
I am involuntary orange

@involuntaryorange / involuntaryorange.tumblr.com

fandom citrus with a lot of wasted potential. AO3: involuntaryorange
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Our Flag Means Death (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet Characters: Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Stede Bonnet, Crew of the Revenge (Our Flag Means Death) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Established Relationship, 69 (Sex Position), except not really, Fluff and Smut, Fluffersmutter, Humor, comedic misunderstandings Summary:
Stede discovers sixty-nining. Or so he thinks.

I’m still alive! I wrote a new fic!


The Fuckery of Art

by involuntaryorange

Edward Teach is sick of being Blackbeard, the “bad boy of performance art.” He decides to take a painting class with famous(ly bland) landscape painter Stede Bonnet.

If you guessed that they’re going to fall in love, you’re right.

Words: 4217, Chapters: 3/12, Language: English

Hi everyone! I’m still alive! And (still?) writing fic! I’ve got the OFMD brainrot like everyone else.


im still not over the one fic i read where the character tries to sleep with students of all the ivy league schools and at the end the author goes "I've only ever done 1, and that's from the one i went to. Oh well, good to have life goals."

like the big dick energy in that is astounding

like first you're taken aback by the fact that they've fucked someone from an Ivy League, then you're hit with the info that they went to an ivy league, and then you're hit with the sex bucket list nonchalance and it all ties up in one absolutely badass package. it's fantastic. best author's note I've ever read.

This is an extremely delayed response, but I just have to say I have never before been described as having BDE and seeing this honestly made my week. Possibly my month.


I’m only halfway through this fic and am just going to go ahead and rec it because it’s stunning. Outsider POV of Crowley seeking therapy for the trauma of his — well, everything, written by someone who is either a therapist themselves or has researched the hell out of it. NO SPOILERS if you’ve finished it already, I’m really enjoying watching it unfold.

@involuntaryorange recced this to me and i wholeheartedly agree: it is gorgeous

It's truly exceptional!


An odd fetish I heard about was flattened people. Like... cartoons flattened by hammers or Flat Stanley things. Fairly odd imo


lmao WHAT 

again no judgment but like what’s with the fatal fetishes??


I have this theory that a good 50% of fetishes that adults have these days can be attributed to watching “Who Framed Roger Rabbit?” at a young age.


The first time Crowley sees Aziraphale naked, a few weeks after the Apocalapse, he rears back in shock.

“Is something wrong?” Aziraphale asks.

Crowley’s mouth works silently for a few moments. “What is that,” he finally manages, although he can’t muster up a question mark.

“What is what?” Aziraphale looks down at his own body, following Crowley’s eyeline. “My penis? Oh no, did I do it wrong?” He pokes at it anxiously. “Is it too small?”

A sound rips from Crowley’s throat. It could be a hysterical laugh or it could be a scream. “Too small? Too small? How big do you think they normally are?

Because Aziraphale is, to put it politely, well-endowed. To put it less politely, he has an absolute monster of a knob. A titanic cock. Porn stars would weep and recoil in fear. A stallion would be jealous. It would be comical if it weren’t so intimidating.

In lieu of answering, Aziraphale's hands flutter about as though looking for pockets to hide in. Not like there’d be much room for hands in his trousers, Crowley thinks, wildly.

“How long have you been walking around with that— that thing?”

“Hm. I manifested it sometime during the Renaissance. Codpieces were all the rage, you know; needed something to fill it out.”

“Those must have been some bloody enormous codpieces.”

“Oh!” Aziraphale looks at his own genitals consideringly. “Is my penis large?”

“Is it large. Is it large. I’m half expecting Moses to come down from it with the Ten Commandments.”

“Well, I have no frame of reference! I— er— I haven’t had much exposure to them in the flesh, as it were.”

“Then how, pray tell, did you decide on the size?”

Aziraphale shifts uncomfortably. “Erm, I looked at some medieval manuscripts...”

“Angel.” Crowley rubs his eyes. “You’re telling me that you based your genital configuration on the pornographic doodles some horny monks drew in the margins of manuscripts?”

“I didn’t realize they were so unrealistic!”

“How do you even find trousers that fit?”

Aziraphale, red with embarrassment, grumbles. “Fine. You’ve made your point. I’ll shrink it down to a more reasonable size.”

“Now wait just a second,” Crowley says. “Let’s not be hasty.”

