for longer than Tumblr has existed.

Happy 18th anniversary to my inexplicable inability to unsubscribe from the Foo Fighters newsletter.


It's not even just Debra Messing, it's Quentin Tarantino as well

He even helps to boost the morale of Israel military troops. You know? Raising their spirits so that they have the mental and emotional strength to continue killing Palestinians 🤷🏻‍♀️


it’s not fucking tinnitus idiot that’s my guardian angel speaking to me

“what’s xe saying” eeeeeeeeee

stop reblogging this without the addition if i dont have neopronouns in my posts theyll end up in terflandia by like 500 notes

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