
occasional posts from users


reblog if you make occasional posts


Sometimes I still hear my voice


ID: screen capture which says


Is Tumbir still relevant?

Tumblr couldn't maintain its popularity against other social media platforms.

Today, Tumblr is not as popular as it used to be for varying reasons. However, the platform is still online, with occasional posts from its users.

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The fact that homelessness is controversial tells you everything you need to know about conservatives.

Ex foster kids, First Nations people and individuals with mental health issues. Homeless is a reflection of our failure as a society, not of individuals.

Homelessness is a policy choice. Every day our government, in our name, chooses not to do anything to help people get housing.


works w/ youtube, soundcloud, twitch, twitter (gifs and videos), tumblr (video and audio), and most other websites you're probably lookin to download stuff off of.

for anyone wondering about privacy and whatnot, i'm happy to say that the developers are pretty committed to have 0 trackers and 0 data retention. you can read more in their "about" section, but here's the basic important stuff:



^ (one of the lead devs that made cobalt)

thank you for your thingy, it's real useful 🙏


being in an actual healthy and loving relationship is really actually beautiful and awesome and I understand why so much art is centered around love


The nazis that you see in movies are as much a historical fantasy as vikings with horned helmets and samurai cutting people in half.

The nazis were not some vague evil that wanted to hurt people for the sake of hurting them. They had specific goals which furthered a far right agenda, and they wanted to do harm to very specific groups, (largely slavs, jews, Romani, queer people, communists/leftists, and disabled people.)

The nazis didn't use soldiers in creepy gas masks as their main imagery that they sold to the german people, they used blond haired blue eyed families. Nor did they stand up on podiums saying that would wage an endless and brutal war, they gave speeches about protecting white Christian society from degenerates just like how conservatives do today.

Nazis weren't atheists or pagans. They were deeply Christian and Christianity was part of their ideology just like it is for modern conservatives. They spoke at lengths about defending their Christian nation from godless leftism. The ones who hated the catholic church hated it for protestant reasons. Nazi occultism was fringe within the party and never expected to become mainstream, and those occultists were still Christian, none of them ever claimed to be Satanists or Asatru.

Nazis were also not queer or disabled. They killed those groups, before they had a chance to kill almost anyone else actually. Despite the amount of disabled nazis or queer/queer coded nazis you'll see in movies and on TV, in reality they were very cishet and very able bodied. There was one high ranking nazi early on who was gay and the other nazis killed him for that. Saying the nazis were gay or disabled makes about as much sense as saying they were Jewish.

The nazis weren't mentally ill. As previously mentioned they hated disabled people, and this unquestionably included anyone neurodivergent. When the surviving nazi war criminals were given psychological tests after the war, they were shown to be some of the most neurotypical people out there.

The nazis weren't socialists. Full stop. They hated socialists. They got elected on hating socialists. They killed socialists. Hating all forms of lefitsm was a big part of their ideology, and especially a big part of how they sold themselves.

The nazis were not the supervillians you see on screen, not because they didn't do horrible things in real life, they most certainly did, but because they weren't that vague apolitical evil that exists for white American action heros to fight. They did horrible things because they had a right wing authoritarian political ideology, an ideology that is fundamentally the same as what most of the modern right wing believes.


It should be illegal to require that any device or software connect to the internet just to run. I shouldn't need to log in with microsoft to open any of their programs on my local computer. All games should be playable without access to an online server. All media you pay for should be downloadable to local disk as a raw file and if they don't like that because they know you'll share it and upload it, tough shit. They took your money already, they'll live.


I'm just saying, if there's a curse that runs along your family line and you don't tell your kids about it, how the hell are they supposed to go on a quest to stop it?

Tell your children about your medical history.


Vladimir Nabokov, letter to his wife Véra, Letters to Véra (ed. Brian Boyd & trans. Olga Voronin)

[Text ID: “I love you. Without end.”]

Going to start wearing a sign that says "I don't yield to ableds" as I refuse to move for the people trying to get on through the accessible bus entrance/exit before I've gotten off.

Be disabled. Take up space. Demand your accommodations. Make them wait, make them move, and don't feel sorry about it.


Allow me to elucidate, @a-sour-nectarine

When most people "roll their eyes", they flick their eyes directly upward, usually as far as they comfortably go, then resume looking normally.

When someone who learned the phrase before the behavior does it, they usually go in a circular (ish) motion. Since most eye movements are lines, it's usually pretty triangular: the key points are usually a diagonal up one way, then to the far other side, then to a diagonal low the first way. Thus, the eyes basically make a loop, so they "rolled".

I've found that when people who learned the up-down way first try the circular motion, they might risk motion sickness, so experiment carefully.


My dad used to yell at me for rolling my eyes and I'd get so confused, bc I hadn't *rolled* them, I'd just looked up.

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