Aziraphale arches an eyebrow in surprise. “Oh, really.”

Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Good Omens (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens) Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Crack, Idiots in Love, Aziraphale thinks he can cook, Aziraphale is almost entirely wrong Summary: If there’s one thing the fandom agrees on other than Aziraphale’s sheer perfection, it’s this: don’t, under any circumstances, attempt his recipes.

Inspired by @mostweakhamlets, written on a whim, unbeta-ed, 100% crack.


Aziraphale having a little internet cooking show

Crowley sets it all up. He thinks it's cute. He starts growing berries and herbs in his garden.

Aziraphale starts out with like three viewers per video. He's so proud. Crowley is, too.

Then he just kinda blows up. Crowley is a bit more internet savvy. He finds out Aziraphale is referred to as a cute, happy grandpa teaching people to cook. People like how positive he is about cooking and food in general. Young people who seem to be on their own for the first time are genuinely grateful for his tutorials and advice.

Aziraphale starts answering questions--can fresh be substituted for frozen, can lemon juice replace lemon, how long has he been cooking--and Crowley has a good idea to have do a little livestream while baking one day. People ask questions in the comments as he talks to them as if they're really there. He misses most of them as he's so distracted. Crowley watches from the side, avoiding being in frame.

Then someone asks how he grows his own ingredients. He beams and drops everything.

"My dear husband is a wonderful gardener!"

Crowley blushes. The comments go wild. Aziraphale grabs him by the arm and pulls him in front of the camera.

"This is my husband... Anthony."

Crowley ducks his head, face burning. He tries leaving. Aziraphale has a hard hold while he gushes for five minutes about how amazing Crowley is, how wonderful he is for growing fresh ingredients for his little hobby, and "no matter what he says he is a very nice man." Crowley hisses quietly.

Aziraphale lets him go. Crowley shuffles back to his place at the table.

"Where were we--ah!"

By the end of the night Aziraphale is happily finishing his dish and chatting away, occasionally turning to Crowley to make a small comment or acknowledge him when the questions about their relationship come flooding in. He's radiating love by that point and, still streaming, spins towards Crowley.

"What do you say to a few more godchildren, dear?"

The comments crash.

More little things:

  • Crowley begins appearing in videos after the livestream. Aziraphale will pull him into frame and hold out a spoonful of his latest dish for Crowley to taste. The viewers love it, Aziraphale says, and he knows Crowley does, too
  • Aziraphale becomes known as an LGBT icon. Comments become an equal mix of people discussing the recipes and expressing their love of seeing such a healthy queer relationship
  • Because the comments start becoming personal as Aziraphale's audience becomes majorly young LGBT people, he begins peppering in life advice to the best of his ability. He says that he understands what's it like to not be accepted and to go against what he's been told is God's plan, but now he has Crowley and a little cottage and his joy now is indescribable
  • He journies out to the garden with the camera some days. It's shaky footage. Aziraphale doesn't understand how the zoom works so he's obviously just moving the camera closer when he wants to get a close up of plants. Crowley is always there, ripping out weeds, plucking berries and herbs and laying them in a basket. People are genuinely amazed by how perfect Crowley's garden is. Aziraphale doesn't tell them Crowley's secret. It's already hard having people passing by stare as Crowley yells when he finds a weed.

Aziraphale doesn't actually know how to cook, is the thing. He simply expects that his dishes will turn out amazing, so they do. His fans are baffled; any time they attempt to replicate his recipes, it ends in unmitigated disaster. But they were never really watching for the cooking advice, anyway.


Only now I noticed there is an inscription in the painting:

Al mio amico Antonio dal tuo amico Leo da V. 


To my friend Anthony from your friend Leo da V.

Is it just me or do those first few O’s look a bit flat on the right, almost but not quite like A’s?

Al mi@ amic@ Antoni@, dal tuo amico Leo da V

Check out Leonardo, inventing gender neutral language centuries before everyone else.


We never see or hear anything about Crowley being athletic in any way. But we do Aziraphale is a skilled swordsman based off his appointment as the Guardian of the Eastern gate and his handling of the flaming sword when he actually has it. The point I'm trying to get at here is that in this relationship Aziraphale is the Jock.

Also, Aziraphale can dance when it's clearly said that NO OTHER ANGEL CAN.

Can someone please draw Crowley wearing a letterman jacket that is way too short in the arms for him

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