
I Draw Sometimes, Perhaps

@dragabond-art / dragabond-art.tumblr.com

Art blog for @dragabond. A bunch of my art and doodles, whether I think they're good or bad. I'll also be reblogging art memes and references. Please let me know if you need anything tagged. This blog has the potential to have NSFW content so NO MINORS. Art is slightly jumbled and not in order due to moving blogs and Tumblr Mobile. It starts to be in order from /post/167523299660.

How to draw: Not white characters

How to draw hijabs/traditional Muslim hair coverings (note, he used incorrect terminology, what he called a burqa was actually a niqab! Sorry for the mistake)

All links and art provided by @ itsajart on TikTok

Before you go “mY aRt sTyLe iS dIfFrEnT tHoUgH” you can moderate it and play around with your style to get it to fit.


Something like this would be so colossally helpful. I'm sick and tired of trying to research specific clothing from any given culture and being met with either racist stereotypical costumes worn by yt people or ai generated garbage nonsense, and trying to be hyper specific with searches yields fuck all. Like I generally just cannot trust the legitimacy of most search results at this point. It's extremely frustrating. If there are good resources for this then they're buried deep under all the other bullshit, and idk where to start looking.


May I present to you, nationalclothing.org?

It doesn't have everything, but it's still my first source when researching traditional clothing from other cultures.

There's also this resource on historical fashion: Claire’s Historical Fashion Reference & Resources


another addition as far as physical media goes there is the encyclopedia of national dress (that i still need to buy myself bc this kind of thing is super important to my sort of fantasy designing) but yes i do agree i wish there was EVEN MORE documentation on this

here are some resources for Indian clothing archives:

Purushu Arie's blog; started when he was studying at NIFT, the blogger has gone on to become a leader in the neo-traditional fashion scene in India.

if anyone knows more please add links !


Is anyone perchance able and wanting 2 commission me for some art?? I rlly need the money and also need an excuse to draw SOMETHING again bc trying to just draw for myself has not been working out well. I can do simple character refs, human, anthro/furry, and robots!

Heads up that my work may be slow due to work and health issues!

In case there’s multiple people interested I’m reserving 3 slots to avoid overworking and burning out!




EDIT: all slots filled! No more commissions available



Hi! Thanks to me injuring my ankle pretty badly and having to see a doctor about it, PLUS gas money and tax returns pulling money out of my bank finally, I’ve just about lost $300+ total today so I’m holding a sale on my adoptables!

All adoptables will be 25% off the original price until the end of April! Members of my discord get a total of 40% off of them!

If you want to join my discord for the bonus discount, message and ask me about it! The only rule is that you can’t leave immediately after getting the discount. Pretty self explanatory reason for that, I hope.

Sale is now over!

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